Rolling Teenpop 2006 Thread

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(Also I spelled Anneke's last name wrong.)

xhuxk, Sunday, 5 March 2006 18:42 (eighteen years ago) link

I recently did a post on the "Naked Mole Rap" song from Kim Possible and pegged it as fake-rap in the vein of "Lazy Sunday" but Hillary called me out on it, and she's right, it's not fake-rap, it's kid-rap, which is a whole different thing--there's no awareness of racial issues and the whole thing is just much, much more excited than rap itself almost ever is. Thoughts? Other examples of kid-rap? What do the rap songs off the Kidz Bop CDs sound like?

Eppy (Eppy), Sunday, 5 March 2006 19:03 (eighteen years ago) link

>Other examples of kid-rap? <

Aaron Carter!

xp: (Also I guess I'm assuming Prata IS Italian American, which i suppose it's possible he might not be. But most of the evidence does seem to lean in that direction, as far as I can tell.)

Watched *High School Muiscal* last night (I was sent a DVD.) "Stick to the Status Quo" is definitely more fun on the DVD than on the CD. Most likeable charcter is the girl who plays piano, partially since she dresses thrift-store wacky-but-snazzy like my daughter Coco (whose fashion sense was I think influenced *very* early on by the title character of the TV show *Blossom*) , though it annoys me when they make said piano girl "let her hair down" librarian-coming-out-of-her-shell-style at the end. Most hilarious and over-the-top character is Sharpay, which is interesting since at first you expect her to be a *Heathers*-type snob. Dullest characters, naturally, are leading man and lady Troy and Gabrielle, just because they're so goody-goody innocuous. (The Gabrielle character's only previous singing experience, we learn, was, of course, in her church choir: bad omen from a culture war perspective at the start, but the rest of the movie is gay enough to make up for it.)

xhuxk, Sunday, 5 March 2006 20:35 (eighteen years ago) link

And oh yeah, do Hard-Fi and Arctic Monkeys count as teen-pop, in England at least? (Arctic Monkeys are teenagers, right?) Anyway, I'm gonna assume they do, and therefore state here that HARD-FI ARE MUCH BETTER THAN ARCTIC MONKEYS. Hard-Fi (my favorite songs of whom so far are "Cash Macine" and "Living for the Weekend") sound like a missing link between, the Clash of "Ivan Meets G.I. Joe" (or some similar *Sandinista!* cut) and um the Clash of "Rock the Casbash," except with no Joe Strummer or Mick Jones, so not ROCK enough, but I like them anyway. Arctic Monkeys's songs, at least on the advance I have, generally seem to get lost in the mix. Not even sure if that makes sense; maybe I just mean their vocals are mixed too low or something? Or their arrangements aren't as catchy as Hard-Fi's? I dunno, something like that. But I don't mind them, especially the song where they tell Roxanne to put out the red light and the way the one about how it all changes when the sun goes down (so when the light's out it's less dangerous?) picks up momentum, and the fastish quasi-punky one about "what you do you know? you don't know nothing. but I'll take you home." My advance CD doesn't have song titles, though. And I kinda don't see what the big deal is supposed to be about the song about how I bet you look good on the dancefloor. Anyway, the album starts out sounding kinda like Franz Ferdinand and winds up sounding kinda like the new Donald Fagen solo album, except with music nowhere near as compellng and vocals that are worse because they're stiffer than Fagen's but better because they seem more invested in putting the lyrics over than Fagen does. I'm not sure if their lyrics are more clever than Fagen's or not. (And he's NOT teenpop, I don't think, and never was, but I like how I worked him into this thread anyway.)

xhuxk, Sunday, 5 March 2006 21:11 (eighteen years ago) link

Can't make sense of the idea that Amy Lee is deadpan and isn't trying to put the songs over (though she's also said that she prefers her music to be described more as "dark" than "goth"). I'll have to think more about Anneke and Cristina.

