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Yeah, they can get a bit evangelistic. If you do want to continue breastfeeding and get back to work, have you tried expressing milk and bottle-feeding that?

NickB (NickB), Thursday, 2 February 2006 12:08 (eighteen years ago) link

Yes, I have. I brought it up and the woman at Kind&Gezin (Child&Family) thought I was talking about formula feeding so she began shouting at the phone:"Oh no!" but then, when she realized I was talking about pumping, she said it could be done but wasn't keen on the idea. This is all good and well: but if you run a shop, it's difficult to send the employees somewhere else every few hours especially if one of'em is *hard of hearing*. I practically have to beg her to go away. *sigh*

Nathalie (stevie nixed), Thursday, 2 February 2006 12:53 (eighteen years ago) link

Maybe I am eating too much milk and yoghurt and she's a bit allergic to it?

Don't worry about this; milk proteins and lactose don't work this way, as you will digest them first. Other things can pass into your milk untouched because they are absorbed directly into your bloodstream - alcohol, the volatile oils from garlic and onions.

It can work well to express your milk and bottle feed, and to nurse the baby when possible - I did it for months. Freeze your milk as soon as possible to preserve the enzymes and warm it under warm, not hot, running water. It is important to nurse the baby as often as you can (I was able to once in the morning and two-three times in the evenings), otherwise your milk will eventually dwindle.

Even though I nursed my son, he was a projectile vomiter. It was just the way he was (apparently, I was too). He eventually grew out of it, though it was frustrating all the time it happened. As long as the baby is filling her diapers and gaining weight, she's doing fine, regardless of spit-ups and burps.

Jaq (Jaq), Thursday, 2 February 2006 13:49 (eighteen years ago) link

Argh, I wrote that in haste, it's over-simplified - but all proteins and complex sugars will be broken down by your digestive system into their component amino acids and simple sugars before your milk ducts re-assemble them into the proteins and sugars that make up your milk.

Jaq (Jaq), Thursday, 2 February 2006 14:20 (eighteen years ago) link

I'll be all about this thread by September.

Raymond Cummings (Raymond Cummings), Thursday, 2 February 2006 16:56 (eighteen years ago) link

Aw, congratulations!

NickB (NickB), Thursday, 2 February 2006 17:00 (eighteen years ago) link

How far along are you Raymond?

Miss Misery xox (MissMiseryTX), Thursday, 2 February 2006 17:13 (eighteen years ago) link

Woohoo! Congratulations! Post ultrasound pics and tell us all about morning sickness. :-)

Nathalie (stevie nixed), Thursday, 2 February 2006 17:25 (eighteen years ago) link

Natalie, my first son threw up after breastfeeding for the first 6-8 months of his life. As in, after 90% of his feedings, his burps would result in vomitus. My wife was paranoid with fear but repeated trips to the doctor allayed that somewhat. His favorite thing was to puke down my back. In other words, my experience was the same as Jaq's.

congrats, Raymond!

don weiner (don weiner), Thursday, 2 February 2006 17:27 (eighteen years ago) link

Nath remind me again how old Ophelia is? If you can give breastfeeding six weeks you may find that you start to sync up, and if it's still an enormous pain, the six weeks of mothers milk will have given her a bunch of benefits and you shouldn't feel guilty about switching to formula. Fussing with bottles and mixing formula is no treat either though, and decreasing your baby's demand on mothers milk this early will most likely mean that you'll gradually stop producing. Pumping is totally okay, you're probably not going to have nipple confusion at this point and in fact it may be a good idea to start feeding her expressed milk from a bottle so that she gets used to having it that way and doesn't completely refuse a bottle later.

Make sure you're drinking enough water--that could be the source of your headaches. And if you think it could be dairy in your diet causing trouble, cut it out for a couple of weeks and see what happens. I have actually read that milk is the most common allergen, so my information conflicts with yours, Jaq. Here's an article:

teeny (teeny), Thursday, 2 February 2006 17:40 (eighteen years ago) link

She's only about 14 days old. I realize I'm overreacting - sleep deprivation is ass - but I do want what's best for my baby (and also, for myself). I only think about formula at night when I want to tear my hair out cause I think I'm being a lousy mother. ;-) As you said breast milk is the best option so I should stick with it. I'll probably go buy a pump: in a month or so, the shop will be too busy to do breastfeeding. :-(

Nathalie (stevie nixed), Thursday, 2 February 2006 17:49 (eighteen years ago) link

I totally went through the same thing, don't feel bad. And come to think of it, Louis went through a week or so of heavy-duty vomiting around the same time, maybe they just need a little time to figure out the capacities of those little bellies. Are you back to work already?

teeny (teeny), Thursday, 2 February 2006 18:03 (eighteen years ago) link

No, not really. Well, I stay at home during the morning but in the afternoon I try to be in the shop. :-) How about you? Working already?

