Ebert Video Game Commentary Hullabaloo

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My point being that while you CAN ask those kinds of questions about other art forms, you can't really ask them about videogames. Yet. You also can't "teach" videogames, because a film or a book you can get through, and in a worst case scenario we're talking at most 16 hours total for just about the longest books and about 7 hours total for something like the Cremaster cycle. Sure, there are books with parts that are hard to get through, but there are some videogames which not only require 30 hours of your time on a GOOD day, they also stymie you with puzzles or especially difficult fingerspeed tests that take up even MORE time.

This sort of forces video games to be culturally marginal, because they're much less accessible than books, music or film. Not only that, video games are mostly locked into the ephemerality of the hardware and software platforms they run on, which is a massive handicap. Every other kind of art we're talking about can be reproduced on a variety of media to make it accessible to just about everyone; only recently has emulation (mostly the illegal sort, sans gametap, modern-console backwards compatability and classics compilations) made old games worth seeking out.

TOMBOT, Tuesday, 27 December 2005 16:09 (eighteen years ago) link

Also show me a videogame that's "controversial" for the ideas behind it instead of for the animated blood and fucking. When that happens, video games have arrived. Until that point, Take Two Interactive remains the cultural pinnacle, rest of world 1, video games 0.

TOMBOT, Tuesday, 27 December 2005 16:11 (eighteen years ago) link

Also show me a videogame that's "controversial" for the ideas behind it instead of for the animated blood and fucking.

Why, of course!


melton mowbray (adr), Tuesday, 27 December 2005 16:17 (eighteen years ago) link

Usually for something to be "controversial" that means more than three people know what the fuck it is

TOMBOT, Tuesday, 27 December 2005 16:23 (eighteen years ago) link

How about the fact that no videogame-storytelling is just incredibly bad? When was the last time you were moved by something in a videogame and not by forgetting to save, or something?

remy (x Jeremy), Tuesday, 27 December 2005 16:36 (eighteen years ago) link

something something something something something

remy (x Jeremy), Tuesday, 27 December 2005 16:46 (eighteen years ago) link

Well the last time that happened I was playing Terranigma. But yeah it's about once every seventy million hours of gametime that that actually happens. The issue at play though isn't storytelling! I really don't even think that's Ebert's take! It's something bigger and less qualifiable (poss. more quantifiable), the overall cultural significance of games, and the lack of meaningful stories + the inaccessibility of most video games to the public at large that marginalizes them, I think.

TOMBOT, Tuesday, 27 December 2005 17:34 (eighteen years ago) link

collaboration - is the staff on most videogames really larger than that of any studio movie?

that said i think it's a dead end or wrong tree, this idea, but i dunno. i'm curious about nethack as an example of how my vaguely defined notion of a 'community' w/r/t videogaming works. (bcz theoretically the staff on nethack could = every player)

tom west (thomp), Tuesday, 27 December 2005 22:06 (eighteen years ago) link

It's not the size of the staff so much as how it has to be leveraged, I think. Then again I've never directed a film nor produced a video game, but basically I would imagine it's easier for a director to get what he wants out of his people and budget than it may be for a video game designer. You have to build a sustainable simulation, as well, something that behaves consistently and predictably within the confines of the rules you engineer; this is not a problem film or literary auteurs ever have to deal with.

TOMBOT, Tuesday, 27 December 2005 22:19 (eighteen years ago) link

All stories are myths, though? I mean, maybe, but this seems like a vast dilution of the concept of a "myth".

no, but i think they can function in the smae way.

and if we're going into the auteur/collab parts of different artforms, there are plenty of game designers who's sensibility dominates the product:

1) Miyamoto
2) Kojima
3) Tim Schafer

kingfish holiday travesty (kingfish 2.0), Tuesday, 27 December 2005 23:42 (eighteen years ago) link

When was the last time you were moved by something in a videogame and not by forgetting to save, or something?

Depends on what you mean by "moved", I guess -- the way most people mean it, it was Ocarina of Time. But "moved" (as in, emotionally struck) isn't generally what I want out of art anyways, and certainly isn't the litmus test for whether something is a piece of (effective) art or not.

Casuistry (Chris P), Wednesday, 28 December 2005 02:34 (eighteen years ago) link

Have you taken "reading?" In "English?"

