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in which we shoot the breeze about our photo lives

daft on the causes of punk (schlump), Thursday, 20 June 2013 17:26 (eleven years ago) link

- considered (/imagined) buying a leica iii (kinda just cause)

- still mad at myself for not photographing cute, sunblushed skater couple a week ago, cropping heads & capturing their cutely accessorised frames

- feel like i should learn to use the digital camera on my phone better? i really like it, its grainy blur, but i can't use it very quickly or well

- thinking about bulk-buying kentmere 400 & whatever slide film i can get my hands on

- read that stephen shore book about photographs; his crazy differentiation of the planes & levels involved didn't mean a whole lot to me but the images are really beautifully chosen

daft on the causes of punk (schlump), Thursday, 20 June 2013 17:28 (eleven years ago) link

- also feel like i am maybe the most prolific/profligate film photographer in the world? ready to throw down with you guys but i kinda can't believe how much i shoot/edit/post

daft on the causes of punk (schlump), Thursday, 20 June 2013 17:30 (eleven years ago) link

Inspired by my friend Hong-An to shoot more film - she rented a Pentax 67ii for a weekend* and loved it so much, she bought one, so I really should crank a roll or two through the Bronica before the "summer" is over...

(* - )

Camera+ has been joined by Snapseed on my iPhone; the former for one-click processing and sharing, the latter for dicking around for 5min on the train, and then deleting cos it wasn't that interesting an image in the first place.

Might rent an EF-S 15-85 for our week in Edinburgh; it was great for seaside/Olympics last year. L-glass is a bit of a waste when it's just holiday snaps on a crop sensor.

Wish I had at least a couple more paying gigs this year. Next potential wedding is Nov 2014! When we got married we set the date only eight weeks in advance! Where are all those people? And would like a photojournalist-style shooter at their nuptials?

Still dream of full frame, but that probably means a new computer too...

Michael Jones, Thursday, 20 June 2013 17:47 (eleven years ago) link

hey!, Hong-an is great. she does something really satisfying & distinctive within quite tight constraints; a lot of people are shooting dinner tables but her food shots are really well judged. a blurb for a photographer we were just discussing on the other thread talked about her sensitivity with depth of field, which could be a minor point, but it can be very true of some photographers, I think, inc the ruinista Leica shots.

I have never rented a camera, maybe I should sometime. it would be nice to see what another lens changed.

daft on the causes of punk (schlump), Thursday, 20 June 2013 18:29 (eleven years ago) link

I've not shot much film this year at all, a bit disappointing after doing quite a bit last year. A friend has lent me a Mamiya C330 but I've struggled with getting the shutter to work.

I got an iPhone 5 last week, I think the camera is noticeably better than the iPhone 4. I've mainly been using VSCOcam for a while now, recently upgraded to the new one. I quite like Hueless too for B+W.

I keep getting urges to go full frame with a D600, but I can't help but feel it's a D7000 with a bigger sensor. I do a lot of low-light live music photography, so maybe it would be a good move, but the D7000 handles things fairly well just now.

I need to get back into the habit of photographing things other than gigs. I have a weekly portrait project that's ticking over nicely ( but would like to do more.

Hong-An's portraits are lovely, really beautiful.

michaellambert, Thursday, 20 June 2013 21:17 (eleven years ago) link

My mom just mailed me a ton of slides of my uncle's from Germany in the 70s (he lives there) and I guess it's up to me to scan them. Kind funny, mostly great looking Kodachrome and then like 10 of something else that have shifted completely red (ektachrome?). Good reminder that all our color negs are doomed in the long run.

chinavision!, Thursday, 20 June 2013 21:58 (eleven years ago) link

But then, in the long run, we're all dead. /Keynes

chinavision!, Thursday, 20 June 2013 21:58 (eleven years ago) link

Anyway I'm sitting down here in NYC while my gf is upstate in a photography mfa program. Kinda weird. I haven't been shooting enough, but have been scanning 30 rolls I got back the other day. Good to keep me busy.

chinavision!, Thursday, 20 June 2013 22:01 (eleven years ago) link

Trying to edit stuff for a book format also.