Nathalie (stevie nixed), Thursday, 2 February 2006 18:13 (eighteen years ago) link

Thanks for that Teeny - I just learned a lot more about protein metabolism. Here's a link to a 1993 study that confirms the transfer of beta-lactoglobulin (the suspected culprit in milk allergies) from cow's milk to human blood serum. And an incredible amount of detail on how human lactation works.

Jaq (Jaq), Thursday, 2 February 2006 18:27 (eighteen years ago) link


wow, I can't believe you're even doing half-days so soon! I'm working a little next week and even that's tough. Child care is a pain to arrange when you work weird hours.

teeny (teeny), Thursday, 2 February 2006 18:49 (eighteen years ago) link

Well, it's not really work-work: the shop's pretty quiet at the moment so it's not as if I'm working my ass off. I prefer to be in the shop around people. :-)

Nathalie (stevie nixed), Thursday, 2 February 2006 19:05 (eighteen years ago) link

Mrs. Hunter pumped and froze until she could stand it no more after, erm maybe 7+ months. She had to do this amidst her workday. The kid was, shall we say, a very enthusiastic consumer.

He converted to cow milk around a year. Despite my concern that "milk is for cows," and general lack of enthusiasm for him eating much dairy, he is apparently a two-legged, blue-eyed holstein, he loooooves milk, cottage cheese, mozzarella and yogurt. For a while, he didn't want to eat anything without yogurt mixed with it, or mozzarella melted onto it.

What do you guys do when a toddler will only eat a VERY limited number of foods, and snubs the rest despite your served menu?

Hunter (Hunter), Thursday, 2 February 2006 19:07 (eighteen years ago) link

All of your kids are adorable. I have a question. Learning seems so accelerated these days--is there a point where it levels out or are we going to be dealing with a glut of geniuses in the future? I had a parent in my "Time for Twos" storytime ask if maybe her child would be better served in the 3-5 Storytime. I told her by all means to check it out and see which one was better for her. My next door neighbours, grades 3 and 1, are like geniuses: accomplished artists, great readers and writers. It seems that in my generation, early learning was much less structured. My sister and I did not start reading and painting at extremely young ages and we do not seem to be the worse for it. Thoughts? Do some kids get really bored around 3/4/5 th grade because they have already learned the elementary canon?

Mary (Mary), Thursday, 2 February 2006 19:11 (eighteen years ago) link

i think all kids learn differently. there's definitely more pressure now, and more people trying to sell you things to make your kids geniuses, but isn't it funny how that corresponds to american students doing worse and worse in comparison to kids in other countries? i think a lot of it is overblown. i'm sure we'll go through the normal anxieties when we get to those points -- why isn't he reading yet? why is he having trouble with math? what if he has a learning disability? etc. -- but i'm determined not to make too big a deal out of any of it. i'm less concerned with how he'll do in any given class or subject than preparing him as well as possible to have an interesting, happy (and hopefully not poverty-stricken) life.

re: the breastfeeding and vomiting -- i think that's another one of those "no universal answer" issues. our kid actually had more spit-ups on formula than breastmilk, which is one reason we were sorry when the breastfeeding tapered off. and hiccups and gas and whatnot just come with the territory. our experience was that those things got a lot better after 6 months. now we're down to just the very occasional vomit, usually when we give him too much or if he has some food he's never had before. but also, don't be intimidated by the breastfeeding purists. what bugs me most is when people act like any one way of doing things (breastfeeding/formula, sleeping in the bed/out of the bed, tv/no tv) is the only way to do it. everyone's gonna have opinions, i try to pay attention to them but i also try to pay most attention to what seems to work for him and us.

in other news...Z is right on the verge of actual walking! every day he can go a little farther before he plops down, and his balance is getting better and better. i suppose within a few weeks it'll mostly supplant the crawling. which is a little too bad, because he's really cute when he crawls. but he's pretty hilarious to watch walking too. one more milestone about to fall...

gypsy mothra (gypsy mothra), Thursday, 2 February 2006 19:45 (eighteen years ago) link

more people trying to sell you things to make your kids geniuses

Somebody please explain this to me.

