Why is casual racism/sexism more accepted in video games than other forms of media (these days)?

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lag∞n, Monday, 20 October 2014 00:44 (nine years ago) link

I was talking to a friend's brother, a huge gamer who hadn't heard of gamergate, and was trying to express what it was in like one sentence and it became so clear to me how none of it, on any level, makes any sense

puff puff post (uh oh I'm having a fantasy), Monday, 20 October 2014 00:50 (nine years ago) link

oh hey that old man murray gabriel knight quote reminded me that the remake of the original gabriel knight came out last week. i read that they replaced all the old voice actors tho, no more tim curry saying "what can you tell me about...voodoo?"

you little affront to god (reddening), Monday, 20 October 2014 00:55 (nine years ago) link

really unchill gamer gate is plagiarizing based god btw

lag∞n, Monday, 20 October 2014 01:01 (nine years ago) link

I was talking to a friend's brother, a huge gamer who hadn't heard of gamergate, and was trying to express what it was in like one sentence and it became so clear to me how none of it, on any level, makes any sense

― puff puff post (uh oh I'm having a fantasy), Sunday, October 19, 2014 5:50 PM (12 minutes ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink

he was just like "why fafsa"

puff puff post (uh oh I'm having a fantasy), Monday, 20 October 2014 01:03 (nine years ago) link



lag∞n, Monday, 20 October 2014 01:15 (nine years ago) link

Dr Paris @parisba · 32m 32 minutes ago
To the #GamerGate people trying to get me fire: I forwarded your emails to HR, and upon receiving them decided not to fire myself.

lag∞n, Monday, 20 October 2014 01:16 (nine years ago) link


💪😈⚠️ (DJP), Monday, 20 October 2014 01:21 (nine years ago) link

you have been warn

Clay, Monday, 20 October 2014 01:23 (nine years ago) link


lol I love Matt Binder. Majority Report!

you walk on the street, grab the rock (President Keyes), Monday, 20 October 2014 01:39 (nine years ago) link

My much younger brother is a total gamer nerd guy and I was terrified that he might be buying into any of this shit, was pleasantly surprised to find that he had no idea what the fuck I was talking about.

ENERGY FOOD (en i see kay), Monday, 20 October 2014 01:44 (nine years ago) link

Well I encountered a wholly deranged dude as blowback from the Anil Dash situation and I've now blocked someone on Twitter for the first time ever

💪😈⚠️ (DJP), Monday, 20 October 2014 02:13 (nine years ago) link


EZ Snappin, Monday, 20 October 2014 02:14 (nine years ago) link

He kept asking people to search for articles of people who had been killed for being women and I I'll-advisedly engaged him over black people getting killed and asked him if he really wanted to play Oppresion Olympics... and he did

💪😈⚠️ (DJP), Monday, 20 October 2014 02:17 (nine years ago) link

Sorry forgot to mention he was posting links to news stories about gay people being attacked for being gay

Like his entire raison d'être was to prove that gay white men are the most oppressed people in America ergo go GamerGate (?)

💪😈⚠️ (DJP), Monday, 20 October 2014 02:18 (nine years ago) link

better logic than most of those folks.

EZ Snappin, Monday, 20 October 2014 02:19 (nine years ago) link

At this point the whole thing is a dizzying wormhole of $personIveNeverHeardof called out $personIveNeverHeardof on Twitter in regards to his comments over $personIveNeverHeardof on $blogiveneverheardof

My brain hurts.

Gumbercules? I love that guy! (Trayce), Monday, 20 October 2014 02:24 (nine years ago) link

I engaged with some guy on twitter, why, kill me please

⌘-B (mh), Monday, 20 October 2014 02:45 (nine years ago) link

*adds you all on twitter immediately for lulz of spectatorship*

Gumbercules? I love that guy! (Trayce), Monday, 20 October 2014 02:57 (nine years ago) link


goole, Monday, 20 October 2014 03:22 (nine years ago) link

I really want to call a couple people drydicks and go to bed but my better instincts

⌘-B (mh), Monday, 20 October 2014 03:39 (nine years ago) link


hate linking to reddit but this is a good read. basically a boston globe writer wrote a piece on gg, a thread was started calling it a poorly researched hit-piece, author stopped by the thread and annihilated them.

