Eddie Van Halen or Jimi Hendrix?

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I would take Eddie Van Halen over Jimi Hendrix. I think too many people got caught up on the whole "dead aura" thing of Jimi while Eddie was continually reinventing and innovating the guitar. I do not think for a second that Jimi could do half of what Eddie did on the guitar had he lived.

Clifford, Friday, 19 May 2006 12:09 (eighteen years ago) link

neither. although the jimi of 1984 i could do. the studio jimi.

the rest just looks sadly like boys fiddling. thrusting. needing me to look.

nah. its what you do with it.

molly (bulbs), Friday, 19 May 2006 12:48 (eighteen years ago) link

I'll take Eddie Van Halen. I mean come on, Hendrix was good and could have been better but he was always too spazzed out to play decent. I think Hendrix's solos SUCK. Edward Van Halen's solos are always on key and sound wonderful, and for anyone who doesn't believe Eddie Van Halen is the GREATEST just listen to ERUPTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cody P., Thursday, 25 May 2006 03:25 (eighteen years ago) link

Y'all are friggin' nuts!
I can understand debating who is more impressive technically, but...

Hendrix played bitchin sex jams,
Van Halen plays plastic cheese.


Chris Bee (Cee Bee), Thursday, 25 May 2006 03:38 (eighteen years ago) link

"I've been playing guitar for 10 years and was a music major in college. I recently got into this discussion with some friends. We decided to break the greatest guitar issue into four categories: technical ability, emotional playing ability, songwriting, and innovation. Eddie had better technical ability and songwriting. Jimi was the better emotional player. I would say they tied in innovation though Jimi may have a slight edge there. Jimi opened up a whole new way of playing guitar, but eddie made modern rock guitar what it is today. Overall, our opinion was that Eddie Van Halen is the greatest guitar player in a close one. But, as any of the great guitarists will tell you, you can't truly say for sure who the best ever is. It's can't really be objectively compared.
-- Eric (hurdabadu...), December 31st, 2005."

While I personally disagree with the outcome (I love Hendrix and I rarely play Van Halen), I think this is the best answer in the entire thread. I've never understood this need to rate musicians as if they're competing in the Olympics, and comparing the likes of these two is definitely apples and oranges.

For the record, I don't really get into shredding, so I simply can't go with Eddie. If I did though, I woul definitely prefer listing to the likes of Satriani or Vai.

shorty (shorty), Saturday, 27 May 2006 06:27 (eighteen years ago) link

Eddie Van Halen is a much better guitar player than Jimi Hendrix. There is this whole fascination with aura and the baby-boomer generation that somehow catapulted a symbol of sex, drugs, and freedom all through the personification of one Jimi Hendrix. As a guitar historian and a veteran player myself,lets break this no-contest comparison once and for all.

Innovation: Eddie Van Halen. His style of double hand tapping revolutionized the way the guitar would be played for decades to come. Artificial harmonics, volume swells, whammy screams, even the name "whammy" were all from Eddie. If you throw in the creation of the drop-d tuna, the inspiration for the Floyd Rose patent, and his line of hand-made guitars with the only tone nicknamed in the music industry ( "Brown Sound") this debate was never a debate to begin with.

Influence: Eddie Van Halen again. When Jimi emerged, no one was trying to play like him, look like him, or capture his sound. When Eddie emerged EVERY guitar player tried to play like him. In fact, during the club days, Eddie had to play his solos with his back to the crowd so people like Randy Rhoads, Jake E Lee and George Lynch would not learn his techniques. bettencourt, Rhoads, vai, satriani, Lynch, Beach, Malmsteen, DeMartini,Dweezil Zappa,Dimebag, Kirk Hammet, Zakk Wylde, etc. all tried to play Eddie's style. Some guitar players went further and tried to look like Eddie: Vito Bratta,Warren DeMartini,etc. Today? Green Day, Pantera, Smashmouth, Phish,Weezer, and Pearl Jam are just a handful of bands that have covered VH songs or site Eddie as their musical influence.