Redd Harvest (Ken L), Thursday, 2 February 2006 19:50 (eighteen years ago) link

Speaking of poverty, my neighbor's grandma called my mom the other day to read her a letter she wrote to get her into the GT program at her elementary school. I overhead my mom saying something like, 'yes, and education is so important now for whatever job she will get." And I was thinking, I have tons of education and I've always done really well in school and it certainly hasn't helped to launch me onto some career fast-track. And I was in that same GT program and all I can remember doing in it is paining a sea scape one day after school. Though it did serve to track me into the GT program in middle school/high school which made sure my classes would not be tainted with any non GT members. The criteria for getting in seems really strange too--if you want your child in, write a letter. What about the kids whose parents aren't really present enough to write letters. I remember I ended up asking my mom to write a letter for me because some of my friends were in it.

Also, there was a article in the Wash Post today about some low-performing elementary school in Alexandria that is pulling itself up by its bootstraps and doing better and better on the VA Standards of Learning (SOL) tests so that it will no longer be labeled a low performing school and wealthy parents will no longer pull their kids out of it in search of better schools. There was a picture of a first grader taking a reading test and he was looking at the sheet of paper with long words printing in a small font. Shouldn't these kids be reading picture books, still? I have these teaching pangs now and again but then I read an article like this and I think, no way I good teach in that kind of school system.

Mary (Mary), Thursday, 2 February 2006 19:56 (eighteen years ago) link

Nathalie: I spoke to my wife about your probs. This may or may not apply to you, but this it what she told me. You might know this all already, but here goes:

Apparently there's two basic components of breastmilk. At any one feed, when your baby starts off, she mainly gets the watery foremilk, which is high in antibodies and boosts the baby's immune system, but is actually a little hard for them to digest. After a while of feeding, the hindmilk starts coming through, which is much richer and high in fat and what your baby needs to put on weight, but it also helps to calm the baby's digestion.

If your baby is feeding frequently, say every hour or so, and you keep changing breasts, she will mainly be getting the foremilk, and this will cause colic (burping, discomfort, vomiting). What you need to try and do is space feeds more, but have the baby take in more at any one feed so she gets more of the soothing fatty hindmilk.

To do this, you'll need to keep herawake by rubbing her cheeks and gently squeezing her feet, things like that. Obviously, intake is limited by the size of the baby's stomach, so if they're too small to drink very much in one go, put them back on the same breast for the next feed instead of alternating (hope you're not too sore!), then switch the next time round.

Make sure you wind thoroughly afterwards and help the baby relax by holding her resting on her stomach, like on your forearm or thigh. And don't worry too much - I think everyone gets problems with this.

NickB (NickB), Friday, 3 February 2006 10:11 (eighteen years ago) link

I can't wait to breastfeed, although I'm scared that I'll struggle with it. I've got to use these babies for something after all!!
Here's a pic of my little boy last week...

Panther Pink (Pinkpanther), Friday, 3 February 2006 10:16 (eighteen years ago) link

Extraordinary Breastfeeding attracts 3.9m

Viewers, that is.

Tits, eh?

PJ Miller (PJ Miller 68), Friday, 3 February 2006 10:18 (eighteen years ago) link

What do you guys do when a toddler will only eat a VERY limited number of foods, and snubs the rest despite your served menu?

Hunter, this is exactly the problem we're having. Bill's only really interested in eating cheese, cereal, yoghurt and birthday cake, and only the odd bit of fruit and veg. Seems to have got worse as he's got older too. Still too young to reason with and doesn't quite understand how bribery works either, grr dammit! He's also recently had that phase of tipping his plate upside down on top of his head (I must admit though, it's hard not to laugh when this happens)

It's immensely frustrating but we're *trying* to manage it (correctly or not) firstly by not making him special meals, cos it only compounds the frustration when he refuses food we've cooked him especially. So we just give him whatever we're having, and if he doesn't like it all that much, err well, that's just tough (God, I feel like a mean dad sometimes). We try not to offer him alternatives, and if he doesn't eat his food, he doesn't get any pudding. Unfortunately, I'm afraid we're pitifully weak when it comes to executing this plan, so we've had mixed results. However, we do manage to sneak healthy stuff into smoothies and soups by blending it up small (but don't tell him that!).

Would be very interested to hear how other folks handle this.

Pink Panther - your baby looks so blissed out there!

NickB (NickB), Friday, 3 February 2006 10:34 (eighteen years ago) link

I get Edith in a headlock and shovel it in.

She has not reached toddler status yet though.

PJ Miller (PJ Miller 68), Friday, 3 February 2006 10:36 (eighteen years ago) link

Ah, the WWF school of parenting!

