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APHEX TWIN TOP TEN: number 4 —Richard D James

The Richard D James album is a great starting point for those looking to get a little deeper into the Aphex Twin’s work. It’s a refinement of the direction taken on the Hangable Auto Bulb EPs I talked about a few days ago—a refinement that pulls multiple threads together. Whilst the EPs are marvellous, most of the tracks do concentrate on his new found angle, hyper-intensive percussion. The Richard D James LP does that as well as pull in idiosyncratic, weird electronic folk melodies. It’s also only thirty-three minutes long, so unlike some of his other works, the modern attention span can cope, with each of the tracks coming in at around the three minute mark.

This LP didn’t likely start out the way it was released, it appeared to start life as the shelved “Melodies from Mars” LP, which remains unreleased to this day, although you can easily find it if you know where to look (the internet). Two of the tracks (Fingerbib and Logan Rock Witch) come from this; however, Melodies from Mars has more of a computer game feeling than Richard D James—it feels as though he found a way forward, by integrating various pieces: what he had done with Melodies from Mars, the Hangable Auto Bulb EPs for the percussion, and the thematic focus on his native Cornwall, which he had explored a little before on the Polygon Window side project with tracks like Portreath Harbour and Redruth School. There are numerous references to Cornwall on this album, e.g. Cornish Acid, as well as Carn Marth, Goon Gumpas and Logan Rock Witch, which all refer to places in Cornwall.

For those of you outside of the UK, Cornwall is at the south-western tip of mainland Britain and is one of its poorest counties. It is one of the Celtic nations (which include Scotland, Ireland, the Isle of Man, Wales, Cornwall and Brittany). It has its own language, which is related to Welsh and is regularly used in Aphex Twin’s work. On this album and subsequent pieces, he combines the use of the Cornish language and places along with the local folk history to amplify the enigmatic, pagan melodies of the music, melodies that sound both sinister and childlike at the same time. Most music that inhabits this space is in the form of folk music, although there are some exceptions, for example: Can’s “Bring me coffee or tea” from Tago Mago, or some classical, such as Mussorgsky’s Night on Bald Mountain—it’s not typically something associated with electronic music.

Perhaps the most obvious example is the final track on this album: “Logan Rock Witch”, which refers to the folk tale of witches, led by Madgy Figgy, who gathered near the Logan rock, Porthcurno cove in order to cast spells to drive ships aground and drown those on board.

“Cornish Acid” is a key track here, where the macabre, ritualistic dance of the bass line sits in the foreground, while eerie synthesiser notes float in the background pushing the music off to an uncomfortable angle.

It has always seemed to me to be quite easy to create music that lives a million miles away from the mainstream: just detune your instruments, play with no discernible rhythm, bang a few pots and pans and you have an avant-garde masterpiece, or perhaps you don’t. You might have, but most likely you don’t. It might even be impossible to tell. For me, the best stuff lives on the edge fo the mainstream: taking some aspects of an existing form and bending it in and out of shape. James excels at this and this LP in particular is a concise example—it’s not acid house; it’s not folk music; it’s not jungle, even if it has elements of all of these included within—it becomes its own thing that after a short period of acclimatisation, feels completely natural.

I’ll go with “Cornish Acid” for a track from this one, because it’s a great, two minute summation of this change in direction; however, I’ll also add in another track for fun: “Korg Funk 5” appears to be something he put out on YouTube as an advert for a Korg Monologue synthesiser and it’s great—he sometimes appears to reserve some of his best work for the crassest of causes. In 2003, he released a selection of his remixes as “26 Mixes For Cash”, the best of which are often borne of the worst source material, e.g. the Mike Flowers Pops. In the early ‘90s, plenty of inappropriate indie artists, or their record labels, were asking him to do a remix of their tracks and there was a story of a guy showing up at his house asking for his remix of a track by the Lemonheads. He’d clearly forgotten about agreeing to do this, but proceeded to head in the house, pick up a tape and handed it to the guy saying “there you go”.

Keith, Sunday, 17 March 2024 15:24 (two months ago) link

APHEX TWIN TOP TEN: number 3 — Come to Daddy EP

If the thought of the “Come to Daddy” track, which you may well know given it actually made it into the UK charts, puts you off, hang on in there—it puts me off too. At the risk of starting off with the negative, there is a downside to some of James’ work, which is the student humour it sometimes exhibits. Over the years, I have come to like the track “Come to Daddy”, despite it being a little “heavy metal” for my liking—perhaps in part because even although there’s very little space in this track, this is in stark contrast to the rest of the EP, but mainly because the vocals are an experiment in sound, so heavily processed and combined with unusual synthesiser noises as to twist in on themselves—it reminds me of William Friedkin’s The Exorcist.