Technical: Eddie and not even close. In the words of Zakk Wylde: "Jimi Hendrix would have never been able to play Eruption or Spanish Fly."

Accolades: Yes, Rolling Stone chose Jimi as the greatest RNR guitar player of all time. They also chose Joan Jett over EVH and Randy Rhoads and left Vai and Malmsteen entirely off the list. Getting guitar advice from Rolling Stone is like getting plumbing advice from your dentist. They also had their website shut down after 4,000 plus angry e-mails from EVH supporters. Meanwhile Eddie Van Halen is the only guitar player to be elected in to the Hall of Fame in both Guitar World and Guitar Player. Eruption was listed as the second greatest solo of all time after Stairway. No one was voted best guitar player more than Edward.

Accolades: Blah, Blah, Blah . . .Jimi's emotion and songs were so great. They were so great they he had only one top ten single in his career, A COVER, no platinum albums until a decade after he died, and had him chased to the UK because no American label would sign him. Especially when you were booed opening up for The Monkees. By Van halen's third album, way before MTV started, they outsold Jimi's entire catalog to date. They are the ninth best selling band and the 19th best selling artists of all time.

Any questions?

Roy Cox, Tuesday, 30 May 2006 17:06 (eighteen years ago) link

Today? Green Day, Pantera, Smashmouth, Phish,Weezer, and Pearl Jam are just a handful of bands that have covered VH songs or site Eddie as their musical influence.

Ah, so that's who's to blame

Chris Bee (Cee Bee), Tuesday, 30 May 2006 17:13 (eighteen years ago) link

Any questions?

Yes, just one. Is your hair long in the back and short on top?

Uri Frendimein (Uri Frendimein), Tuesday, 30 May 2006 18:05 (eighteen years ago) link

these TS guitarist threads are always so sad.

Shakey Mo Collier (Shakey Mo Collier), Tuesday, 30 May 2006 18:07 (eighteen years ago) link

As a guitar historian and a veteran player

Your horrid image does unfix my hair.

George 'the Animal' Steele, Tuesday, 30 May 2006 18:11 (eighteen years ago) link

I like both, and admire both as guitarists. However, without Jimi Hendrix, no Eddie Van Halen.

Geir Hongro (GeirHong), Tuesday, 30 May 2006 22:48 (eighteen years ago) link

I think too many people got caught up on the whole "dead aura" thing of Jimi
I think too many people got caught up on the whole "dead aura" thing of Jimi
I think too many people got caught up on the whole "dead aura" thing of Jimi
I think too many people got caught up on the whole "dead aura" thing of Jimi
I think too many people got caught up on the whole "dead aura" thing of Jimi
I think too many people got caught up on the whole "dead aura" thing of Jimi
I think too many people got caught up on the whole "dead aura" thing of Jimi
I think too many people got caught up on the whole "dead aura" thing of Jimi
I think too many people got caught up on the whole "dead aura" thing of Jimi
I think too many people got caught up on the whole "dead aura" thing of Jimi
I think too many people got caught up on the whole "dead aura" thing of Jimi
I think too many people got caught up on the whole "dead aura" thing of Jimi
I think too many people got caught up on the whole "dead aura" thing of Jimi
I think too many people got caught up on the whole "dead aura" thing of Jimi
I think too many people got caught up on the whole "dead aura" thing of Jimi
I think too many people got caught up on the whole "dead aura" thing of Jimi
I think too many people got caught up on the whole "dead aura" thing of Jimi
I think too many people got caught up on the whole "dead aura" thing of Jimi
I think too many people got caught up on the whole "dead aura" thing of Jimi
I think too many people got caught up on the whole "dead aura" thing of Jimi

Thomas Tallis (Tommy), Tuesday, 30 May 2006 22:52 (eighteen years ago) link

"When Jimi emerged, no one was trying to play like him, look like him, or capture his sound."
Eric Clapton never existed
Jeff Beck never existed
Jimmy Page never existed
Alvin Lee never existed

Lenny Kravitz never existed

Geir Hongro (GeirHong), Tuesday, 30 May 2006 23:39 (eighteen years ago) link

Geir OTM!