NickB (NickB), Friday, 3 February 2006 10:44 (eighteen years ago) link

Pink Panther - your baby looks so blissed out there!
Haha, do you think? He seems far too active to be blissed out! :-)

Panther Pink (Pinkpanther), Friday, 3 February 2006 10:52 (eighteen years ago) link


You are not a short order cook. Kids can live a long time without food. Which isn't to say starve them, but you MUST build good eating habits early. They all go through testing phases, but a good rule of thumb is that they don't know whether or not they really like it until they've tried it at least 8 times. You just have to be really patient and dilligent, especially around 18 months when they really start testing their wits against you. You have the right idea, just follow through with it. IT SUCKS, yes, but it will work out much better in the end.

For a long time, we had what I liked to call "prison dessert" at our house. When my kids were about 2, if they wouldn't eat the main course they would get "prison dessert", which was, of course, a piece of whole wheat bread and a water chaser. I did this for six months thinking it would be motivation but after awhile, they would just look at the entree and yell, "I want prison dessert." The whole experiment ended when they said this at a restaurant, and a bunch of shocked people heard it. After that, my wife declared that they would be eating what's on their plate or they would eat nothing. A night or two of going to bed hungry and screaming, and they were on the program.

One thing you can try is ask your kids to help you with the menu. Tell them if they do a good job eating then they can pick the next night's meal or elements of the meal or help plan the week or whatever.

Also, if there are certain meals that they eat well (hopefully breakfast!) then make sure they load up on a variety of foods at that sitting. Some kids (and people!) are hungrier at different times of the day, or sometimes they're in a better (willing) mood at different times of day. Capitalize on those times to put variety into the menu.

The headlock trick doesn't work but I have tried that.

don weiner (don weiner), Friday, 3 February 2006 12:44 (eighteen years ago) link

Nick, thanks for the info! I think I just need to persevere and not worry too much. She's handling things better now: she wants snacks but doesn't throw up as much anymore. I think I just need to make sure she rests between feedings. It takes a lot more time - especially at night - but at least she's holding it down.

Nathalie (stevie nixed), Friday, 3 February 2006 12:47 (eighteen years ago) link

OK, the hammerlock then.

PJ Miller (PJ Miller 68), Friday, 3 February 2006 13:05 (eighteen years ago) link

Thanks a lot for the advice, Don. The bit about planning meals together sounds like an excellent suggestion. Hope we can start doing that in a couple of months or so when he's big enough to understand - we're just getting to the verge of that stage.

Nathalie: hope it made some sort of sense!

NickB (NickB), Friday, 3 February 2006 13:15 (eighteen years ago) link

One frustration with kids and food is a child who loves steamed broccoli (with a bit of ranch dressing for dipping) one day and screams "I hate that! I've ALWAYS hated that!" a week later. Sarah's 17 and she STILL pulls that shit!

truck-patch pixel farmer (my crop froze in the field) (Rock Hardy), Friday, 3 February 2006 13:52 (eighteen years ago) link

Nick: It did indeed. :-)

I used to love blood-sausages until I asked my dad what it was made of. Yes, I was an idiot. I mean blood sausages, did I even need to ask? Of course. My dad replied:"Pig's blood of course." I had the fork halfway between my mouth and my plate. It never reached my mouth. I decided I hated blood-sausages as much as I had once liked them. Namely a lot.

Nathalie (stevie nixed), Friday, 3 February 2006 13:59 (eighteen years ago) link

I like the prison dessert technique. More concrete than just saying "no dessert."

I'm wondering if other parents here would like to share their "tricks" for encouraging good behavior. My daughter was refusing to brush her teeth for a while, so I started saying, "I wonder if toothpaste will turn your teeth purple and sparkly?" and then she got really excited to find out. And even when she sees there's no change, she gets to laugh at papa for thinking such crazy thoughts. Usually she just forgets about it because once she starts brushing, she likes it.

I've done a similar thing with clipping her nails, which she doesn't like. I tell her that if we clip her nails we can go into the backyard and plant the clippings to see if a fingernail tree will grow, and then it becomes no problem. I'm careful never to promise that such a tree will grow, but use the language of an experiment. So far it's worked wonders, and if anybody else has any such tricks, I'd be happy to hear them.

Nemo (JND), Friday, 3 February 2006 14:29 (eighteen years ago) link

I can't wait till Time Team dig the fingernails up.

Oh, I suppose they'll just cross reference it with this now. No more Time Team.

PJ Miller (PJ Miller 68), Friday, 3 February 2006 14:41 (eighteen years ago) link

For a long time, we had what I liked to call "prison dessert" at our house.

Much better than what my friends had to endure: their room turned into a veritable prison cell after they had been caught stealing. Their mom decided they needed to serve time. Their room was unheated in the middle of winter (with a broken window) and they got water and bread for food. It was pushed into the room on a plate. :-(

Seeing abuse didn't fuck me up like my friends obviously did, but god damn it made me very sad to see my friends treated that way.