The rest of this thirty-two minute EP (which was originally two records, but quickly after release was combined into one) comes in at only seconds less than the Richard D James LP, and released a year after it in 1997, couldn’t be more different from the title track. Even if some of the tracks claim to be remixes of that track, I’ve never been able to detect any similarity—the titles are likely just another example of James messing with the listeners. The other seven tracks are a further refinement on the direction he’d taken on the Hangable Auto Bulb EPs and the Richard D James album, although this EP does take a brief detour away from the Cornish theme.

You would think it easy to create electronic music with electronic instruments that actually sounds electronic—James does it with ease, although it isn’t as common as you might at first assume, perhaps because in some cases, synthesisers are aiming to sound like acoustic instruments. Aphex Twin’s work sounds distinctly electronic, but perhaps no more inorganic and modern than on this release. Outside of the voices, none of the sounds derive from the natural world (except perhaps woodpeckers). For example, on the mix of “To Cure a Weakling Child” (which actually does bear some resemblance to the original track), the beginning has hints of dub, but it’s more like Lee Perry working in an operating theatre in a hospital than anything that resembles 1970s dub reggae. The percussion manages to be both frenetic and gentle at the same time—it’s not in your face, something that music like this is often accused of—it’s more like an artificial version of the best jazz drummer you’ve ever heard.

The “Little Lord Faulteroy” (sic) mix of Come to Daddy sounds like a warped children’s song—pay special attention to the psychedelic final minute, where the vocals in the background shift and swerve around the main vocal.

Bucephalus was a famous horse, like Red Rum, Shergar, Dapple and Trigger; quite how it relates to the track “Bucephalus bouncing ball” is unclear, but it definitely does feature a bouncing ball—one that appears to be a really heavy metal ball on a high gravity planet.

These tracks are surrounded by a couple of beautifully and (superficially, at least) simple melodies, “Flim” and “IZ-US”—Flim is often viewed as one of his best ever tracks and rightly so, although personally I prefer IZ-US. IZ-US’ melody reminds me of early “IDM”-style melodies, in particular, the Black Dog track: “In the light of grey”; however, IZ-US is more fully realised to my ears. The synthesiser sounds pull gently in and out of tune, a device he uses quite frequently—it sounds magical. As such, and given its position at the end of the EP (I wonder if some make it this far), I think I’ll go with IZ-US as a track choice for this one.

Keith, Sunday, 17 March 2024 15:25 (two months ago) link

APHEX TWIN TOP TEN: number 2 — Drukqs

2001’s Drukqs is Aphex Twin’s masterpiece. Why number two then, I hear you say? Well that’s easy, it’s because whatever is at number one is his masterpiece as well.

I say this, despite the fact that an album more deeply misunderstood on its release (and to a lesser degree, to this day) you would be hard pushed to find. Around the time of release, there were a couple of rumours: it was just a load of half-finished demos that were rush-released because he lost a tape on a plane, and that it was an album of “Erik Satie-style piano pieces”. The latter, I suspect came from some reviewers who hadn’t listened beyond the very first track; where the former came from is less clear—I have a half-memory of it actually coming from James himself. It’s a fun story if it did—how to spike the guns of your reviewers to your own detriment.

It’s a thirty track double album coming in at more than an hour and a half of music, so it isn’t easy to digest; in fact, it can seem quite impenetrable. Alex Needham, as one of the few people to properly pay attention at the time, helped me to understand it in his review of the album in the NME at the time. He says: “And after a few listens, a pattern seems to emerge. Abstract piano pieces always seemed to be followed by some strange Japanese-style ritual music. Stompers arrive at regular intervals. And there are even patterns within the patterns”. He also says that it is “beautiful”, which in a simple act of reframing, helped me to recognise it for what it is—it’s quite easy to view it as a mess, but you’re just not looking closely enough.

There’s lots of attention given to the structure of the album and its pacing; however, given its length, it likely does help to listen to a chunk at a time, stopping and starting where your attention wanders. And it does require your attention as I’ve said before—it has so many ideas compressed into its hundred minutes. Little details come and go, for example at the end of lengthy [insert uninvented genre] classic “Ziggomatic 17”, hints of “Alberto Balsam” from 1995’s “I Care Because You Do” shift in and out of view.

