Let's have an Exuma thread - C/D, S/D etc.

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I just found the first album on Mercury for a dollar. I am listening to it right now and it sounds very cool. There's a fair amount of talk concerning the band on a Nicki Siano thread, but it seems like there would be some interest in a thread of their own.

So what's the deal? Any bio info available? Is it all this good? Somebody on the other thread said they had six records by them!

sleeve (sleeve), Saturday, 11 February 2006 20:38 (eighteen years ago) link

exuma is a guy, not a band. i believe he passed away a few years ago...

having fun with stockholm cindy on stage (Jody Beth Rosen), Saturday, 11 February 2006 21:07 (eighteen years ago) link

He is from the Bahamas, I believe. Dudes from the Blues Magoos helped get him signed. I really dig the first record. I dig the second records. And from there, I lose slowly lose interest. Although, I haven't heard all his jams, just the first four, five or six LP's. I forget.

QuantumNoise (Justin Farrar), Saturday, 11 February 2006 22:37 (eighteen years ago) link

Also, Exuma is not his real name but the name of this ancient spirit who would possess him when making music. That's the story, anyway. He did have a fairly regular group, I think and from the limited stuff that I read it comes off kinda cultish, typical late-60s, early-70s tribal talk.

QuantumNoise (Justin Farrar), Saturday, 11 February 2006 22:39 (eighteen years ago) link

an lp of his was on some wire list about 10 (?) years back, "our contributors' favorite records" or some such. i had a hard time tracking it down. but i like it.

amateuristo, Saturday, 11 February 2006 22:40 (eighteen years ago) link

seven years pass...

this album is fucking awesome.
not many great "freak folk" albums out there. this one is the best imo.

nostormo, Friday, 27 December 2013 17:15 (eleven years ago) link

surprised there's not much of an ilx love for this

nostormo, Friday, 27 December 2013 17:20 (eleven years ago) link

no idea if this is the same band but this is my favourite song of all time & the vocals make me laugh so fucking hard every time i listen to it


flopson, Friday, 27 December 2013 17:22 (eleven years ago) link

it's his song , but i only know the "classic" record:


nostormo, Friday, 27 December 2013 17:25 (eleven years ago) link

sounds like AC stole half of the ideas from here to Sung Tongs.
the other half is what makes Exuma a better record imo

nostormo, Friday, 27 December 2013 17:26 (eleven years ago) link


flopson, Friday, 27 December 2013 17:45 (eleven years ago) link

damn that sounds awesome. my friend and i found Snake while high out of our minds at like 3 am in a radio stations music library and listened to it like twelve times over and over again laughing hysterically, good times

the foldout is pretty wild, too

flopson, Friday, 27 December 2013 17:45 (eleven years ago) link

love his voice too and the Captain Beefheart voice tone

nostormo, Friday, 27 December 2013 18:01 (eleven years ago) link

ten years pass...


First song off the first album is a jam! The whole first album is getting
more rewarding with each listen. Vocals are sort of Beefheart/Richie Havens
Some parts do have sort of an island mystic/voodoo trance vibe.
Not yet sure the whole album will stick with me, am enjoying letting it sink in for now.

nicky lo-fi, Wednesday, 30 October 2024 16:12 (two months ago) link

Never saw this thread! Speaking of Siano, I wrote about his comp Nicky Siano's Legendary the Gallery: New York's Original Disco 1973-1977(a Soul Jazz import) incl. my first Exuma experience (though I'd to see him in collectors' mail order catalogues from the 80s on):

Spinning out of this disc, the Gallery is mercury still rising, through
crosstown funk, soul, roots rock, and one gospel song, personalized:
Gloria Spencer proclaims,
"I got it! I don't understand it! I got it!" A jet blasts (like, "Amen!") out
of Exuma's "Obeah Man."
Yeah, it's perfectly placed, every track is (and no remixes, no need: like I say in there, every selection has built-in breaks and dynamics). Still haven't tried a whole Exuma album yet. better get to YouTube.

dow, Wednesday, 30 October 2024 17:22 (two months ago) link

Also, I'd totally forgotten the aformentioned Siano's Gallery thread, despite my posts on there, and now I recall this, by Andy Beta (who also wrote all-time about hanging w Fahey and a JF-made mixtape that only surfaced a few years ago, way after Andy's Voice piece):

the only sign of mixing (a/k/a Siano's 3rd turntable) is at the end of Exuma, where he has a jet sound whoosh come in.

― Beta (abeta)

dow, Wednesday, 30 October 2024 17:34 (two months ago) link

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