Nathalie (stevie nixed), Friday, 3 February 2006 15:31 (eighteen years ago) link

One thing I've read: apparently kids who get a variety of foods passed along to them via breast milk or in the very early stages of solid-food eating enjoy a broader range of foods later. Since Sterling started on solid foods (6 months), whenever we cook something that doesn't involve something he's not supposed to eat until later for potential-allergen reasons (soy, nuts, dairy), we mash up some and give it to him. So far his reaction to everything has been to take one spoonful, get a quizzical look on his face for a minute (the line Lisa invented the first time he did that: "What do you think, Sterling? Do you like that, or is it kinda weird?"), then smile and open wide for more. He even likes spicy foods.

We're trying to feed him organic food as much as possible, and have pretty much banned anything with high-fructose corn syrup or hydrogenated oils from our household.

Douglas (Douglas), Friday, 3 February 2006 16:00 (eighteen years ago) link

they would just look at the entree and yell, "I want prison dessert." The whole experiment ended when they said this at a restaurant, and a bunch of shocked people heard it


pink for a second I thought you were going to show us pictures of something else up there.

Miss Misery xox (MissMiseryTX), Friday, 3 February 2006 16:28 (eighteen years ago) link

Sam - did you think I'd had the baby & not told you?!

Panther Pink (Pinkpanther), Friday, 3 February 2006 16:44 (eighteen years ago) link

they would just look at the entree and yell, "I want prison dessert."

This is just making me think of "WHERE'S! MY! HASENPFEFFER!?!?"

NickB (NickB), Friday, 3 February 2006 16:55 (eighteen years ago) link

that's logical Douglas given the consistency in taste of formula vs. breastmilk. and it's key to use a huge variety of foods when they first start taking solids and then not deviate just because they develop preferences.

and actually, there's a great selfish payoff to this: it's easier to deal with kids when they will eat anything. As they grow older, meals can be a great source of tension, especially when the afternoon nap is cut off because your kids are tired from a long day and don't have the patience to choke down that new recipe you're trying.

I might add that the difference in nutrition in high-fructose corn syrup and regular fructose is not much, so unless you're using fructose as a delivery system for other nutrients, orange juice is not a whole lot better than 16 oz of Sprite.

don weiner (don weiner), Friday, 3 February 2006 17:00 (eighteen years ago) link

"orange juice is not a whole lot better than 16 oz of Sprite."

but even canned OJ has vitamin C, no?

Nathalie (stevie nixed), Friday, 3 February 2006 21:32 (eighteen years ago) link

you can practically get enough vitamin c by breathing, nobody's in danger of getting scurvy. Don OTM, way too much sugar in juice, better they have the whole fruit.

teeny (teeny), Friday, 3 February 2006 21:44 (eighteen years ago) link

I am nowhere close to having children, and may never, but I think this thread is awesome. Go parents!

jaymc (jaymc), Friday, 3 February 2006 21:45 (eighteen years ago) link

Sam - did you think I'd had the baby & not told you?!

haha, no! Given the course of the thread then I thought ladies were going to start baring their baby accessories.

i want a baby now!

Miss Misery xox (MissMiseryTX), Friday, 3 February 2006 22:10 (eighteen years ago) link

I am really very very tired.

Any tips for dealing with teething, oh parental gurus?

PJ Miller (PJ Miller 68), Sunday, 5 February 2006 12:55 (eighteen years ago) link

:( everything is so much worse when you're tired and so much better when you have enough sleep.

teeny (teeny), Sunday, 5 February 2006 13:41 (eighteen years ago) link

I remember a Sunday nearly ten yrs ago now when it seemed our son would NEVER stop crying and we'd never sleep again. I was so delirious from lack of sleep I started praying for peace & quiet. Believe it or not, this too will pass.

m coleman (lovebug starski), Sunday, 5 February 2006 13:51 (eighteen years ago) link

I don't have so much problem with sleep deprivation during the day. At night, though, I do get a bit mental. I worry when I see her crying in the night. Probably because it's dark and so quiet (apart from her crying of course). She has a rash on her behind. I wonder if it hurts to poop. :-( She still has a lot of cramps and thus keeps us awake with her crying sessions. She also doesn't sleep so much anymore. Just wants to rest on our chest and look at our face the entire time. It's really sweet but DAMN IT WE NEED SLEEP, baby. :-)

PJ Miller, I saw some rubber stick (or whatever you call it) for teething. I don't know how or if it works though.

Nathalie (stevie nixed), Sunday, 5 February 2006 14:38 (eighteen years ago) link

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