chinavision!, Thursday, 20 June 2013 22:03 (eleven years ago) link

And about to go get noodles

chinavision!, Thursday, 20 June 2013 22:04 (eleven years ago) link

you know this thread is enviously inspired by the i love vinyl gang, & i feel like they make sure to have ample discussion of vinyl-accompaniment snacks. i have been scanning while eating toast & watching the first three seasons of arrested development in one corner of my desktop.

symmetrically i also just rescued a stack of kodachrome slides from my gf's family's loft. her grandparents in the sixties. i won't have them to start scanning for another month or so but it feels like a cool thing to be doing, sorta diversifying what i spend my time staring at from just stuff that happened to me three months ago. i keep checking in w/the homemoviearchive tumblr & am always really touched by the detail of old family photos. they look great. idk if they have plans for them but i would be really into digitising & sharing them online if they're into it.

i am p happy with online instead of books, but editing for publication is real exciting. is it gonna be one of those books that cost $1500? i found this cool (tho: lo-res) blog that reviews photo-books. it is such a weird industry.

daft on the causes of punk (schlump), Friday, 21 June 2013 00:27 (eleven years ago) link

I have no idea what it's going to be. I just need to try organizing photos in a new way, instead of just throwing stuff on flickr from time to time to see what sticks. I don't know how I'm going to print it or anything. and also I start wondering how in the world to sort through photos, and whether I've got enough decent ones, and whether they make sense together, etc. it's pretty easy to take pictures and toss them online, but now thinking of *printing* them I feel like I need to be more discerning and really edit. I find that I am much less satisfied with the pictures I have than I thought I'd be.
it's going to be fun to scan the germany slides, but man is it ever going to take *forever*... scanning slides is so much harder than scanning negatives.

chinavision!, Friday, 21 June 2013 01:11 (eleven years ago) link

noodles were great, btw.
loaded b&w film as promised and wandered through soho, with a whiskey break midway (george dickel), then on to lam zhou. now back home and listening to some, aha, RECORDS, with some more whiskey. I'm trying to combine all ilx hobbyist threads in one.

chinavision!, Friday, 21 June 2013 01:13 (eleven years ago) link

and finished off multiple rolls

chinavision!, Friday, 21 June 2013 01:14 (eleven years ago) link

I'm finding out that Lightroom is an excellent way of listening to new music, just the right amount of distraction.

MaresNest, Friday, 21 June 2013 08:23 (eleven years ago) link

I rediscovered Station To Station while I was ploughing through my Kent wedding shoot in Lightroom! I think I listened to it three times in a row when I was in the "reclaim the 3-star photos" frenzy at the end of the process (this was when I realised I hadn't flagged any cake-cutting, bouquet-toss, arriving-with-Dad, first dance pics as 4+ stars and my final set was looking pretty weak on narrative). The kids were tough that week and I didn't really start any night before 9:45pm; I made the most progress on the Saturday (a week after the wedding and self-imposed deadline day) when Pam took them out to the coast for the day. Thanks to Bowie.

Michael Jones, Friday, 21 June 2013 08:44 (eleven years ago) link

scanning slides is a build-your-own-boards-of-canada-album-cover exercise sometimes

chinavision!, Friday, 21 June 2013 22:44 (eleven years ago) link

That one was labeled "Taking off from Calgary 3:15 P.S.T."

chinavision!, Friday, 21 June 2013 22:49 (eleven years ago) link

the plan is to do a bit more of this, drink some more whiskey, then wander into the city a camera and sorta mess around.

chinavision!, Friday, 21 June 2013 22:50 (eleven years ago) link

"Hills outside Zwettle on which is a church, radio station, & a place to eat & look down upon the city. We later visited this place, I believe on July 5 although possibly the 4th. When the Turks overtook the city in 1525 (the first) 1683 (the second), one of the times, the forces collected upon to overthrow them. - Perhaps it was Prince Eugene who led them (if it was after 1683) but my memory failed me. Can't remember their names though."

(these note are all scribbled in pencil on college ruled paper, with identifying numbers for all of the slides)

chinavision!, Friday, 21 June 2013 23:20 (eleven years ago) link

Those scans are great CV, thinking instant Pinback album sleeves too.

MaresNest, Friday, 21 June 2013 23:51 (eleven years ago) link

I'm finding out that Lightroom is an excellent way of listening to new music, just the right amount of distraction.