The album projects an image of being created using arcane technologies and incomprehensible techniques to make this deeply mysterious music of the future. The piano tracks sound as though they are being automated, which they likely are, in a similar fashion the “Nannou” track discussed as part of the post on the Windowlicker EP. The image on the album cover appears to be the insides of some kind of piano or perhaps synthesiser, again creating an image in the mind of him painstakingly automating the machinery in order to make the music.

To add to the enigma, most of the tracks are named in Cornish, e.g. “Bbydhyondchord”; “Hy A Scullyas Lyf A Dhagrow” etc. The album’s most well-known track is “Avril 14th”, though I do sometimes wonder why this is so much more famous than the album’s opener: “Jynweythek Ylow” other than the fact that no-one (outside of Cornwall and perhaps Wales) knows how to say the name of the latter.

As I alluded to earlier with “Ziggomatic 17”, there’s no real word to describe these tracks—I have heard them referred to as “acid bangers”, but they don’t really sound anything like acid house, other than perhaps using a synthesiser bass line; they aren’t “bangers” either. Each of them sounds almost as if an entire album’s worth of ideas has been compressed on to a single track.

If the “Who Sampled?” website is to be believed, bizarrely it turns out this album is a trip-hop masterpiece—it appears to have quite a large number of 1970s samples on it, e.g. Augustus Pablo; Led Zeppelin; Kool and the Gang; Weather Report etc. I can confidently say I have never noticed a single one of these samples in amongst this record. I have listened again to the tracks in question and I still can’t hear them, but they’re apparently in there somewhere.

Drukqs is Aphex Twin’s most difficult listen. Roy Castle once said that “dedication is what you need”, and if you are prepared to dedicate yourself, Drukqs is very rewarding—it’s highly innovative, packed with ideas and carefully constructed. Keep in mind that it is beautiful; that there is method to the madness and that it will slowly reveal some of its mysteries.

I’ll go with Meltphace 6 for a track, it illustrates the frenetic yet spacious “acid” tracks, with a melody that explores detuned scales, ghostly voices that echo over the percussion track that occasionally starts to sound like Klunk from Dastardly and Muttley.

Keith, Sunday, 17 March 2024 15:25 (two months ago) link

APHEX TWIN TOP TEN: number 1 — Syro

James did release huge amounts of new music between 2001’s Drukqs and Syro, so I could complain about the press making out as though he had done nothing in this period; however, it’s also true that James appears to have considered the release of Syro as something more important than the other stuff he did—there was a build up to this release and an advertising campaign. I happened to be in NYC for work at this time and was in the Museum of Modern Art when I read that there were Aphex symbols popping up in different locations around the world, one of which was at Radio City in NYC—that’s just around the corner from the MoMA, so I popped round. I had to walk around it twice to eventually find it, but there it was, so I took a photo, although in a classic modern world, Ballard moment, I then lost the photo, but it didn’t matter anyway, because you can just download a better one off of the internet.

I was never one to take a pure punk rock view on things too seriously, e.g. short songs—good; instrumental passages—bad; complexity—bad; sophistication—bad; being able to play—bad etc. Of course, sticking to these rules is also bad and not very punk rock. Music can do so much more than just the sugar rush of a three minute single and for all the good the punk ethos did at the time, I actually think that in the long term it did more harm than good by stifling exploration of certain directions.

For me, the last twenty years hasn’t been a period of great innovation; for the most part, it’s been recycling themes from the past, so it’s nice to hear such a considered piece from an artist who constantly tries to reinvent himself—Syro is a mind-bending journey into the unknown—it’s not the sound of a tired artist just churning out more of the same. Comparing it to contemporary releases, e.g. Daft Punk’s “Random Access Memories”, which whilst enjoyable, is pretty much a homage to the disco era, makes me think it’s almost as if James has studiously avoided ever listening to the music of the ‘60s and ‘70s, where the peaks of post-war invention happened. With perhaps the sole exception of Eno’s ambient LPs, that era appears to have had no influence on him whatsoever.