Ouch! Considering the source, I'll tolerate the prickliness-- and I actually appreciate the fact that you're calling me out on this. Ebert reviews games often? (I ignored your ref to Cosmology of Kyoto when I "read" the thread last, so I skipped over the link.) I can't find the original Ebert NOTLD review, but a quick google of references to it forces me to admit that I might have been confusing an uninformed misconception of his review for fact there, even though I'm pretty sure I actually have read his original review of the movie somewhere (in one of his books, maybe).

Long, long way to go

Is there? How much more development does there have to be before video games are "perfected"? Aren't things like the arcade Asteroids and the original Super Mario Bros. already speaking with a fully-formed vocabulary, as technically crude as they might be? What else do they need to be aesthetic experiences on a par with the fine arts? Isn't the experience of playing them the text, and everything else the subtext? How overt does the "literary" content have to be in your opinion before video games can be art and not just bullshit? (And is The Manchurian Candidate really "literary" either? It's been a long while since I saw it last, but I thought it was more pop than visionary.)

Films can come close but the medium is really still too complex to allow for full articulation by a single person or even just two people.

So films aren't fully on the level of literature yet either? I think you might be wrong about how vital it is that one person generates all the work themselves-- aren't writers forced to sculpt the raw material of their first draft in much the same way as directors sculpt a finished product from the accidents of performance?

I think it's interesting to note that video games may have had their moment in the limelight from 1980-1996

Maybe-- maybe because by becoming more collaborative and big-budget, video games have moved away from the personal? I know lots of people
have claimed that the golden age of video games already passed once designers stopped programming their own games.

you CAN ask those kinds of questions about other art forms, you can't really ask them about videogames

You can't? Why not? This is what I was getting at with the "mythology" comment-- aren't there all sorts of implicit enculturation and value reinforcement involved in these fantasies of heroism and escape? I don't think there's any reason why people couldn't be teaching about the cultural dimension of video games right now. How much of the game do you need to experience in class to talk about it? Do you have to have students play through Final Fantasy VII in its entirety? I've had plenty of courses where only parts of long books were assigned-- sometimes it's the only way to do survey courses. Leave playing video games all day to the grad students, in that case. (I can imagine them now, stressing out because they haven't had time to do all of their assigned playing.)

This sort of forces video games to be culturally marginal

Interesting-- so video games were less culturally marginal in the days of the arcades because they could be experienced in full much more quickly? Yeah, the ephemerality thing is a handicap right now, but it was as much of a handicap in film before the technology developed-- lots of early movies were lost entirely due to storage problems, and there are probably lots of movies that are regarded as classics today that were marginalized and little seen for a long time because they weren't getting re-releases to movie houses-- modern "film buff" culture I don't think really started until movie catalogues started getting sold to television stations that need stuff to air (the omnipresence of the Universal monsters, 3 Stooges, Looney Tunes, and The Little Rascals as household names are all due to television showings, right? Same true for The Wizard of Oz and It's a Wonderful Life?)

Also show me a videogame that's "controversial" for the ideas behind it instead of for the animated blood and fucking.

Eh... Was Naked Lunch controversial for the ideas behind it or because of the blood and fucking? Isn't Burroughs's willingness to be transgressive an outgrowth of the ideas though? Isn't the GTA debate over ideas-- churchy types seeing it as promoting some sort of implicit nihilism rather than as good, clean fun? I take your point about the lack of overt literary content in games to date, but I wonder how necessary it is for all games to be like Alpha Centauri or Planescape: Torment. I think that the material you're looking for already exists-- you could probably seriously analyze the ideas behind SMAC in the same way that you parody analyzed Halo.

Chris F. (servoret), Wednesday, 28 December 2005 04:36 (eighteen years ago) link

I really don't even think that's Ebert's take!

Yeah, I think you're right-- my point is that I think there has to be lots of "mythic" content in these things already, just as a result of the gameplay itself! I think that the position that you're in as a protagonist and the things you have to face as antagonists are telling a meaningful story already-- making video games potentially time-wasting bullshit and invigorating cultural experiences at the same time. And obviously, there's a spectrum of meaningfulness to be had-- but how much more do you need for video games to touch your soul? Aren't you part of the Nintendo generation? Is the problem a lack of "adult" works? (Has there been a video game Maus in this sense yet?)