― MaresNest, Friday, June 21, 2013 5:23 AM (Yesterday) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink

scanning is so mellow. i have been out of the house recently & caught myself half-longing to be back ~in my zone~, just kind of perfectly fed & absorbed, seeing images slowly uncovered in something digitally equivalent to watching images slowly appear & cohere in a tray.

i went to the library & borrowed a lot of photobooks. they had friendlander's america by car, which is exciting. so in love with meyerowitz's wild flowers; it's such a beautiful book & such a pretty thread to draw between a set of photographs, really none of which i can find well represented online,

daft on the causes of punk (schlump), Saturday, 22 June 2013 16:58 (eleven years ago) link

where is that fabulous bed?!
also, what is photo-breezing? i have been reading this thread and i still have no idea.

free your spirit pig (La Lechera), Saturday, 22 June 2013 17:35 (eleven years ago) link

it's in cornwall, england, i think. it's really such a pretty book that you should obtain from your library or interlibrary loan service if possible. the girl is vivian, who is in a couple of his other pictures, too, & who i just googled awhile to see if i could find more evidence of, photographer's girlfriends obviously being an awesome subgenre of photography, edith gowins, ada katzs, june leafs.

&: in which we shoot the breeze about our photo lives. photo-breezing. where we photo-breeze.

daft on the causes of punk (schlump), Saturday, 22 June 2013 18:02 (eleven years ago) link

It looks a lot like a room in the Greenbrier -- resort/secret nuclear fallout shelter. Dreamy bed, wherever it is.

Ok now i get the breezy nature of this thread. I like scanning a lot too -- have been slacking in that dept because it's summer, I guess?

free your spirit pig (La Lechera), Saturday, 22 June 2013 18:13 (eleven years ago) link

i was just reading about alex webb taking photos, talking about being outside, getting breakfast when the light gets a little less interesting & then being out again a lot through the late afternoon & early evening. i am shooting a lot while i walk into town at the moment, flowers & texture, but i am pretty often at home scanning late at night. & it's nice: the time delay involved in processing means i am still working through the end of the winter, seeing snow on the ground. it's a good combination.

daft on the causes of punk (schlump), Saturday, 22 June 2013 18:35 (eleven years ago) link

Can we talk about frustrations in here too? Kind of an ill wind part of our breeze-shooting?

I think of myself as an immensely frustrated photographer. I forever seem to be thwarted in my efforts to document and record, capture and illuminate. Usually because I'm in a rush to be somewhere, or I'm carrying kids' coats/backpacks/snacks or holding their hands, or trying to stop them wandering into traffic/off a platform edge. There's also the crushing routine of my work life/commute. That's more of a mental dampener; I can have my camera with me all day but not be moved to use it. This is why I love being given commissions - a whole day or half-day to actually do nothing but shoot? What a luxury. I don't think there's anyone in my social circle who actually wants to be photographed either.

Living in a country that's under a grey blanket about 300 days of the year probably stifles me a bit too.

That was a bit of a moan. Sorry.

Michael Jones, Sunday, 23 June 2013 11:29 (eleven years ago) link

frustrations come in waves. I'm pretty sure I haven't taken more than 10-15 pictures total in the last 4 days. it comes and goes.

chinavision!, Friday, 28 June 2013 14:06 (eleven years ago) link

there was a documentary on bbc tv a couple of days ago about vivian maier. it should be pretty easy to find online. i just watched it & really liked it, though there is a lot of really dubious narration (SPOILER: they decide she gave up on life at the point where she began shooting garbage). joel meyerowitz contributes, intensely. it is a really intense reminder of how good she was, just cause it cycles through so much of her work,

they also keep emphasising just the sheer quantity of photographs she shot, which i mean maybe to a michael jones or a roll-a-week chinavision might be something but .....
no, kidding, but it didn't seem that many, in seriousness. it must be weird shooting with a camera that gets twelve shots to a roll, though. all of this made me wonder; did you guys ever use a tlr camera? the tones on some of the photos were just breathtaking, i guess particularly because they're formally terrific portraits of scenarios you usually see shot on smaller stock.

didn't find your post too heavy, michael. i think it is pretty good to just be shooting when you want to shoot. also just in defence of grey days, sometimes colours pop harder in the rain, ime.