It’s worth considering some of the ways he’s tried to push boundaries—things he’s messed around with over the past twenty years of his music and on this LP. He talks about this in depth in an interview with a Korg synth engineer, which a friend reminded me of the other day and I’ll post a link to in the comments—it’s far more enlightening (and geeky) than his usually baffling and evasive interviews with the music press:

  • Musical scales: he experiments with non-standard scales, e.g. having some of the notes in a scale out-of-tune (you can listen to examples of this in the aforementioned article)
  • Structure: there’s little verse-chorus-verse, but it’s far from lacking in structure; tracks seem to have their own unique structure. There’s certainly a heritage of acid house here; however, late ‘80s acid house, exciting (and funny) as it was, is so trivially simple compared to what’s going on in these tracks
  • Tuning: ISO 16 defines the A above middle C on a keyboard is to be tuned to 440hz—he sometimes adjusts this. Does this make a difference to your listening experience? I have no idea, although thinking about it, it certainly would if you adjusted middle C to be three octaves lower or higher, so it’s possible your brain registers smaller shifts in some way
  • Unusual tempos: if you assume the numbers on Syro are beats per minute, then the track below is at 126.26 beats per minute—not something that’s likely to make a difference to your ears compared with 126 bpm, I expect, but this and adjusting the standard pitch does give you an insight into what’s going on in his mind—constantly trying to bend the technology into different shapes and do something unexpected with it
Since 1995, his music has been on a trajectory, where increasingly it could not realistically be played by human beings (although some do try from time to time)—this record sometimes sounds like a band of hyperactive R2D2s singing in a choir. It’s the kind of stuff that would be at number one in the charts, if you were watching an episode of Tomorrow’s World in the 1970s about what music would be like in the future.

James refers to Syro as his most “pop” release—perhaps this is true, in relative terms, but it’s not really anything you would recognise as pop music. It’s more accessible than Drukqs and every bit as rewarding. Drukqs is darker and dare I say it, more organic sounding, if that’s ever really possible for his music; whereas, Syro is kaleidoscopic—a collection of glimmering fluorescent colours on a white background.

The structural beauty of the album itself is stunning in its simplicity: the final track is called Aisatsana, which is the name of his girlfriend, backwards—a coda to an album of entirely abstract themes—five minutes of delicate piano music about love.

I know that eight out of ten cats prefer “Selected Ambient Works 85-92”, but as I said right back at the beginning, despite this being quite different, it’s also true to say that some things do carry through. Consider the ambient melodies in PAPAT4[155][pineal mix] coming in at 00:38; it works at a stark contrast to the main synthesiser line—there is a lot of this to listen for in this LP. It’s so complex that one some level I think of it like Miles Davis records—it’s hard to get bored of it through familiarity.

For a track, I’ll go with another great title: 4 bit 9d api+e+6 [126.26], but I’ll also post MARCHROMT30a Edit 2b 96, which was released as a single after the album came out and isn’t on the album—it features heavily warped vocals, like it’s a hit single being sung by aliens.

Keith, Sunday, 17 March 2024 15:26 (two months ago) link

4 bit (track 4) is great. "s950tx16wasr10" (earth portal mix) -track 11 - is one of the deepest and most satisfying tracks on Syro, imo

Lowell N. Behold'n, Sunday, 17 March 2024 19:03 (two months ago) link

Wow thanks for posting that, Keith. I’m going to do a relisten with a read along this week ahead :)

Premises, Premises (flamboyant goon tie included), Sunday, 17 March 2024 19:48 (two months ago) link

i loved syro and played it a ton at the time. kinda melancholy domestic music, gorgeous and weird iirc. perfect for winter. i need to go back to it but now that it's spring it'll be a while lol.

ꙮ (map), Sunday, 17 March 2024 20:16 (two months ago) link

I stuck on Syro this morning and I think I enjoyed it more than I had before

Keith, thanks for posting these. I'll read

your mom goes to limgrave (dog latin), Monday, 18 March 2024 00:08 (two months ago) link

that was a great read Keith, thank you!

I painted my teeth (sleeve), Monday, 18 March 2024 00:08 (two months ago) link

ps I love Syro

I painted my teeth (sleeve), Monday, 18 March 2024 00:08 (two months ago) link

Thanks guys... The main reason for writing it a few years ago was to try and give people a route into some stuff that most I guess would view as pretty inpenetrable, or at least quite hard work, and it was inspired by the fact that Alex Needham did that for me with the Drukqs LP.

Keith, Monday, 18 March 2024 00:26 (two months ago) link

great posts, thanks for sharing

gundam wig (diamonddave85), Monday, 18 March 2024 03:12 (two months ago) link

I don't know how much I listened to drukqs at the time, a fair amount I would have thought, but I listened to it about a year ago and there were swathes of stuff I didn't recall. Then I listened again last week before this bump, and again lots of it sounded completely new - e.g. track 3. Either way it's clearly an incredible album. Listening again now, will probably move on to Syro next, and read Keith's review alongside.

gene besserit (ledge), Monday, 18 March 2024 09:06 (two months ago) link

love the syro write-up. it's definitely maing me reconsider it, whereas before I'd thought of it as too much of a retread on past formulae to warrant the long wait between studio albums.