Clay, Monday, 20 October 2014 03:52 (nine years ago) link

i read that they replaced all the old voice actors tho, no more tim curry saying "what can you tell me about...voodoo?"

uhhhhhhh what, this is the real gamergate

difficult listening hour, Monday, 20 October 2014 04:44 (nine years ago) link

cameron . . . dare

adversity . . . fuel

mookieproof, Monday, 20 October 2014 05:33 (nine years ago) link

Cameron Dare looks weirdly like a young Michael Gove.

Maybe it's just the glasses and his overly pleased with himself expression.

AlanSmithee, Monday, 20 October 2014 08:24 (nine years ago) link


hate linking to reddit but this is a good read. basically a boston globe writer wrote a piece on gg, a thread was started calling it a poorly researched hit-piece, author stopped by the thread and annihilated them.

― Clay, Sunday, October 19, 2014 11:52 PM Bookmark Flag Post Permalink

great read. as always - stunning how ANYthing posted about this generates seemingly hundreds of responses working over the same talking points (or tortured deformations of them to fit the present situation). It must seriously be all these guys do all day.

Doctor Casino, Monday, 20 October 2014 13:09 (nine years ago) link

I feel like this thread is written in another language. like these tweets are just baffling, out of whatever context twitter can give.

but I gather this whole thing is really just misogyny? i.e. keep representing women in games as they have been represented heretofore? is there some extra dimension "worth" mulling over besides that?

droit au butt (Euler), Monday, 20 October 2014 13:26 (nine years ago) link

Not really, just a many-layered, kaleidoscopic window into the thread question. Maybe an interesting microphenomenon of the lengths people who think of themselves as the good guys will go to tr and argue/explain away everything bad about what they're engaged in.

Doctor Casino, Monday, 20 October 2014 13:31 (nine years ago) link

I am sorry for humanity that I conversed with a #gg person on twitter, sorry everyone

⌘-B (mh), Monday, 20 October 2014 13:35 (nine years ago) link

You guys refuse to appoint a leader or write up a platform or really do any of the things real-life, adult “movements” do.

I feel like this is a big problem with communications between the two sides here. On the anti-GamerGate side, there have been a bunch of good published pieces that represent, and hence standardize, the basic anti-GG arguments. Sarkeesian's videos have this quality too, that they authoritatively represent the set of arguments that need to be rebutted in order to shift the burden of argument back onto the feminist critique. That takes effort and organization. Can anyone point to any kind of article or published piece which represents pro-GamerGate arguments at their best? It's hard to demand engagement if there isn't an authoritative thing to be engaged with.

jmm, Monday, 20 October 2014 13:39 (nine years ago) link

also do these people think really think EA is going to stop making War Game 169 : Drones R Us or whatever because Kotaku praises Depression Quest?

I realize this is all probably all obvious inside the rabbit hole but

droit au butt (Euler), Monday, 20 October 2014 13:41 (nine years ago) link

maybe! I seriously believe that half the people who were up in arms about Depression Quest really just can't stand the idea of such a thing being in their public sphere.

⌘-B (mh), Monday, 20 October 2014 13:42 (nine years ago) link

yeah, & "public sphere" seems the right way to put it, since it seems like what they're "really" upset about is that gaming journalism will pay attention to anything but their favored violent games...even though their preferred games get the bulk of coverage (not to mention, obvious, vg sales). it's like complaining that SI occasionally has articles on swimming.

droit au butt (Euler), Monday, 20 October 2014 13:47 (nine years ago) link

Yeah, there is (as the Singal reddit mentions) an enormous infestation of MRA culture wars in this - SJWs are invading from outside to corrupt your culture, they care not for it except as a bauble.

Andrew Farrell, Monday, 20 October 2014 14:03 (nine years ago) link

I realised I had given up on an amicable resolution when I started hearing all GG posts as read by Lemongrab.