Chris F. (servoret), Wednesday, 28 December 2005 04:46 (eighteen years ago) link

All culture is made of stories?

Aren't we telling a story to ourselves as we live our lives? I'm the guy talking vapid bullshit, TOMBOT is the hero rising to squelch that, et cetera? Or is that vapid bullshit? I think kingfish knows what I'm getting at. Not just value judgements, but we're constantly forced to live in reifications just because of the way that we're constructed, as finite thinking beings that have to make sense of a very large and complex system-- "all seeing is a perspective seeing", etc. I don't think I'm abusing the word "myth" much in talking about the fact that we're forced to simplify and place value on things just to survive as human beings, and that we're enculturated into doing that. Aren't myths explanatory stories that speak to/give us an intuitive sense of the way things are?

Chris F. (servoret), Wednesday, 28 December 2005 04:58 (eighteen years ago) link

something that behaves consistently and predictably within the confines of the rules you engineer; this is not a problem film or literary auteurs ever have to deal with.

Covered this already. I guess I disagree with your take on how authors in any medium produce work-- you're assigning them causal powers of creation that I don't think they actually have.

Chris F. (servoret), Wednesday, 28 December 2005 05:02 (eighteen years ago) link

When was the last time you were moved by something in a videogame and not by forgetting to save, or something?

Depends on what you mean by "moved", I guess -- the way most people mean it, it was Ocarina of Time. But "moved" (as in, emotionally struck) isn't generally what I want out of art anyways, and certainly isn't the litmus test for whether something is a piece of (effective) art or not.

I wasn't utterly sober posting this… and I'll be more lucid on another thread tomorrow where I needn't worry about framing the argument re. Ebert. What I'm actually getting toward (incoherently) is a point about the locus of the narrative experience and the kind of obligatory Verfremdungseffekt current games (perhaps) enforce.

remy (x Jeremy), Wednesday, 28 December 2005 06:15 (eighteen years ago) link

Yeah, fuck bloviating about Ebert-- I'm more interested in what Tom and the rest of y'all think "video games as art" would look like if it isn't what we've already had. Do we need a "Video games as art" thread?

Chris F. (servoret), Wednesday, 28 December 2005 08:54 (eighteen years ago) link

WEb-enabled 1967 article on NOTLD by Ebert, provided with commentary by Ebert himself, no less!

TOMBOT, Wednesday, 28 December 2005 15:29 (eighteen years ago) link

obligatory Verfremdungseffekt current games (perhaps) enforce.

Grep for "Silent Protagonist" on this thread and read down from there, I discussed a little bit of the difference here and Dan chiming in with his own treatment of the "masking effect" confirmed my suspicions:

RPGs are better in 2D. Discuss!

TOMBOT, Wednesday, 28 December 2005 15:50 (eighteen years ago) link

Video games as art: Katamari, Animal Crossing, high hopes for Electroplankton, Seaman, Viewtiful Joe, Nights, even Tetris seems reasonable...

Forksclovetofu (Forksclovetofu), Wednesday, 28 December 2005 15:53 (eighteen years ago) link

Has there been a video game Maus in this sense yet?

I don't think so! And more to my point (and Nolan Bushnell's point, and Satoru Iwata's point) the inaccessibility of so many videogames would make such a game likely to just fall by the wayside, unnoticed by anybody but you, me, and maybe Tycho & Gabe. I mean Maus is weird and hard enough for people unfamiliar with comics to accept as worthwhile, if you had to learn a new set of hand motions and object relationships just to open the book and turn pages it would be even more marginalized than it is!

I don't think videogames aren't ART, I mean even noize music is art, but mature, they're not. I think the main problems all have technical underpinnings; the marketplace is immature, the generation gap is hard at work, and the conventions are all still highly unstable.

TOMBOT, Wednesday, 28 December 2005 16:04 (eighteen years ago) link

Video games as art: Katamari, Animal Crossing, high hopes for Electroplankton, Seaman, Viewtiful Joe, Nights, even Tetris seems reasonable...

What definition of "art" is this? The dialogue in Tetris is shit!

TOMBOT, Wednesday, 28 December 2005 16:06 (eighteen years ago) link

Forks I'm just being bitchy about your comment because it implies a preset definition of art that I think is a little limited for the purposes of this convo. Are we starting a new thread yet?