But I do agree, it's not something I've ever tired of through over-listening, and much like Autechre's Confield I'm left wondering if the fact it never truly clicked is more t do with me than the music.

My favourite release is Come To Daddy, and with his creative peak being Windowlicker: three wildly different tracks, each one with a central gimmick (the pop song, the experimental weird-out track, the 'ambient' track) showcasing exactly what he was capable of.

But I know I underestimate James's love (some might say fetishisation) of analogue approaches to electronic music. I'm not a tech guy i any way, so while it's impressive he's pushing these many machines to the extreme, I just find the digital-era stuff more fun I guess.

your mom goes to limgrave (dog latin), Monday, 18 March 2024 10:11 (two months ago) link

syro is so fun and funky, so light on its feet despite being packed with detail. i could put a surprising number of its tracks on the “songs that sound like earthbound” thread

ivy., Monday, 18 March 2024 18:27 (two months ago) link

Syro divides me. On one hand, there isn’t a single sound on it that doesn’t sound like “the best sound I’ve ever heard”, and it does have the feeling of listening to the greatest-ever Red Bull Music Academy session; I can practically hear RDJ grinning as he twiddles.

I like RDJ best when the thesis is clear and a track has a clear intention and Syro sounds more like a kitchen sink “every synth that has ever existed” kind of release. (“120dB” (track 5) is my favourite track on the album because of its comparative simplicity). There are so many moments of noodle nirvana on the album, that moment on the second Cirklon track when he starts messing with the swing parameters on the breakdown is just amazing amazing.

That said: the mood I’m in when I listen is one of emotional neutrality. It’s a jam-packed compendium of best-ever sounds that leave me feeling like I’m watching synth demos on YouTube. I recall when the album came out that people on Twitter were gagaing about the solo piano final track most of all. It reminds me weirdly of Gonzales, like “stop rapping and play the damn piano”— maybe RDJ is at his most appealing for people when he’s in Satie mode?

My favourite stuff of RDJs (aside from his Analord series which I resolutely stan for, forever) is the Herbert-esque prepared piano stuff on Drukqs— not “Avril 14” but tracks like that amazing third track (hold on, I’ll type it: “Kladfvgbung Mishck”).

Premises, Premises (flamboyant goon tie included), Monday, 18 March 2024 20:01 (two months ago) link

xp Yeah, it swings in a way that Drukqs doesn't, Drukqs is dark and oppressive in parts in a way that Syro really isn't. Personally, I find them two quite different records.

Incidentally, Blackbox Life Recorder hadn't been released when I wrote all that stuff, so it didn't get considered, but tbh much as I like it, I don't think it'd have hit the top ten. I also found a mysterious header at the bottom of the document that said "Stuff that didn't make the top ten", followed by nothing, so I have managed to generate a mystery for myself.

Keith, Monday, 18 March 2024 20:04 (two months ago) link

I think maybe if rdj had not sped druqks up to fit it on 2 CDs, syro wouldn’t seem as far away

brimstead, Monday, 18 March 2024 20:05 (two months ago) link

“120dB” (track 5) is my favourite track on the album because of its comparative simplicity

Ha funny, I was listening today and it's the only one I don't like, but there you go. Maybe I need to pay more attention.

Keith, Monday, 18 March 2024 20:07 (two months ago) link

I like RDJ best when the thesis is clear and a track has a clear intention and Syro sounds more like a kitchen sink “every synth that has ever existed” kind of release.

It's interesting this--I know nothing about synths, so couldn't tell one way or another, and no doubt you are right, but to my ears, Syro sounds like one of his most coherent records, in terms of sound, certainly more so than Drukqs. I love its structure too: a whole bunch of electronic stuff, followed by a single piano track with birds tweeting in the background.

Keith, Monday, 18 March 2024 20:12 (two months ago) link

i always liked this "reaction" video to drukqs but ymmv


ꙮ (map), Monday, 18 March 2024 20:13 (two months ago) link

Oh god I want to watch that video very badly but I also would rather just listen to Drukqs again. 90 minutes! Wow

Premises, Premises (flamboyant goon tie included), Monday, 18 March 2024 20:21 (two months ago) link

wait, sped up? by how much?