Frank Kogan (Frank Kogan), Sunday, 5 March 2006 21:12 (eighteen years ago) link

I actually suspect that's more true of Anneke and Cristina than Amy Lee (who strikes me as more pop than goth myself), Frank. And I have no idea if Anneke and Cristina are *trying* to put the songs over; I'm just saying that, if they are, it doesn't particularly work -- i.e., Gathering and Lacuna Coil albums, even their very best ones, rarely hit me as collections of individual songs. (I guess my favorite Gathering song is whichever one to *How To Measure a Planet?* Anneke sings about "I am sitting in a chair." I forget what it's title is.)

xhuxk, Sunday, 5 March 2006 21:23 (eighteen years ago) link

I think Orson should be discussed about here. It seems like we're finally onto the ROCK YOUFF backlash to haircut indie (I remember reading a Kerrang press release that talked about something to the extent of how "You can listen to your Franz Ferdinands and Bloc Parties, we'll listen to PROPER MUSIC". And Orson have got to #5 with their new single, which most indie bands would, even in this climate, cut their right nut off for. Trivium are likely to follow. So please discuss non-emo non-indie rock music that the teens are listening to these days here.

Dom Passantino (Dom Passantino), Monday, 6 March 2006 00:59 (eighteen years ago) link

Never heard Orson, but as I said, System of a Down seem to be the youff choice in these climes, though SOAD's audience also consists of many nonyouffs.

Frank Kogan (Frank Kogan), Monday, 6 March 2006 01:46 (eighteen years ago) link

It's kind of hard for me to figure precisely how to define and place in critical row the newer goth (and goth metal) chicks.

I mean, I look at the goth label from a traditionalist POV, in the sense that, in order to be 'goth', one also needs to be willfully or intrinsically perverse in some way--whether that manifests as lyric content, artifice or just plain weirdness doesn't much matter. Just the impulse alone is goth.

So in that light, Amy Lee saying her stuff is 'dark' is accurate and maybe even self aware. And Kelly C, no matter how much she may mess up her life, will never be gothic--she'll always be a lively suspect enduring a bad streak. It's a big, crucial difference, sort of like how, in an opposing way, Nick Cave could sincerely sing Bar Mitzvah songs for his glow-cheeked daughter and still be gothic.

I can't get a read on Anneke--I love the heck out of The Gathering, but I--perhaps assuming--her difficulty with English that results in the lyrics I've listened to as sort of pouty, or conventionally melancholic--which would put them, sensibility-wise, in the same camp with Lee (but with way more interesting music.)

The fact that Scabbia is *named* Scabbia and/or didn't change it to something else renders her sensibility goth from the git-go. Plus, she has that deadpan, enjoying-the-wrechedness verse approach and overwrought chorus delivery that pins her to traditional gothic.

Point is, I don't think it has so much to do with technique or even chosen delivery style, as much as a sense of something at the core being fundamentally askew and the artist being either in conversation with that aberration, enjoying or getting lost in it.

Ian in Brooklyn, Monday, 6 March 2006 05:56 (eighteen years ago) link

(Sorry about some of that sorry syntax. Still recovering from Crash winning anything besides a drive-by.)

Ian in Brooklyn, Monday, 6 March 2006 05:59 (eighteen years ago) link

Well, what you're saying makes a lot of sense and seems clear to me, and I'm not heartset on classifying Kelly Clarkson as goth, but then I have no particular stake in who does or doesn't get called goth anyway. And it's not like I'm ever going to have any influence on goth usage. Really, what I'm more concerned with is people hearing Kelly with new ears, as I've come to. But - to make an analogy to one of my pet themes - it does seem that the guys who are out there and deliberately "punk" (the hardcore punks, for instance) are pretty much the opposite of what I want punk to be, no matter what they think of themselves, and to my ears some of the people who end up there by accident and who don't define themselves as punk are much closer. That is, countercultural intent shouldn't be the determining fact in who gets called goth or punk or metal or anything (though it can play a role). I still like my idea of "secular goth," for the goths who don't goth themselves up or don't even know they're goth. And I always like to give subcults a hard time for not recognizing their continuity with the mainstream square culture. In any event (this is addressed more to Chuck), looting goth for pop songs seems like a great thing, and if people are going to loot the sounds, I feel that I can loot the term on their behalf.