TOMBOT, Wednesday, 28 December 2005 16:07 (eighteen years ago) link

I think we already did.
And I find the text of Tetris moving, thankyewverymuch.

I like the Penny Arcade argument: music is art, yes? Design? Graphic art? So you add a joystick and it's no longer art?

Forksclovetofu (Forksclovetofu), Wednesday, 28 December 2005 17:42 (eighteen years ago) link

No, you add formalized rules and you haven't changed a thing about the music, the pictures, or the story underneath. The GAME is not art. the game CONTAINS art. I just want to see a more cohesive argument why the things that make a game a game are necessary to the art, itself - I think Casuistry was moving in this direction with his comments about SMB3 up above, but it's not quite all there.

An esquisitely carved chessboard with beautiful and ornate pieces is art, too, but CHESS, itself, is not. Chess is tradecraft. Playing chess is even more so. Battle Chess is no different; why can it as a whole be considered art when you would probably not say the same of regular old chess?

TOMBOT, Wednesday, 28 December 2005 18:45 (eighteen years ago) link

Have games not evolved far enough, or do you think we haven't developed a language about games far enough yet?

kingfish holiday travesty (kingfish 2.0), Wednesday, 28 December 2005 18:54 (eighteen years ago) link

Yeah that's basically what I'm getting at. What I mean when I say "the conventions are unstable" is like this - "Earthbound" is kind of an art game. It's probably as close to a game as a whole artwork in and of itself (I would be remiss to say I wasn't a little influenced in saying this by Tim Roger's lengthy review) in no small part because the formalized underpinnings are all Dragon Warrior. The narrative, pictures, sound effects and the scripted events that produce the narrative are built on a base of familiar conventions in games that most players are accustomed to from previous experience. Which is to say, those formalized rules, the Dragon Warrior codebase, is not art. Making up rules is not art any more than Strunk & White's Elements Of Style is classic literature. But those conventions inform art, and once we have settled on some more stable paradigms for the rules and interactions that take place, then we can start calling things art. In a way, genrefication seems necessary in order to separate that which is purely functional from that which is expressive. Is this getting me anywhere?

So yes to both birds with one stone.

TOMBOT, Wednesday, 28 December 2005 19:14 (eighteen years ago) link

Your bringing up genrefication is an interesting bit. I'm wondering that, when a games language is finally developed(les Cahiers du Cut-Scene, if you will), if the anti-genre bias that currently pervades other crit lanugage will carry over to games, an artform/cultural-expression that only manifests itself in genre. I mean, with literature(and to a lesser extent, film), genre trappings are always seen as a weakness, or denoting a less "serious" work.

Put in another way, what will demarcate the snooty high culture/low culture divide in games? It can't be just game genre, since you have Half Life 2, Halo, and Postal 2, all in the FPS category. I'm thinking it might fall into platform/"intended audience" lines, i.e. we already talk about "hardcore" or "serious" games. We decry Xbox/halo/madden-only gamers right now.

kingfish holiday travesty (kingfish 2.0), Wednesday, 28 December 2005 19:39 (eighteen years ago) link

Actually, upon reading that article, i'm disappointed that there's no mention made of the Ultima series, since DQ/DW was said to have taken much of its structure(tromping around the overworld w/ only a tile representing a city/castle, random encounters, grinding, stats, etc) from Ultima III(which was a big hit over there, to the point where it had its own anime series).

kingfish holiday travesty (kingfish 2.0), Wednesday, 28 December 2005 19:58 (eighteen years ago) link

(How about when hackers killed Lord British in Ultima Online! That was art!)


GET EQUIPPED WITH BUBBLE LEAD (ex machina), Wednesday, 28 December 2005 20:08 (eighteen years ago) link

One night during the Ultima Online pre-alpha phase, Rainz and his captains swept the countryside gathering stray players and building an army to invade Britain. To distinguish themselves from enemies, Rainz instructed everyone to remove the lower portion of their armor and clothing. Word of the growing army spread to Britain and preparations were made for the attack. The pant-less army rendezvoused at a large barn close to the city. Rainz used this barn as a staging point for the attack, sending in three waves of soldiers in short succession one after the other. The invading army outnumbered the defenders and decimated the entire Britannian garrison within minutes. All players who refused to join the army were also killed. The majority of the battle took place at the main bridge leading into the city. From that day on the bridge was known as the BoD, or Bridge of Death.