I painted my teeth (sleeve), Monday, 18 March 2024 22:37 (two months ago) link

Nothing super drastic, iirc, like 5% or less… it’s been literally decades since I heard that piece of info and can’t find a source now but I know I downloaded a plugin for Winamp at the time to slow it down.

brimstead, Monday, 18 March 2024 23:03 (two months ago) link

I think I get what fgti means by "when the thesis is clear". It's the same as what I meant by a "gimmick". For a lot of Aphex's imperial 90s phase and his most famous tracks, there's a clear idea:

Ventolin has the high pitched whine
Alberto Balsam has that "WHUM" chair creak thing
Nannou sounds like a musical box
Come To Daddy is what you wanted Marilyn Manson to sound like
Flim is just really really pretty
Windowlicker is deconstructed RnB with Arabic scales
4 has that tiny sample of him talking to his dad

But Syro, no matter how smart and ostensibly funky it is, sounds a bit hermetic to me, it sounds like machine work outs, as fgti says not unlike a very cool demo of how to do cool stuff using machines; but I couldn't tell you the "thesis" of any of the tracks

your mom goes to limgrave (dog latin), Monday, 18 March 2024 23:10 (two months ago) link

You sound like you're trying to convince yourself not to like it!

That it sounds like only things machines could make is one of the reasons I love it (and that applies to a bunch of his earlier stuff too).

Keith, Monday, 18 March 2024 23:23 (two months ago) link

That reaction video is well worth watching! It's so great.

i don't think that's otm!!! analord and syro are both wildly different projects and soundworlds from drukqs imo

Yeah Analord was a separate development (felt to me more like a side project) but didn't really feel "fresh". The tracks often lack the personality his other work has because it feels more nostalgic or conceptual rather than expressive. Stuff like Analogue Bubblebath was him purely channeling ideas through his gear dealing with the limitations at the time, while the Analord tracks sound more like an attempt to recapture something and falling short (or a conceptual protest reaction to so many "going plastic"). I rarely listen to any of it with the exception of Analord 10.

I feel AFX's percussive sound palette is not all that much different between Drukqs and Syro. Syro is also very samey to me once you get past the first four songs. While the samples on Syro are less abrasive and melodies more prominent, the tempo, editing and aesthetic are pretty similar to my ears. I go back and listen to both Come to Daddy and RDJ and I'm continually blown away at the surprises, especially the cryptic vocal samples and creepy lyrics (Beetles, Milkman, Come to Daddy). I miss the juxtaposition of a casual drum loop following the most extreme breakcore. The liberal use of classical instrument samples (pizzicato, strings on RDJ, see Goon Gumpas, Girl/Boy). The crazy explorations into pop with Windowlicker and Come to Daddy (and how about the music videos! I miss them too). All of this is pretty much killed off in his work moving forward with a few exceptions. He distilled his sound to a narrowly defined percussive and rhythmic production style with varying elements of acid and melodic synths draped around it, while occasionally peppering it with lush prepared piano pieces or conceptual works (Analord, Computer Controlled Acoustic Instruments Pt 2).

He's simply not the crazy unpredictable deity he was for a good decade. He's just settled into a long tail of "good". So goes it with most artists; it's usually a best case scenario! Drukqs just felt to me on release like the canary in the coal mine signalling the direction of his remaining career (if he was going to release anything at all). Still sounds that way to me to this day.

octobeard, Monday, 18 March 2024 23:56 (two months ago) link

BTW when can we do a ballot poll for this dude?

octobeard, Tuesday, 19 March 2024 00:03 (two months ago) link

Octobeard OTM once again

I find both Analord and Syro super boring, but maybe the problem is me. Regardless, “canary in the coal mine” is on-target.

Hippie Ernie (morrisp), Tuesday, 19 March 2024 00:36 (two months ago) link

I find these kinds of divergent pathways, restlessness and REFUSAL TO DO WHAT I REALLY WANT to be part of the Aphex journey. He reminds me of someone like a Todd Rundgren (or, perhaps more obviously, Prince) in that way -- how he just has too many interests and research projects underway at once to really maintain a "proper" career. At the same time, RDJ just as frequently will do some completely boring acid jam simply because he enjoys that kind of music (much as Rundgren or Prince may do a straight ahead soul thing). How else to explain his Soundcloud dumps? The guy just lives and breathes this stuff.

I can't be the only one here who is waiting for Keith to now writeup his top 20-thru-11, am I?