Frank Kogan (Frank Kogan), Monday, 6 March 2006 06:16 (eighteen years ago) link

Speaking of youth music, I was listening to the recent Rolling Stones album the other day, and I was saying to myself, "Imagine. Mick Jagger used to be the most important lyricist in my life. And now he's writing words I'm utterly indifferent to, while I'm completely taken by Kelly Clarkson's." And then, being comfortable in my indifference, and barely paying attention, I suddenly heard a Stones lyric that had me rolling on the floor, that I thought was brilliant. Maybe there are more too; I've yet to give the words much attention, except for agreeing with "Sweet Neocon" but thinking there was nothing interesting about the way it was said, and gritting my teeth during the rain-fell-down-but-we-made-sweet-love song, and gritting them harder during "Too many roads lead to nowhere," and deciding that Mick deserved some kind of punishment for "I walked the streets of love drenched in tears." (Keep the man off the streets! They're leading him nowhere!) So, the line that cracked me up? Well, you kind of had to be there; it's in "It Won't Take Long," a nice knock-it-out, kick-it-in little rock song - my favorite on the album, but it's not trying to be anything super-significant and super-intense. The words are an old Jagger shtick, guy pretending he'll get over her easy, "It won't take long to forget you/You know I'm never wrong/It'll all be over in a minute/It won't take long." But then the last time through, he switches a couple of words: "It'll all be over by Christmas/No, it won't take long." And this is what had me breaking into laughter but also saying to myself, yup, this is the guy who wrote "Gimme Shelter" and "Brown Sugar" and "High and Dry" and "Under My Thumb," war is just a shot away and all that. You had to be in my moment, I guess, suddenly flashing on all those WWI assurances that the troops'll be home by Christmas, and knowing that Mick's Iraq war protest is on the album too. Anyway, I laughed with the line but I didn't shiver, the way I'd shivered to its equivalents in the 1960s. And this isn't just because now I'm used to these lines, while in the the '60s they were new for me and meant more. I think the way the lines are placed in "It Won't Take Long," and the way the song is a grind-it-out groove, sets the lyrics' place in a different way, makes it good songwriting, wry commentary, but not... well, not "Heart of Stone," which came out when I was 10 but I didn't hear until I was 15, and it was Jagger walking a cold stalk*, and the lyrics and the beautiful backup singing pointed to something warm and hurt inside, but Jagger didn't sing the warmth, he sang the cold walk. And it scared me.

My point isn't that "Heart of Stone" is better than "It Won't Take Long" (though it is), but that it's different in kind, even if you could summarize the lyrics in the same way: "lovesick man pretends he's indifferent" (which by the way is a songwriting staple, in country even more than in pop). And the difference is that in sound and feel and in its mind as well as its guts, "Heart of Stone" is a young man's song. So it's not just about a man faking his feelings, pretending he's indifferent. It's about Pretence, about Fakery, about False Identity and Who The Fuck Am I? And on from there through "Under My Thumb" and "Back Street Girl" and "Lady Jane" and "High and Dry" and "My Obsession" and "Street Fighting Man" and "Brown Sugar." (And after that he wasn't a young man anymore, and to my ears didn't find a middle adulthood nearly as interesting as his youth. Which doesn't mean there's nothing new of interest. For instance, "It Won't Take Long" has the lines "Time it passes quickly" and "Life is short," implying that what won't take long is life (and maybe it's life that'll be all over by Christmas, and only then will he be over her; or maybe I'm making that up). I'd say I like about half the tracks on A Bigger Bang, which is more than I'd anticipated liking, and there are two or three I like quite a lot.)