daft on the causes of punk (schlump), Friday, 28 June 2013 19:46 (eleven years ago) link

alright out with it. how many rolls are you shooting per week?? the public wants to know

chinavision!, Friday, 28 June 2013 20:04 (eleven years ago) link

i gotta post a picture of my fridge. it's disgusting. both in the dietary & photographic senses. i think i have screwed up by shooting a lot of twenty four exposure films, buying superia three packs from walmart. it goes by so quickly. for the last while if it wasn't quite a roll a day it was probably still five a week. i drove to vermont, i was at a barbecue. yesterday was such a good day. i am really in love with what i am doing with it, though, even when it is not good. there is a part in the vivian maier programme where they show a wall at an exhibition of hers in which they've sequenced blow ups of the negatives in chronological order, so you can just see her zig-zagging across town, tracking certain scenes, covering the same types of material again against different backdrops, & sometimes i look through what i've shot & find it's like ... more scenes of my friends talking, another of somebody drawing on a blackboard at school, another vague formation of blossom on the ground & whatever, but the repetition of it & the sense of time passing with those things being directly juxtaposed is really satisfying to me. like so much better as a document than as photographs. diarism.

i was just looking at some tri-x i shot & i don't know why i shoot anything else. which in fairness is how i feel about several different stocks.

daft on the causes of punk (schlump), Friday, 28 June 2013 20:26 (eleven years ago) link

Oh, definitely prefer flat light to blazing sun but it's difficult to have a golden hour when there's been no gold all day.

Right, back to the 251 images I shot at a kids' sports event in the local park yesterday. Gotta find 10 good ones for their website. I was cycling between three primes, never sure what I should be doing, forever in the wrong place.

Michael Jones, Friday, 28 June 2013 20:55 (eleven years ago) link

Schlump... guessing these means a lot of unprocessed stuff huh? That's a good feeling to think of the potential of all those roll.

Right so I'm prob not shooting as much as you, but I still do about 20-30 rolls every month (or so). So I guess .5 to 1 rolls/day, but the way I shoot kinda means 4 days for 20 shots and then like 5 rolls in 3 cameras in 4 hours on some day. And I only develop every couple of months now and I find that that makes me waaaay pickier about what I qualify as useable.

My new Friday tradition this summer seems to be getting a slight buzz then trying to burn thru rolls in soho or the lower east side. The (illusory) single life creates strange and fun habits.

chinavision!, Friday, 28 June 2013 22:16 (eleven years ago) link

I used to hate blazing sun for photos but now I can dig it. But only if I'm shooting b&w. I don't have so much luck w color.

chinavision!, Friday, 28 June 2013 22:18 (eleven years ago) link

I decided to do a Flickr set for the near-daily photos of the sky I take on my rail commute with the iPhone thesedays:

Michael Jones, Friday, 28 June 2013 22:37 (eleven years ago) link

stuff piles up, for sure, but I'm in a pretty good routine with it, like atm I'm scanning through stuff from mid-March; I think cause in February it was minus thirty out, & actively painful to take photographs, I shot less, so got to catch up some. writing down how much I shoot did take the edge off my macho sabre-rattling some, sure (& I think if you're shooting that much ~ on the street ~ that's almost another thing altogether, a lot of my stuff being p domestic or less in the moment/risky). it isn't like a Winograndian two rolls a day or anything. it's just that I scan & publish/"publish" really pretty much all of it that makes me feel prolific. the mixture of time before seeing & spending time scanning should have a very positive effect on the editing process but I kinda like the digital-esque maximalism right now. btw I feel like I have maybe said this frequently since beginning to scan negs but I'm such a superia convert; it scans so nicely, I have a really nice set of grainy winter 1600s that whenever I see make me want to pick up some more.

yr downtown routine is so classic! feel like this is gonna make you into a manhattan stock character, like a cross between dennis hopper in apocalypse now & the bird lady in home alone ii.

daft on the causes of punk (schlump), Friday, 28 June 2013 23:14 (eleven years ago) link

, lost in new york

psyched to check yr sunset sets, Michael, I've been digi-snapping a lot myself

daft on the causes of punk (schlump), Friday, 28 June 2013 23:15 (eleven years ago) link

yeah these are really nice

did you ever see those Abbas Kiarostami photos, Roads and Rain,

daft on the causes of punk (schlump), Friday, 28 June 2013 23:18 (eleven years ago) link

Oh wow, I love those. The iPhone freedom is a great thing; not self-conscious about snapping out of packed trains and the happy accidents of reflections and imperfections - the sort of things I'd delete an SLR shot for - are just grist to the mill.