Naive Teen Idol, Wednesday, 20 March 2024 18:04 (two months ago) link

The Prince comparison is good (only listened to a bit of Todd Rundgren)... I'm not really much of a fan, although some stuff I love, but I can totally see it... If you're into it, there's this massive mine of stuff to get into and it can take years that in of itself, but if you're not, it mostly sounds terrible, even if there's some stuff that basically everyone loves.

Haha, thanks for that... TBH I kind of want to rewrite at the very least the Come to Daddy one, which as far as I can tell given some years' distance, I just wanted to make a cheap joke around naming all of Britain's most famous horses.

Kind of surprised no-one ever asked what happened to "I care because you do", given loads of people seem to love it (I find it a bit of a mess).

I've actually spent the last couple of days on holidays listening to all the Analord stuff and trying to properly process it... Just getting around to it after almost twenty years.

Keith, Wednesday, 20 March 2024 19:45 (two months ago) link

To that point, Premises says:

That said: the mood I’m in when I listen is one of emotional neutrality.

And I totally agree with that for the vast majority, it's kind of emotionally neutral music... I remember him saying in the '90s that he wanted to make music where the listened was unclear what emotion it was evoking, and I think he's very much succeeded in that. For me, most of it doesn't sounds happy, and it doesn't sound sad; I'm not entirely sure what it sounds like, which of course leaves it shrouded in mystery, which in of itself improves it. Oddly the only exception, right the way through (which would suggest it's deliberate) is Analord, which is quite a downer, musically... It sounds quite like Joy Division and in particular some of the early New Order b-sides (Hurt; Mesh; Cries and Whispers, that sort of thing).

Keith, Wednesday, 20 March 2024 19:52 (two months ago) link

Something that makes me feel uncomfortable when I listen to RDJ (the harder stuff) is that he tends toward making harmonic decisions that are kind of clumsy. There are moments (esp in Syro) where the harmonic choices are so stoopid that I get the impression that he either doesn’t know how, or doesn’t care, to write “good progressions”. The ambient albums and his solo piano stuff make it clear that he does know how to write “good harmony”, and the non-functional stuff he dips into is likely intended to achieve exactly what he’s achieving: to make me feel uncomfortable

It’s funny that Squarepusher never does this, even when he’s going full dissonant madness (Rotted One Note) it’s always very harmonically “well composed”

Premises, Premises (flamboyant goon tie included), Wednesday, 20 March 2024 20:15 (two months ago) link

I can't say I really notice that--I assume you're meaning from a theory point of view? Which bits of Syro?

Keith, Wednesday, 20 March 2024 20:25 (two months ago) link

It’s not so much “from a theory point of view”— the harmony sounds intentionally bad at times. The ending of track 3 on Syro is the example that springs to mind (that’s “Produk 29”). The relative tension from chord to chord is weird and off and wrong. But deliberately so? is what I’m getting at

Premises, Premises (flamboyant goon tie included), Wednesday, 20 March 2024 20:36 (two months ago) link

Okay... Let me listen again.

Keith, Wednesday, 20 March 2024 20:39 (two months ago) link

Yeah I just put on “Music Is Rotted One Note” to refresh my own memory.. it’s crazy!! What a crazy amazing album. Pure Zawinul-style throughout.

Premises, Premises (flamboyant goon tie included), Wednesday, 20 March 2024 20:43 (two months ago) link

His harmonic decisions are glorious, like, umm hedphylum or whatever from SAW85-92, the “out of tune” bendy chords.. I don’t get into the wacky “what an innovator mind blowing stuff” I enjoy him on a purely musical level. His melodic/harmonic skills from his 90s peak just leap over everyone, just next level imo. And the textures, the dorky comparison I make is that other idm sounds like Star Trek and 90s afx sounds like patched together Star Wars rebel shit

brimstead, Wednesday, 20 March 2024 20:48 (two months ago) link


Wow, that is interesting, in that I can't hear that at all... It had a nice side effect of making me concentrate on it like nothing I've ever done before, and it sounded better than it ever has before, but I'm not picking up what you're picking up... You're hearing something I'm not, so I'll listen a few more times and see what happens.