Thomas Tallis (Tommy), Wednesday, 31 May 2006 00:01 (eighteen years ago) link

"Any questions?

-- Roy Cox (thectbrennan...), May 30th, 2006."

Your arrogance and attitude is laughable. Perhaps if you attempted to enlighten with knowledge rather than condescend to a group of people with similar interests as your own, you might be taken a bit more seriously and not be the butt of mullet-head jokes.

shorty (shorty), Wednesday, 31 May 2006 00:31 (eighteen years ago) link

That doesn't really count as a question.

Keywords: revenge, knife, granddaughter, demonic-possession, rock-star, eel (Aus, Wednesday, 31 May 2006 00:41 (eighteen years ago) link

I'm also curious how your (Roy Cox) version of logic allows EVH to be the most influential guitar player of all time, but then you're proud to state how he turned his back while playing so others couldn't copy him. From this I conclude that a) he didn't want people to copy him, and b) he was/is an asshole (neither of which has any bearing on his ability as a guitar player or influence on others, I admit).

The whole "-insert name here- couldn't play Eruption" argument always cracks me up too. I may be a novice at this point in my guitar experience, but I can tell you that I have no desire to ever learn to play Eruption, or anything like it. I'd rather just turn on some porn and jerk-off. :)

I apologize for the attitude that I'm now showing, but geez man, try to get off your high-horse before posting to a group of generally intelligent people.

shorty (shorty), Wednesday, 31 May 2006 00:47 (eighteen years ago) link

eddie van halen is a twat whose band was made and broken on the skills of whichever lead singer they employed at a particular time. hendrix is possibly fairly overrated but still twenty times the musician and songwriter that evh is/was. i guess evh made a few choice pedals and whammy bars or whatever but who gives a fuck about that except for techies?

gear (gear), Wednesday, 31 May 2006 00:48 (eighteen years ago) link

Exhibit A: http://youtube.com/results?search=eruption&search_type=search_videos&search=Search
If a bunch of no-name VH tribute bands can play Eruption (see Exhibit A), what in the hell makes any fool think Jimi couldn't play it? The only reason Jimi didn't play Eruption was because he was too busy completely reinventing the guitar in GOOD ways. He did divebombs without a "whammy". Get a clue.

U.R. Adouche, Wednesday, 31 May 2006 01:10 (eighteen years ago) link

At guitar center they told me EVH taught Jimmy Page and Jimi Hendrix when they they were still in high school.I didn't know they all went to the same school.That's neat! The man at the store told me Ed was a pro skateboarder before he was in Van Halen.He said Ed invented riding in pools that's why he sounded so radical in concert.He said Ed could grind 3 coping blocks when he was really warmed up and all gnarly and stuff.I guess he is kinda like that my name is Earl guy.Lets just hope ED wakes up and gets back to riding pools.I think Ed was better than Jimi Hendrix because Jimi used to much destoytion.I am going back to the music store so the man there can tell me all about when he was in Led Zeppelin for a couple of years.I will keep you all posted.

Jewit Stein, Thursday, 1 June 2006 06:52 (eighteen years ago) link

Jimi Hendrix is a GOD. I don't care if Eddie finds a cure for AIDS, you can't get any higher than GOD.

nicky lo-fi (nicky lo-fi), Thursday, 1 June 2006 08:11 (eighteen years ago) link

great post by roy cox. he seems to be the only one who mentions solid facts here and not just mouthing personal opinion. boy the truth does hurt. you can'tget much lower than being booed opening up for the monkees. van halen opened up for black sabbath and ozzy said they made the band break up they were so good. i am also insulted at geir hongro's post of mentioning clapton, beck,page and lee as being influenced by jimi. jimi was influenced by clapton and lee and beck and page were already influences on their own. eddie is the best guitar player you guys. give him his due respect. he earned it.