Michael Jones, Friday, 28 June 2013 23:28 (eleven years ago) link

Oddly enough it was my mum that told me the Maier programme was on, having talked about her work before. Not watched it yet, will do over the weekend. Although I've done one or two black and white rolls this year, I think the colour film I dropped off last night was the first this year - a drop off from last year, but even then I was only one a week or fortnight, nowhere near schlump or chinavision! levels!

Not sure if here or "Let us discuss..." is the place, but just home from Glasgow, went to the opening of an exhibition of some of Steve Gullicks's 2000-2006 work, with a talk between Gullick and Stevie Chick. Once they warmed up it was a really interesting chat about his career, his approach to portraiture and dealing with musicians/reluctant subjects and how he goes about his work. He darkroom prints all his own work, colour and black and white, it's all beautiful. Really nice, kind of inspiring evening. Had a couple of brief chats with the man himself, an absolute gent.

michaellambert, Friday, 28 June 2013 23:30 (eleven years ago) link

that's really nice, Michael. I blank on a lot of contemporary guys, particularly w portrait stuff, but remember him. he did all of that careless talk costs lives stuff, right? was it at GOMA?

- sitting by the scanner internally singing "chopping negs" to the tune of poppin tags
- coined sassy photographic religion, see display name. I'm still working through looking at photographs, it's so consistently mind expanding

szarkasm (schlump), Saturday, 29 June 2013 05:38 (eleven years ago) link

Yeah, he did CTCL and LLSS, most of the exhibition was work for those magazines and a few others. It was at Static Collective on the Saltmarket, a pop-up gallery that use disused retail units.

michaellambert, Saturday, 29 June 2013 09:33 (eleven years ago) link

got drunk on bourbon and watched william eggleston in the real world last night. seemed appropriate.

chinavision!, Saturday, 29 June 2013 14:17 (eleven years ago) link

ha ha. I like the kinda realitytv vibe, just watching eggleston chill in hotel rooms, cruise with his son. I tried to find some of Winston's photography after but couldn't (did anyone ever see any of Emmet Gowin's son's photos. they looked not so hot to me. like sparklehorse album covers). lol at eggleston's drawl being subtitled throughout. the last, kinda mystified conversion between MA & WE is so great. really inspirational. I like that doc about Andy Goldsworthy that's similarly kinda non-expository, like he doesn't know why he's doing stuff or have some grand allusive purpose.

I have one of the other couple of WE docs to watch, soon, I'll report back

szarkasm (schlump), Saturday, 29 June 2013 18:26 (eleven years ago) link

Watching the Maier doc on iPlayer, drinking a beer.

michaellambert, Saturday, 29 June 2013 21:30 (eleven years ago) link

still going at it with the slide scanning

chinavision!, Wednesday, 3 July 2013 00:13 (eleven years ago) link

yes despite the decades they all just read as 'politician' which is sort of comforting for the sake of continutiy

chinavision!, Wednesday, 3 July 2013 03:17 (eleven years ago) link

I'm more concerned that the world through the front windscreen is mirrored.

Michael Jones, Monday, 1 February 2016 18:06 (eight years ago) link

one month passes...

, Thursday, 31 March 2016 12:49 (eight years ago) link

two weeks pass...

so rad to look through these thinking 'this is a modern thing' while not being able to say 'this is a modern thing i can neatly slot into a category of trite contemporary tropes'. really lovely & hey i forgot abt this site

i like that the encouraged background music is shoegaze

, Sunday, 17 April 2016 14:47 (eight years ago) link

Thought-provoking. I've been working on some family photos, all taken by the no-longer-living. There are certain related, if less super-thorny, questions about privacy and how people choose to define and represent their own lives. Right now I'm dealing with a (woefully incomplete) binder of negatives my mother compiled in the 1970s, before I was born. Did most of these never get printed because they were crummy exposures, because she didn't like them, or because they just didn't have time to futz around with the darkroom stuff after my brother got born?

