Magazines Devoted Primarily to Techno.

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Any others? Any in English? In circulation in Northern America?

XLR8R exists, but it's main focus is by no means techno. BPM is ... whatever. Mixmag is obviously not mainly techno. I'm struggling here. I refuse to believe that there's not enough going on to at least have access to a solid bi-monthly.

Places to read techno: a column on Pitchfork, a column on Stylus, Dusted has the random review, and blogs.

What am I missing? Just pump the fucking beats into my veins.

Cameron Octigan (Cameron Octigan), Wednesday, 13 September 2006 22:35 (eighteen years ago) link

learn German

boredom to the left, babylon to the right (fandango), Wednesday, 13 September 2006 23:00 (eighteen years ago) link

j/k (but do it anyway)

the only other web review places I keep around are and neither are primarily techno devoted, but usually have a fair chunk in. Some decent interviews in archives (Graham Massey, A Guy Called Gerald, Cristian Vogel etc) the site is on hiatus atm though.

I'm not sure why I don't look at Resident Advisor more (the podcasts are nice) I think they have stuff worth a browse every now & then.

other than that it tends to be discussion forums of some kind I'll lurk on, but usually end up rolling my eyes and not contributing (no bad thing).

I presume iDJ (i for international) has international distribution, but I doubt it's any better than the UK version which is not flat-out terrible, but less than adequate.

or take a month off and read some books (like I always keep meaning to!) Dan Sicko - Techno Rebels etc...

boredom to the left, babylon to the right (fandango), Wednesday, 13 September 2006 23:12 (eighteen years ago) link

can't you get SLices to send a dozen copies of their DVD thing to stylus?

boredom to the left, babylon to the right (fandango), Wednesday, 13 September 2006 23:14 (eighteen years ago) link

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