Kyle Knox, Thursday, 1 June 2006 15:37 (eighteen years ago) link

Nice job Roy.I was on the fence with this one until I read your post. You certainly know your guitar.I think they were both amazing but when you listed their attributes you certainly shed light on who is gold and who is silver.I have been playing guitar for two years and althought I am not a Van Halen fan musically,I must give props to Edward's guitar work.Anyone who can bad mouth or down play "Eruption" either does not play the guitar or does not play the guitar very well.(LOL.Like me.)"Eruption","Spanish Fly","Cathedral", "Baluchitherium","Mean Street", etc.are way too intense for Jimi's style of play from what I heard.I was tied going in on this one but Roy sided my vote to Edward. That is a very impressive resume. I think I will throw on Fair Warning.

Nevin Sorrenson, Thursday, 1 June 2006 15:49 (eighteen years ago) link

I think I'm with Jewit. I'd post more but am so excited I have to go put on my Led Zeppelin records when Eddie was in the band.

George 'the Animal' Steele, Thursday, 1 June 2006 15:57 (eighteen years ago) link

Hendrix sucked,dudes.I have video boots from the BBC to Woodstock and this guy was so sloppy and so out of tune most of the time. You guys are smoking the same stuff Jimi was if you think he is anywhere near Eddie Van Halen. Are you sure you guys play guitar? Are you sure you are in the right forum? Put down your bongs and pick up your guitars.

Peter Luggiero, Thursday, 1 June 2006 16:00 (eighteen years ago) link

EVH is the king of ten fingers and six strings. He is the Lord of the Strings. It is amazing to think that with all of the great guitar players that emerged from the 1960's and 1970's not one of them came up with the technical skills that Eddie established. Hey Roy Cox, did you know this? When Slash was asked to play on Michael Jackson's reunion tour he had to ask Michael if it was OK to play the "Beat It" solo differently because he could not nail down the original Eddie Van Halen version. I read this in Guitar World. I would like to say this. Eddie would be annoyed by this debate. He has gone on record a few times in publications when asked about being the best guitar player by saying, and I am paraphrasing here, "Guitar playing is not a sport and it is not competition. There is no best. You like what you like and you play how you feel."

James Cowher, Thursday, 1 June 2006 16:15 (eighteen years ago) link

Eddie van Halen is the king of rock and roll hip replacement surgery and experimental treatments for oral cancer. It takes a special kind of fella to continue hammering on through it all. Do you think Jimi could have played "Eruption" if he'd had a bit of his tongue cut away and both femurs retipped with chrome steel balls? I don't think so.

George 'the Animal' Steele, Thursday, 1 June 2006 16:20 (eighteen years ago) link

Bah, it's Jimi of course. His playing, to me, is color. It fucks with my head and completely takes me away. His solo on Machine Gun is way better than anything Eddie did in his career. I completely agree with the Eruption naysayers here, it isn't an interesting piece of music and if that's what being pointed to as EVH's crowning musical achievement, than Hendrix simply hands him his ass on a platter..

Harrison Barr (Petar), Thursday, 1 June 2006 16:22 (eighteen years ago) link

The five best rock players of all time are: 1)Eddie Van Halen 2)Randy Rhoads 3)Steve Vai 4)Joe Satriani 5)Jimmy Page. Hendrix does not make my top ten. There are too many players that are better than him.(i.e.Gilmour,May,Vaughan,Gilbert,Johnson,Buckethead,Becker,Lynch,Moore,Blackmore,Malmsteen,Bettencourt,Beach,Holdsworth,McLaughlin,DiMeola,Schon,Batio,Petrucci,Beck,Roth,Gibbons,so on and so on.)