There's also an amazing letter, in a different box, where she describes to her sister her first, partially botched, experience with loading film onto a reel, with her and my dad seated on the edge of the tub in a blacked-out bathroom, with the closed toilet for a shelf. Just like my first reels thirty years later, she ended up with some frames touching each other, big blobby undeveloped areas. My delight in recognizing this moment as a crummy little stressful incident that my mother and I both experienced in our respective youths is commingled with my wanting the negatives to all be just fine and perfectly preserved. Nothing so heavy as what this article is dealing with, but interesting to think about. Meanwhile I just wish I knew what had become of all my grandmother's slides...

sisterhood of the baggering vance (Doctor Casino), Wednesday, 27 April 2016 22:12 (eight years ago) link

three weeks pass...

, Wednesday, 18 May 2016 12:46 (eight years ago) link

three weeks pass...

need 2 cop

, Wednesday, 8 June 2016 11:47 (eight years ago) link

three weeks pass...

, Wednesday, 29 June 2016 13:01 (eight years ago) link

wd love to see-

schlump, Friday, 8 July 2016 04:41 (eight years ago) link

this '90s frank profe rly on a part w/ beloved leiter interviews in chronicling Peak Grouch
so juicy

schlump, Saturday, 9 July 2016 21:35 (eight years ago) link

, Thursday, 21 July 2016 11:39 (eight years ago) link

feel like maybe the photo editor who commissioned martin parr to photograph trump voters shd be executed

schlump, Thursday, 21 July 2016 22:42 (eight years ago) link

I really love looking at photog's contact sheets. It's like hearing the demos of songs or something; reminds me too that not every shot's a keeper for them either. (Except Capa, the bastard — his sheets are like hit, hit, hit, hit, alternate take, hit)

stet, Friday, 29 July 2016 15:20 (eight years ago) link

three weeks pass...


Silence, followed by unintelligible stammering. (Doctor Casino), Wednesday, 24 August 2016 03:21 (eight years ago) link

two months pass...


, Tuesday, 15 November 2016 13:02 (eight years ago) link

three months pass...
one year passes...

Shot a roll last night before I realized my exposure compensation dial was at -3

calstars, Saturday, 17 November 2018 12:33 (six years ago) link


the Stanley Kubrick of testicular torsion (bizarro gazzara), Saturday, 17 November 2018 14:36 (six years ago) link

one year passes...

“Rain is like a cheat code for photography”

calstars, Saturday, 14 December 2019 13:19 (five years ago) link

rain is 50,000 dollars worth of free special effects

Its big ball chunky time (Jimmy The Mod Awaits The Return Of His Beloved), Monday, 16 December 2019 22:49 (five years ago) link

two years pass...

Anyone have experience with shooting in color and transposing to b&w in post, vs. shooting in b&w? (Talking digital, not real film). Wondering if it makes any difference. I should just try it out …

calstars, Thursday, 28 April 2022 16:03 (two years ago) link

Unless you've got a Leica M10 Monochrom, you're always shooting in colour - pre- vs post- is just a case of letting the camera's image processing do the B&W, or doing it after the fact. With the former, you have far less to play with - there'll be stuff you can do in the B&W conversion on a computer than you can't achieve in-camera - but that's a good restriction to have. I particularly like setting a mirrorless camera to B&W, and seeing the world like that through the EVF. You end up shooting interesting things you were blind to because of the colour distraction. Whereas most of the stuff I make monochrome in post is to "save" it (or to change up a sequence of samey colour shots).

You can have your cake and eat it, and shoot RAW+JPEG, with camera set to B&W. The RAWs will still be colour, should you wish to process them differently.

Michael Jones, Thursday, 28 April 2022 16:16 (two years ago) link

Ah yes, good idea. Thanks Michael

calstars, Thursday, 28 April 2022 16:32 (two years ago) link

if you remember how filters work w/ black and white film you'll have fun w b&w conversions just make sure you remember the difference between b&w film and color film wrt contrast

I'm with Michael on this. Really enjoy setting my camera to monochrome so I see the world in mono through the EVF/rear screen, for all the reasons he mentions. I find that I meter differently and my eyes are much more drawn to areas of light and contrast than they otherwise would be. Shooting RAW, there's really no downside.

Millsner, Friday, 29 April 2022 02:38 (two years ago) link

Sometimes I deliberately switch to JPEG only so I’m forced to make the images look good in-camera. I do this quite a bit on the Fuji: set to 1x1 or 16x9 or Velvia or some kind of weird bleached pre-set and just deal with that all day. Wifi to the phone, stick a couple on IG as is.