So, my point for this teenpop thread? Well once back in the early '60s Andrew Loog Oldham, manager of the Rolling Stones, a rock band that played mostly covers of American soul, rock 'n' roll, and blues songs but which had burgeoning teen and youth appeal in Britain, basically ordered the lead singer and lead guitarist to start writing songs themselves, his reasoning being that, because of who Jagger and Richards were, they'd be able to write songs that the youngsters would care about way more than those youngsters would care about someone else's soul and blues.

Interesting (and extremely well-written) CG review by Christgau back in 2001 starts like this:

Michelle Branch The Spirit Room [Maverick, 2001]
Only in a biz discombobulated by teenpop could an 18-year-old with an acoustic guitar be plausibly promoted as "the anti-Britney." Don't you remember? Writing Your Own Songs means zip, zilch, nada. By now, literally millions of human beings WTOS, and while Branch may be among the top 5000 (and may not), note that her hit, like most of the front-loaded material, was co-composed by her producer.

Christgau's right, of course, that in itself writing your own songs means zip, zilch, nada. But if you're in a different social category from the people who would be writing them otherwise (e.g., you're youth and they're not), and if this difference affects the character of the songs you write - or co-write - then writing your own songs makes a huge difference. Doesn't necessarily make your songs better, but it means they're different songs.

As of right now, I can't think of any major American teenpop performers except Crazy Frog and B5 who don't co-write at least some of their songs. (JoJo only did three on her album, but Ashlee, Lindsay, Kelly, Avril, Aly & AJ, and Jesse all do, as do Click Five, if they count as major, and of course Pink does, if she still counts as teenpop (not sure how much Kelly does, either, but she gets major teen airplay).)

*A piece of celery, perhaps

Frank Kogan (Frank Kogan), Monday, 6 March 2006 06:24 (eighteen years ago) link

I mean, how much Kelly counts as teenpop. She wrote co-wrote half the songs on Breakaway.

Frank Kogan (Frank Kogan), Monday, 6 March 2006 06:29 (eighteen years ago) link

Well, I just wanted to create a strating point for what goth might actually mean in a fairly literal sense. I agree with you that it's terrific for source-poaching, in whatever way one would want to crib from it that's useful.

Lyrics have seldom meant much to me aside from indicators of intent and essense, which is what everything is about for me. I love The Cardigans, I mean, a LOT, but the it was only after listening to their last two, highly dour CDs that I noted how glum the lyrics were. And sometimes even clever.

But all I need of the lyrics of "I Need Some Fine Wine (and you need to be nicer)" is right there. The intent--that I gotta get fucked up not to notice what a prick you are and even then, I'm gonna domme your ass because of my own self-loathing--it's in that sentence, the music, the delivery, the inter-related associations between all of it. Now that's elegant!

(Unsurprisingly, I love Cocteau Twins because the infinity mood is never ruined by language making sense, and RAMMS+EIN because I don't speak German and so all the terror, ruin, sorrow and sex remain intact.)

I'm not sure what 'teenpop' means at this juncture. I never much bought into authenticity, what with a goodly portion of my life spent making or watching other musicians systemacticcally de-authenticize their work via record production. It seems that what teenpop implies--aside from the age stuff which is either irrelevant to me or a disconnect interest-wise--is the idea of an intended artiface--a perfect form of plastic 'real' punks are too blindered by possibly impossible notions of authenticity to get.

Mainly, I enjoy proudly 'artificial' pop with high voices. Older Sparks, Kelly, Amy Lee or Low (when they're not trying to prove their realness by being noisy), don't much matter to me. Except what's branded 'teenpop' lately seems more in sync with what I like. Like, if ELO had a girl singer, and were ProTooled, I'd be way happy.

Ian in Brooklyn, Monday, 6 March 2006 06:57 (eighteen years ago) link

(There's this devastating, half-acoustic version of "Goodbye to You" that Michelle Branch plays with her band at the Bronze on Buffy during a montage wherein Willow and Tara tearfully break up. It's to wondrously pure melodrama what Faith's dance to Curve's "Chinese Burns" is to self-immolating abandon, and golly, I'd love to find that version.)