GET EQUIPPED WITH BUBBLE LEAD (ex machina), Wednesday, 28 December 2005 20:12 (eighteen years ago) link

For an unknown period of time Rainz morphed himself into an appearingly harmless chicken. In this form he roamed Britannia and tracked down and killed several gamemasters using invisible fireballs. The activity sent the GMs into a frenzy, who unsuccessfully sought the offender for several days, often blaming innocent bystanders. The cause of the GM deaths remained unknown until Rainz revealed his tactics a few months later.

GET EQUIPPED WITH BUBBLE LEAD (ex machina), Wednesday, 28 December 2005 20:12 (eighteen years ago) link

hahaha. MMORPG press gangs.

kingfish holiday travesty (kingfish 2.0), Wednesday, 28 December 2005 20:17 (eighteen years ago) link

The high culture/low culture divide in videogames is likely to mirror where it is in film now, where nothing much is taken at "face value" and people can argue back and forth about why "Waterworld" is better than "Ghost World" and vice versa until they turn blue, while everyone (except for a few people who get off on being annoyingly enamored of bad, bad not-even-campy shit) will generally agree that Rollerball is on a level with the shit that Seanbaby makes a living writing derisively about, and vice versa. I mean where's the divide between Catwoman and Spider-Man? That's going to be the same for games.

TOMBOT, Wednesday, 28 December 2005 20:40 (eighteen years ago) link

I was about to ask how long it would be before the pomo/university litcrit bullshit started spreading to games, as well, but then I remembered that we've already discussed this page.

kingfish holiday travesty (kingfish 2.0), Wednesday, 28 December 2005 20:55 (eighteen years ago) link

if they are working on Mother 3, as rumored, i'm wondering what they're going to call it the American release of it

kingfish holiday travesty (kingfish 2.0), Wednesday, 28 December 2005 21:33 (eighteen years ago) link

Aren't we telling a story to ourselves as we live our lives?

I'm not arguing against that, I'm just asking whether that's all culture consists of.

Casuistry (Chris P), Wednesday, 28 December 2005 21:44 (eighteen years ago) link

Also, seriously, when will novels mature enough so that they produce something as fascinating, striking, and hallucination-inducing as Tetris?

Casuistry (Chris P), Wednesday, 28 December 2005 21:45 (eighteen years ago) link

When Tim Powers wrote that one about the dude who goes back in time to become the English poet he wrote his Ph.D on, and as such writes all of his poems from rote memory, and does everything that's in the biography he wrote of himself in the future, that was pretty crazy.

But at any rate no, novels, theater, and cinema CAN'T do what Tetris or any other game can conceivably do, but on the other hand Tetris is to a great degree defined by its ruleset, and thus still no more mesmerizing than Mah-Jongg Solitaire or Su-Do-Ku, neither of which necessarily require a the "video" component, and neither of which people have asked Ebert if he thinks they are as cool as movies.

TOMBOT, Wednesday, 28 December 2005 21:57 (eighteen years ago) link


TOMBOT, Wednesday, 28 December 2005 22:02 (eighteen years ago) link

i got a NYPost book of sudoku from mom right before I flew back to portland. I have yet to actually try to learn the stuff.

i prefer the Picross/Paint-by-numbers thing.

kingfish holiday travesty (kingfish 2.0), Wednesday, 28 December 2005 22:11 (eighteen years ago) link

When was the last time you were moved by something in a videogame and not by forgetting to save, or something?


Depends on what you mean by "moved", I guess -- the way most people mean it, it was Ocarina of Time. But "moved" (as in, emotionally struck) isn't generally what I want out of art anyways, and certainly isn't the litmus test for whether something is a piece of (effective) art or not.

-- Casuistry (chri...)

This actually is my litmus test for art, which makes me wonder why I love video games as much as I do. Video games interest me, excite me, involve me, and occasionally addict me, but rarelydo they move me. But they have, and I think the medium has untapped potential to do more and be more. I would see a lot of games today as artistic, but only very, very rarely approaching something as lofty as art (particularly in the narrative/literary sense).