And then, days later when I’ve dumped into Lightroom and the Flickr “SOOC” groups are calling, I can’t resist scratching that editing itch and tweaking a bit, even with the reduced latitude. So they’re neither one thing nor the other.

Michael Jones, Friday, 29 April 2022 10:52 (two years ago) link

two months pass...

“ It’s the forecast that I might keep clicking even if I lost clear vision. I’ll be unable to see what I’m framing, and I can’t take them visually into my brain. But it’s supposed to be photograph. It has to be the fact that the shooter got a truth from each click with certain emotion though it’s not visually seen. Not for showing to public. Focus and resolution is not my thing now. If I can remember the fact in detail or not, is the condition of if I took the truth. Losing focus is literally rather meaningful in that point. Another essential value of photography is revealed to me. It’s fun changing game. “

calstars, Friday, 22 July 2022 00:15 (two years ago) link

“ It’s the forecast that I might keep clicking even if I lost clear vision. I’ll be unable to see what I’m framing, and I can’t take them visually into my brain. But it’s supposed to be photograph. It has to be the fact that the shooter got a truth from each click with certain emotion though it’s not visually seen. Not for showing to public. Focus and resolution is not my thing now. If I can remember the fact in detail or not, is the condition of if I took the truth. Losing focus is literally rather meaningful in that point. Another essential value of photography is revealed to me. It’s fun changing game. “

calstars, Friday, 22 July 2022 00:17 (two years ago) link

one month passes...

Can anyone recommend a service to convert rolls of film to digital ?

calstars, Sunday, 11 September 2022 01:23 (two years ago) link

Where are u on earth

Its big ball chunky time (Jimmy The Mod Awaits The Return Of His Beloved), Thursday, 15 September 2022 04:36 (two years ago) link

New York

calstars, Thursday, 15 September 2022 05:50 (two years ago) link

two months pass...

kodak gold 1815 yen a roll. basic fuji was 200 yen more. just slightly more expensive than this second hand konica mg/d. i haven't bought film in a while. i spent the afternoon trying to find the most credible analysis of film price jump. settled on it being artificially cheap + supply chain as the most credible.

XxxxxxxXxxxxxxxxXxxxx (dylannn), Tuesday, 29 November 2022 08:54 (two years ago) link

Wow that’s pricey. Make each shot count !

calstars, Tuesday, 29 November 2022 13:54 (two years ago) link

It's all wildly expensive now. I have a briefcase full of 10-years-expired film; I'm not likely to get good results out of most of it, but I'm not going to buy any new film either.

People were giving analogue/manual stuff away 15-20 years ago. Everyone caught on to the vintage lens thing pretty quick; I'm hunting for a Canon FD mount wide angle (to adapt to EOS R body) and the prices are a little too high for me (and very high if you want 24mm).

Michael Jones, Wednesday, 30 November 2022 12:52 (two years ago) link

not a canon FD expert but i've seen some of the SSC marked ones go for four figures. my understanding is that cine houses buy them to convert to cine lenses that they can rent out. they will pay top $ for wide angle fast lenses.

i've got a olympus om 21mm/2 that has sold for as high as $3-4k on ebay recently... i'm very tempted!

, Wednesday, 30 November 2022 13:23 (two years ago) link

also, it seems like prices right now are not that far out of line compared to pre-digital prices. seems like prices took a real dive after digital took off.

here's a price list from 1995:

1995 Film Prices (April 1995 Popular Photography Article)

In the April 1995 issue of Popular Photography, the magazine declared this to be the “Golden Age of Color Photography” with more options available than ever before. With such a huge selection, picking which film was right for each occasion was likely confusing, so the magazine put together a five-page comparison of 101 different color films.

Lets stop for a moment and think….wow, 101 different color films! That’s not even including any black and white films. Boy, times have changed.

A majority of the article is in chart form, separating Color Print and Slide films in different sections and the available films sorted by speed, slowest to fastest from ASA 25 to 3200 color print films, and ASA 12 to 1600 slide films. Prices are listed next to each, although they don’t state where they come from and do not include processing. All prices below are 36 exposure 35mm unless noted. Emulsions from Kodak, Fuji, AGFA, 3M, Polaroid, and Konica are listed and a short sentence of each film’s strength is given in the right most column.

