The Blue Demon vs El Poder Satanico

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I saw this the other night, all Spanish no subtitles. I could make it out the 'plot' pretty well anyway. A horror sci-fi, black and white. Made in 1966. Cheapy horror stuff, but fun to watch.

Anyway, there was an awful lot of wrestling in it, I'm no wrestling fan and I wondered why on earth it featured a wrestler. Turns out the reason was the Blue Demon was a famous wrestler in Mexico, known as the Blue Demon who decided to go into films and he did a few of these movies.

If you like dated mildly spooky but amusing horror sci-fi, it's for you. For rent or for sale.

This is the info site on this guy, The Blue Demon.

Barb e (Barb e), Wednesday, 5 April 2006 02:27 (eighteen years ago) link

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