Hey Vern, Thursday, 1 June 2006 16:29 (eighteen years ago) link

But what about the hip replacement and tongue surgery? C'mon now, that's living and playing through pain.

George 'the Animal' Steele, Thursday, 1 June 2006 16:30 (eighteen years ago) link

I summon the ghost of Bill Hicks:

Hendrix played his cock.

Harrison Barr (Petar), Thursday, 1 June 2006 16:33 (eighteen years ago) link

I bet Eddie had his feet scraped, too. Jimi just didn't live long enough to be old enough to have his feet scraped.

George 'the Animal' Steele, Thursday, 1 June 2006 16:33 (eighteen years ago) link


John Orcinollo, Thursday, 1 June 2006 16:37 (eighteen years ago) link

See. It was the feet-scraping and surgeries that put him over the top.

George 'the Animal' Steele, Thursday, 1 June 2006 16:40 (eighteen years ago) link

Well,it is quite apparent that lack of knowledge and immaturity have prevailed in this debate. That is pretty sad when you have to attack someone's battle with cancer and alcohol. Jimi did not exactly die from natural causes but no one was digging at him here, no pun intended, about that. Why change the subject? This debate pretty much ended when Roy Cox schooled everyone. Since his intelligent post, people have only come back with weak opinions, personal attacks, and really bad humor. It look slike this debate ended days ago.

James Cowher, Thursday, 1 June 2006 16:47 (eighteen years ago) link

How did it end? Did Roy Cox have his feet scraped, too? The tartness of the faces here sours grapes.

George 'the Animal' Steele, Thursday, 1 June 2006 16:53 (eighteen years ago) link

Well,it is quite apparent that lack of knowledge and immaturity have prevailed in this debate.

Yes, that's why we have so many veteran guitarists ruling Eddie as guitarist supreme based on sportsmanship and craftmanship. I'm surprised you haven't included the fact that he went from jeans to parachute pants and back to jeans again in your list of reasons why he is so inarguably great. Take your Zakk Wylde opinions and shove 'em up your ass. There are a million no-name mullet-headed dipshits who can squeal like Zakk or tap like Eddie. And before Eddie was custimizing chewy rectifier rectal "brown sounds," Jimi was customizing nameless stompboxes and geegaws to invent a sound that didn't even exist outside of heavy machinery and dangerous explosions.

Uri Frendimein (Uri Frendimein), Thursday, 1 June 2006 17:31 (eighteen years ago) link

Breaking down this Special Olympics into events, Eddie kills Hendrix in electro-funk thanks to "Sunday Afternoon in the Park."

Ian Christe (Ian Christe), Thursday, 1 June 2006 17:40 (eighteen years ago) link

Eddie is about as funky as a hobo's armpit. Not a good kind of funk.

Uri Frendimein (Uri Frendimein), Thursday, 1 June 2006 17:42 (eighteen years ago) link

When was heavy rock supposed to be funky?

Geir Hongro (GeirHong), Thursday, 1 June 2006 17:45 (eighteen years ago) link

Apparently on Sunday Afternoon in the Park.

Uri Frendimein (Uri Frendimein), Thursday, 1 June 2006 17:48 (eighteen years ago) link

By the way, most of the guys who chose Hendrix when we had this argument in 9th grade are all dead now. Choose sides wisely.

Ian Christe (Ian Christe), Thursday, 1 June 2006 17:53 (eighteen years ago) link

"choose wisely"


Funniest irony ever.