Laura H. (laurah), Wednesday, 28 December 2005 22:23 (eighteen years ago) link

I think there were sections of Chrono Trigger that were close, or Ocarina of Time. OoT had several meditative scenes, playing well when you'd get a new theme and the story would progress a bit. I remember CT occasionally having that feeling of wistfulness, or even bitter loss, which is a similar feeling I get from certain anime or Miyazaki flicks.

Part of it has to do with immersiveness, I guess, or how connected I feel with the game.

MGS was one that certainly made an effort, especially with the whole Sniper Wolf bit with the overly melodramatic/poetic death on a snow-covered battlefield.

kingfish holiday travesty (kingfish 2.0), Wednesday, 28 December 2005 22:36 (eighteen years ago) link

WEb-enabled 1967 article on NOTLD by Ebert, provided with commentary by Ebert himself, no less!

D'oh! When I googled I got his Land of the Dead review and tried searching under Romero's name from there, with no success. Sadly, the place I've read it before probably is the actual Sun-Times site. Moving on...

I don't think videogames aren't ART, I mean even noize music is art, but mature, they're not.

Why should chess be different, then? Is the difference in the total presentation-- i.e., you can have lots of different instantiations of a chess set but only one Super Mario Bros., so successive SMB games are separate works of art? I dunno about your thing about conventions not being stabilized enough, because I think the truth of that varies depending on the genre of game. Eugene Jarvis developed Robotron on the back of Berserk, and isn't Robotron the epitome of 2-D 1 screen shooters? It isn't like Smash TV was really an improvement. Similarly, does Earthbound speak to/epitomize a certain tradition of Ultima-derived Japanese RPGs?

That's going to be the same for games.

Yeah-- I think this already shows in the way classic arcade games are revered, and Tim Rogers's Earthbound thing. There's a lot of half-forgotten garbagey games that have been produced that nobody really thinks of as "classic" despite their extreme age, like almost all of the Galaxian rip-offs that you can play through MAME. Galaxian is justly considered to be a classic, but those games aren't.

pomo/university litcrit bullshit

Yeah, I was actually conflating that with considering games as an art somewhat, wasn't I? Not that you can't hold up Missile Command as a classic product of the Cold War, but that's not really telling us anything about the game qua game.

very, very rarely approaching something as lofty as art

Are there "art" games and "craft" games, similar to the divide between "art" and "craft" in cinema?

Chris F. (servoret), Thursday, 29 December 2005 01:03 (eighteen years ago) link

I'm just asking whether that's all culture consists of.

"Stories" in the sense of being mimetic technology, maybe. I was probably on too much of a Grant-Morrisonesque bender when I wrote that before.

Chris F. (servoret), Thursday, 29 December 2005 01:06 (eighteen years ago) link

Does Grant Morrison play games?

kingfish holiday travesty (kingfish 2.0), Thursday, 29 December 2005 01:49 (eighteen years ago) link

I would put forward the argument that chess, and Go even more so, are very much art - the art of the organic, of logic, of numbers and chaos theory and whatnot. The concepts behind go, and how simple-seeming yet endlessly complex it can be, move me very much.

As do some games and in my case it is always the soundtrack that does it, not the story or visuals. For example the music in Zelda Windwaker is very delightfully moving in places. The music in Voodo Vince is really chill, unusual jazz that adds a lot to the mood of the game.

I really wish games would put more money against the music, it makes all the difference IMO.

Trayce (trayce), Thursday, 29 December 2005 02:01 (eighteen years ago) link

Certain comments on this thread reminded me of this:

Dogma 2001: A Challenge to Game Designers

"(about dogme 95) I believe it's time for a similar debate in the game industry. We, too, have an arsenal of production techniques, and they're getting more spectacular all the time. Yet how many games on the store shelves can genuinely claim to be innovative? They may have innovative algorithms, but very few of them have innovative gameplay. How many first-person shooters, how many war games, how many run-and-jump video games do we really need? We're depending so much on the hardware that we're starting to ignore the bedrock foundation of our business: creativity, especially in devising not merely new games, but new kinds of games."

Sébastien Chikara (Sébastien Chikara), Thursday, 29 December 2005 05:23 (eighteen years ago) link

I wrote a few paragraphs about chess and art, and then deleted them, because I think there's a lot of talking around in circles here. So I'll just say this and be done with it: I can't distinguish between the reactions I've had through videogames (or any games, or paddleballs even) and the engagement I've had with any other form of art. As I said, Tetris (for the Gameboy) was as fully realized, engaged, and gripping as any movie, novel, or poem I've read. The specific ways in which it worked might not be found in other genres, but then again they are rarely found so well done in other videogames, even (and no other book works like Ulysses, either).