Andrew Farrell, Monday, 20 October 2014 14:03 (nine years ago) link

I thought the deadspin (I think) article had an interesting take on this: gamers who perceived DQ as not much of a game by technical standards, perceived the coverage it did get as a sign that click-hungry journalists reported on it because they thought it would get clicks, not because it was any good. Therefore the fear is that the industry will be taken over by meme-ready, inferior games. That's fine, but (a) the response seems uh a LITTLE disproportionate, (b) since when do magazines run things they DON'T expect clicks on, (c) there's no shortage of content-free reporting anyway, see also that ''eight photos of this Kratos bust'' piece from upthread, and (d) given context and how it takes less than four seconds for any of these people to blurt out ''SJW!!'' it seems like the problem isn't so much 'sites pursue appealing story about lame game'' as ''lame game gets attention, clearly it's because she's a GIRL and the sites are riddled with FEMINISTS'' so the whole thing collapses fast.

It's amazing in these threads how the desire to fight ''feminists'' and ''SJWs'' gets brought up as a *defense*, like these clowns really think that makes them get taken *more* seriously rather than making them sound like Dittoheads. It's again, this striking disconnect with how things sound to anybody outside the bubble, this unfamiliarity with any discourse besides game scores, snarky YouTube narration, and deathmatch trash-talk.

Doctor Casino, Monday, 20 October 2014 14:06 (nine years ago) link


Nhex, Monday, 20 October 2014 14:14 (nine years ago) link

A thing: reading some twitter-threads and whatever-chan forums, I think it has to be said that a lot of people aren't from America. The mlk-guy was from the Phillipines, and I'd guess a lot are from Phillipines or South Korea. So really, it's not entirely true that they are all white males. Some of them are males from former authoritarian regimes, who are obviously nostalgic for back in the day.

Frederik B, Monday, 20 October 2014 14:28 (nine years ago) link

''All this harassment of women and creation of a threatening and unwelcome environment for non-white, non-male, non-straight people is really sketchy.''
''Oh, the harassers don't represent me. They're a lunatic fringe; to me, GamerGate is nothing more than a righteous crusade to eliminate the pernicious feminists and social justice warriors who are - and you may not be aware of this - infiltrating everything and willing to destroy gaming in order to get attention for themselves. You should watch my vlog series for details! By the way though, the harassers do have at least one good point: why SHOULD we sympathize with a woman who we KNOW cheated on someone, causing his mental breakdown AND doxxed herself because she is not a real gamer??? and yet GG supporters are censored for their beliefs and called MISOGYNISTS when none of us have ever generalized about anybody, but the MSM won't report on it when anti-GG people do it! That's the very DEFINITION of a conspiracy! But please don't respond until you've read these eight links.''

Doctor Casino, Monday, 20 October 2014 14:32 (nine years ago) link

Has this reached stasis now? Those kotakuinaction sorts seem bubble-bound & in tactical disarray.

Also, have they set up their own uncorrupt, actually objective game-review site? Because if I were in their world of blind idiocy that would seem a sensible thing to do (but then I suppose the SJW cartel would conspire to crush it)

(been following from afar, thanks to all in this thread for links & posts)

woof, Monday, 20 October 2014 14:40 (nine years ago) link

lol that was what I was wondering yesterday. instead of donating to charity to show they're not assholes or w/e, how come there's no fund for creating a new, independent games journalism site or some sort of counter-fund for game titles they think are being ignored?

I mean, they're mostly defending A-list titles with budgets in the tens if not hundreds of millions, though...

⌘-B (mh), Monday, 20 October 2014 14:47 (nine years ago) link

lol SJW cartel

Nhex, Monday, 20 October 2014 14:53 (nine years ago) link

xp won't someone please think of the Electronic Arts Corporation???

Barry Gordy (Neil S), Monday, 20 October 2014 14:54 (nine years ago) link


lag∞n, Monday, 20 October 2014 14:55 (nine years ago) link

it's large multinational corporations that are the real victims in all this, happy now SJWs???

Barry Gordy (Neil S), Monday, 20 October 2014 14:57 (nine years ago) link

EA is actually very progressive as a corporation, they were well out in front of supporting gay marriage

and they've also allowed BioWare's Manveer Heir to be one of the most vocal, public advocates for social justice and minority representation in the entire industry

u2 removal machine (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Monday, 20 October 2014 15:15 (nine years ago) link

I called out EA because they make a war game that is a big deal, which matters a lot more than their having a vocal public advocate for social justice

droit au butt (Euler), Monday, 20 October 2014 15:17 (nine years ago) link

oh ok i'll let him know

u2 removal machine (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Monday, 20 October 2014 15:23 (nine years ago) link

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