Uri Frendimein (Uri Frendimein), Thursday, 1 June 2006 17:56 (eighteen years ago) link

>great post by roy cox. he seems to be the only one who mentions solid facts here and not just mouthing personal opinion<

...which would be fine if playing music was a track & field event, or a science project.

nicky lo-fi (nicky lo-fi), Thursday, 1 June 2006 18:09 (eighteen years ago) link

"solid facts"

"When Jimi emerged, no one was trying to play like him, look like him, or capture his sound."

all you Guitar Center/Guitar Player magazine reading fanboys are tiresome and full of shit - knowledgeable only about an extremely limited slice of the rock n roll landscape, yet proud to endlessly reheash the same half-assed, poorly thought-out "facts" over and over. Enjoy yr wanking!

Shakey Mo Collier (Shakey Mo Collier), Thursday, 1 June 2006 18:15 (eighteen years ago) link

Listen, some of the other 9th graders who didn't take sides in this debate are dead now, too, buddy.

Ian Christe (Ian Christe), Thursday, 1 June 2006 18:22 (eighteen years ago) link

I mean, let's break it down:

"Innovation: Eddie Van Halen. His style of double hand tapping revolutionized the way the guitar would be played for decades to come."

Pfft. Double hand tapping is only common in an extremely narrow slice of rock music - you could easily make the claim that Sonic Youth's tunings, or Kevin Shields' "wall of feedback" has influenced an equal number of guitarists. Who cares?

"If you throw in the creation of the drop-d tuna"

is this a reference to drop-d tuning? Eddie didn't invent that.

"the only tone nicknamed in the music industry ( "Brown Sound") this debate was never a debate to begin with."

Baloney - tons of guitarists have nicknames for their own individual peculiarities. That Eddie went so far as patent and market it is not all that impressive an artistic achievement.

"When Jimi emerged, no one was trying to play like him, look like him, or capture his sound."

This is COMPLETELY WRONG. Read interviews of any of the Brits who saw Jimi play (Beck, Townsend, etc) and they were all blown away by Jimi and wanted to copy him. Back in the states once Jimi hit every single black guitarist copped his act - witness all the fuzz guitar all over Norman Whitfield's productions, Eddie Hazel, Black Merda, a host of "heavy" blues bands, etc.

"When Eddie emerged EVERY guitar player tried to play like him. In fact, during the club days, Eddie had to play his solos with his back to the crowd"

As has been pointed out, these two sentences kind of contradict one another.

"like Randy Rhoads, Jake E Lee and George Lynch would not learn his techniques. bettencourt, Rhoads, vai, satriani, Lynch, Beach, Malmsteen, DeMartini,Dweezil Zappa,Dimebag, Kirk Hammet, Zakk Wylde,"

With the ostensible exceptions of Randy Rhoads and Hammett, all of these people are horrible hacks who play some of the most boring music ever - music that appeals strictly to people who fetishize Musicians' Trading Post catalogs.

"Green Day, Pantera, Smashmouth, Phish,Weezer, and Pearl Jam are just a handful of bands that have covered VH songs or site Eddie as their musical influence."

Everybody covers everybody. Most common cover is the Beatles' "Yesterday". "Louie Louie" is probably after that. Who cares?

"Getting guitar advice from Rolling Stone is like getting plumbing advice from your dentist. They also had their website shut down after 4,000 plus angry e-mails from EVH supporters."

4,000 EVH fans can't be wrong, eh? The masses quake.

"Meanwhile Eddie Van Halen is the only guitar player to be elected in to the Hall of Fame in both Guitar World and Guitar Player."

The notion that Guitar World and Guitar Player are not just as deluded and tradition-bound as Rolling Stone is laughable.

"They were so great they he had only one top ten single in his career, A COVER, no platinum albums until a decade after he died.... By Van halen's third album, way before MTV started, they outsold Jimi's entire catalog to date."

Sales as an arbiter of artistic quality is an empty argument. Aesthetics are not economics, and mass appeal /= proof of creativity.

"Any questions?"

why do you fucking bother? (hell why do I bother...)

Shakey Mo Collier (Shakey Mo Collier), Thursday, 1 June 2006 18:28 (eighteen years ago) link

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