So I don't understand how anyone can have difficulty thinking of games as art (and often fully "mature" art!) unless they have never played a game or unless they have a weirdly limited view of what "real art" is (like, "art is something that didn't really happen that makes me cry", maybe).

My point being that while you CAN ask those kinds of questions about other art forms, you can't really ask them about videogames.

Those really aren't the sorts of questions you should be asking art. I mean this:


That's the kind of question you ask propaganda, not art.

Casuistry (Chris P), Thursday, 29 December 2005 11:01 (eighteen years ago) link

player may not have much choice about the storyline but have more or less infinite choice in other area of the play, like, in movement. wiggle to the left wiggle to the right.

24726, Sunday, 1 January 2006 22:27 (eighteen years ago) link

The football analogy works, as does any analogy with other games or simulations. There are two classes of choices in any game:

1. The choice to win or lose, according to the rules and laws of the simulation (including the run-on-rails narratives of RPGs).

2. The choice of how you do it and what kind of fun you can have in the process- in a limited simulation, most of these involve self-imposed handicapping of some sort (beating somebody at chess without ever picking up your queen) but in some of the best games you can win lots of different ways and there can be re-discovery of the fun in playing by doing stuff that may not be the most linear of paths from A to B but doesn't add a lot of extra risk or difficulty (Doug Flutie drop-kicking the extra point).

Choice category number 1 is ME being too reductionist, -20 points.
Choice category number 2 is me finally figuring out what Casuistry was talking about.

So there's where a simulation can be talked about as an art of giving you a fun and expressive experience besides just containing nice noises and pretty lights or having well-coded I/O and collision detection; a simulation constructed in such a way that the illusory choice of win/lose is supplanted by the very real choice of "win/lose via elegant sniper fire OR napalm fastballs conjured from the ether OR a combination of these plus a sexy bitch with an axe"

And at the end of the day this still proves Ebert wrong. Except inasmuch as I agree with him, I think, that video games are still not very mature, but they're getting there.

TOMBOT, Tuesday, 3 January 2006 16:18 (eighteen years ago) link

I think this is the first time ever I agree fully with Casuistry! (I don't want to get sucked into this thread because I'll get upset but I wanted to record that, I'm pretty pumped about it)

Gravel Puzzleworth (Gregory Henry), Wednesday, 4 January 2006 01:02 (eighteen years ago) link

two weeks pass...
"Art is the stuff you find in the museum, whether it be a painting or a statue. What I'm doing, what videogame creators are doing, is running the museum--how do we light up things, where do we place things, how do we sell tickets? It's basically running the museum for those who come to the museum to look at the art. For better or worse, what I do, Hideo Kojima, myself, is run the museum and also create the art that's displayed in the museum."

TOMBOT, Tuesday, 24 January 2006 20:40 (eighteen years ago) link

the funniest parts of eg. final fantasy vii are where they attempt to give you some control over the storyline and present you with options like:

what would you like?
.... 1,000,000 gil
.... aids

and then even if you choose aids they're like, 'okay here's a million gil lol!' and then give you whatever they want you to have.

Dan (LOL) Perry (Dan Perry), Tuesday, 24 January 2006 23:31 (eighteen years ago) link

seven months pass...
"That's the kind of question you ask propaganda, not art."

is the funniest thing i've read in a long time.

Dxy (Danny), Sunday, 10 September 2006 22:54 (seventeen years ago) link

eleven months pass...

ok wait there's tetris slash wtf

J.D., Thursday, 30 August 2007 09:15 (sixteen years ago) link


latebloomer, Saturday, 1 September 2007 18:48 (sixteen years ago) link


Leee, Saturday, 1 September 2007 21:03 (sixteen years ago) link


gff, Saturday, 1 September 2007 21:57 (sixteen years ago) link

five years pass...


am0n, Wednesday, 12 June 2013 15:55 (ten years ago) link

God, I want to play that. I actually considered spending 300+ dollars just to play that game, but then I looked in my wallet.

Rod Steel (musicfanatic), Wednesday, 12 June 2013 17:58 (ten years ago) link

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