Here are some highlights:

Agfacolor HDC100 – $6.79
Fujicolor NPS 160 – $7.84
Kodak Vericolor III 160 (predecessor to Portra) – $7.84
AGFA Optima 200 – $8.11
Kodak Gold Super 200 – $7.57
Fujicolor 400 HG – $8.19
Kodak Royal Gold 400 – $8.82
Fuji Super HG 1600 – $10.56
Konica SR-G 3200 – $12.00
Kodachrome 25 – $11.31
Fuji Velvia 50 – $12.22
Kodak Infrared 50 – $23.09
Kodak Ektachrome 64 – $11.34
Agfachrome RS100 – $12.05
Fuji Provia 100 – $12.55
Kodachrome 200 – $13.86
Fuji Sensia 400 – $14.00
Kodak Ektachrome P1600 – $15.83

you don't need an inflation calculator to see it's in the same ballpark as what film costs now

, Wednesday, 30 November 2022 13:46 (two years ago) link

A three-pack of Kodak Gold 200 is £55 at CameraWorld (UK chain, branches in SE England).
That was the absolute bog-standard film back in the '90s, £2-3/roll - often issued free when you picked up your prints if I remember!

You may well be right about the more exotic transparency films, but the most basic of negative colour film is about 6-8x as expensive as it was 20 years ago. I guess lots of things are...

Michael Jones, Wednesday, 30 November 2022 14:47 (two years ago) link

And I can well believe digital cratered some of the prices above; certainly wasn't paying (equivalent of) $12/roll for Velvia 50 last time I bought it new 11-12 years ago.

Michael Jones, Wednesday, 30 November 2022 14:48 (two years ago) link

Ah, and good to know on the Canon cine conversions!

The SSC stuff is pre-1979 (all "new" FD - the bayonet mount without the floating ring - was multi-coated anyway, without that designation), so in theory should be cheaper, but who knows.

Bit of a hole between 16mm and 50mm after selling a lot of stuff... a nice cheap 28 would be fine (ideally a fifth of the price of the one I sold :) )

Michael Jones, Wednesday, 30 November 2022 14:57 (two years ago) link

here I was thinking I'd try to get into film photography but I don't think I can if it's this pricy...not to mention developing and turning it into digital so I can uhh use it?

calstars, Wednesday, 30 November 2022 16:13 (two years ago) link

just thought of the photo breezing thread since my brother's renewed interest in cameras has caused me to 1) take out my leica, load it up, and start shooting again, and 2) finally develop about 15 rolls from 2016, a mix of color and black-and-white. I'm relieved to learn that my scanner still works, after a software update that has forced me to relearn how to scan. might post more once I have some good scans. it's funny, since I've shot many many thousands of photos in the intervening years, but nearly all digital (and often work-related), now remembering how I shot 8 years ago, and getting the feeling back with the leica. holding it, I really do feel inclined to take very different kinds of photos! I also had no clue that film had gotten so expensive, and was happy to discover a bag of about 15 or so unused rolls, mostly Kodak Gold, Portra, some Ektar, and Tri-X etc. I can't believe how expensive this would all be if I were buying new rolls, paying for scans, etc.! Why do the kids do it??

chinavision!, Sunday, 11 December 2022 04:08 (two years ago) link

the thing for me on film cost is that's the only barrier. it's jarring to come back to after not buying film but not to the point that it puts it out of reach if not ripping wildly through it. otherwise i don't mind. i don't have much to compare it to since i never got an updated digital camera. so apart from my phone, if necessary i still use a canon eos from the very early 2000s. it's good but it does require some effort to operate and make good pictures (less than shooting on film and developing, since it does just plug into a macbook still, but with more room for error and the chance of taking pictures all day and coming back with nothing).

XxxxxxxXxxxxxxxxXxxxx (dylannn), Sunday, 11 December 2022 04:52 (two years ago) link

one year passes...

70mm zoom lens is my business … and business is good!

calstars, Tuesday, 30 January 2024 22:15 (eleven months ago) link

I haven't taken a good photo in about 6 years. Except for microscopic tidepool shots with the little Olympus TG5.

assert (matttkkkk), Tuesday, 30 January 2024 22:27 (eleven months ago) link

two months pass...

ncxkd, Friday, 12 April 2024 20:24 (nine months ago) link

lookin good! philly?

, Friday, 12 April 2024 22:10 (nine months ago) link

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