All that aside, I can, I think, understand what you're getting at, in that he does push around these boundaries a lot; I was listening to this one earlier today, which has all manner of funny in-between-notes stuff going on, but it still sounds coherent and musical to me (to be fair, probably not my mother):


Keith, Wednesday, 20 March 2024 20:50 (two months ago) link

yea I've always thought the weird flanged out chord progressions on Syro were intentional, all his music is supposed to make you feel weird I guess. he was doing this sort of thing on the Analord series too

imo the thing with Syro, and probably drukqs too, is that it really does demand a lot more attention than his 90s stuff does, because as many have mentioned there isn't really a central 'hook' in any of it. it's kind of gone beyond that. also Syro is one you really do have to hear on a good system, once I got a vinyl copy and played it on the big stereo I was really blown away by how amazing it sounds. I mean all his albums sound good more or less but this one you can really get lost in.

frogbs, Wednesday, 20 March 2024 21:03 (two months ago) link

Couldn't agree more... If you just stick it on in the background it's just annoying--you need to actively listen to it with as few distractions as possible.

Keith, Wednesday, 20 March 2024 21:04 (two months ago) link

I like RDJ a lot and always check in (I have a Syro CD somewhere in this house) but have never quite been able to click with him, fully click and commit, the way I can with Autechre.

Marten Broadcloak, mild-mannered GOP congressman (Raymond Cummings), Wednesday, 20 March 2024 21:10 (two months ago) link

(I do love this discussion and will relisten a bit based on it.)

Marten Broadcloak, mild-mannered GOP congressman (Raymond Cummings), Wednesday, 20 March 2024 21:11 (two months ago) link

I love Music Is Rotted One Note

your mom goes to limgrave (dog latin), Wednesday, 20 March 2024 21:45 (two months ago) link

i recommend ppl who struggle with syro try shaking their butt to it

ivy., Wednesday, 20 March 2024 21:59 (two months ago) link

My butt is inert even at the shakiest of times

Premises, Premises (flamboyant goon tie included), Wednesday, 20 March 2024 23:11 (two months ago) link

other idm sounds like Star Trek and 90s afx sounds like patched together Star Wars rebel shit

Yeah I get that... his 90's shit just had this confident/punk/jester quality (Han Solo?) to it along with this sheer joie de vivre (Luke?) or even spiritual quality (Yoda?). I miss that. At every turn it seemed like he was trying something new. Even the conceptual stuff like SAW II turned out to be all time.

I listened to Syro again today, and again the latter half the of the album sorta just slid in and out of my consciousness. Felt like a bit of some listless jazz in that respect, was hard to focus on it. Never seem to have that issue with Autechre (except for some of the longer bits from Elseq or NTS). It's a good record and I totally understand the "mass" appeal of it relatively speaking. XMAS_EVET10 is an all timer AFX track imho.

Regarding Autechre... I'm still floored at how their latter career has turned out. One of the few artists I can think of to remain at the peak of their powers after 3 decades. WTF. I thought Confield was a similar canary in the coal mine, but it actually was NOT. While they aren't dropping new studio records of late, their most recent live set bootleg (Sydney iirc) showcased some absolutely sick developments and sounds yet again. Their creative well just continues to overflow, and it feels truly unprecedented to me.

octobeard, Thursday, 21 March 2024 00:35 (two months ago) link

Yeah, Confield sounds BAD to my ears, more a problem with the medium within which they were working than any of their programming brilliance. Everything I’ve heard recently (Exai, NTS, elseq) has been sublime

Premises, Premises (flamboyant goon tie included), Thursday, 21 March 2024 01:06 (two months ago) link

ok I put Syro on now - what Keith says is all OTM of course, also explains why so much of this feels just 2% off. and yes good point about Aphex trying to reinvent himself here (though the Analord/Tuss stuff isn't too far off from this?). like if you can imagine someone obsessed with RDJ in 1999 hearing this via a time traveller or something...I'd imagine they'd be all what the fuck in a good way. when you actually sit down and listen to it it really is bonkers. maybe to a fault. there's so many weird things hidden in there too. if he'd taken some of these tempos down 10-20% it might be a tad more apparent what he was trying to do. I dunno if the 2nd half is actually weaker than the 1st or if the human brain can only tolerate so much of this music at once. in retrospect pretty funny how when this was released the one track most people singled out was "Aisatsana" - like thank god, there's something I can actually get a grip on here

frogbs, Thursday, 21 March 2024 04:00 (two months ago) link

I mean like go listen to Track 11 (the one that says "Earth Portal mix" on it) and just bask in how many fucked up video game noises there in it. I can think of so many artists trying to do this sort of thing *now* but none of them can capture this level of absolute insanity. but in the context of the album either your brain has reduced it to background noise or you're just going Jesus Christ dude, dial it back a little. Autechre don't really seem to have this problem despite making albums that are way longer and more abstract

frogbs, Thursday, 21 March 2024 04:14 (two months ago) link

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