Ian in Brooklyn, Monday, 6 March 2006 07:09 (eighteen years ago) link

Here you go Ian -

Abby (abby mcdonald), Monday, 6 March 2006 08:31 (eighteen years ago) link

Frank, your account of how Jagger and Richards got pushed into writing songs is very appealing, the youth idea, but I had always heard before that the impetus came from people noticing that the Beatles were writing their own material, and that becoming a kind of impetus to the Stones to match the upped ante. Obviously this doesn't change the fact that this meant the Stones then had songwriters of their own age and sensibility rather than some old pros who knew nothing of what they were about, but the reasons are interesting too.

Martin Skidmore (Martin Skidmore), Monday, 6 March 2006 11:03 (eighteen years ago) link




Ian in Brooklyn, Monday, 6 March 2006 23:53 (eighteen years ago) link

Martin, I'm going by Oldham's account, which might overestimate his own input into the process. Also, it wasn't only the youth thing, but which youth - I mean, the Stones were covering and swiping riffs from soul people who probably weren't much older than the Stones themselves. And Oldham had a sense of what Jagger and Richards could do based not just on their age but on their personalities. At least that's what I remember; I haven't seen the book in a couple of years.

Of course then there were the Animals, who managed to connect well to the young'uns in a Stones-y way and whose best material (at least early on) was a cover song and three songs composed by Brill-Colgem types (who probably weren't much older than the Animals themselves, and who also provided music for the Monkees that even younger young-uns liked, but who probably weren't all that in touch with the Animals primary audience; that's a guess).

Frank Kogan (Frank Kogan), Tuesday, 7 March 2006 05:05 (eighteen years ago) link

from metal thread, for whatever it's worth:

Got the new Gathering album; supposedly a return to "rock," though I don't think I buy that. I'm hearing a lot of Kate Bush and Cocteau Twins in it myself. BETTER than most Kate Bush or Cocteau Twins, probably, and the guitars do pick up now and then, but this is still more new age than metal in my book. Not sure how much I like it yet.

xhuxk, Tuesday, 7 March 2006 14:19 (eighteen years ago) link

great posts frank. but take it back to the spector produced and written stuff and lots of the old pop and say i mean what did it mean to people that the ronettes didn't write their songs, or sinatra, and did it mean that they couldn't say the same things, or that they just said them more with how they sang instead of what they sang?

people always forget with pink that she was punk even when she was in r&b like say with "you make me sick" or "split personality" and she didn't write her songs then at all.

Sterling Clover (s_clover), Tuesday, 7 March 2006 15:24 (eighteen years ago) link

My "You Make Me Sick" review (along with lots of other '01 teenpop):,eddy,23025,22.html

I finally heard "Stupid Girls" last week, by the way. I give it, I dunno, maybe a 6.5 (on the Radio On scale).

xhuxk, Tuesday, 7 March 2006 15:33 (eighteen years ago) link

Any thoughts on The Like? I r reviewed their album for student paper. Not exactly bowled over.

William Bloody Swygart (mrswygart), Tuesday, 7 March 2006 15:49 (eighteen years ago) link

By the way, before this thread goes any further, I want to say, IF YOU HAVEN'T HEARD (OR HEARD ABOUT) ASHLEE SIMPSON'S "SHADOW," GO DO SO AS SOON AS YOU CAN. This is because I know that in not too long I'm going to post here about it, and I always regret the fact that I had heard about it before hearing it, rather than its catching me by surprise. Almost like someone gave away the plot to Psycho in advance. (I regularly curse the person who gave away the plot to Blow Up! in a film-society blurb back in 1971.) streams the "Shadow" video (and Launch has high-quality sound, unlike some of the other video streamers), though they may block people without North American IP addresses from seeing it. (Nowadays they block me from watching the vids on their Brit-Irish site, though they didn't used to.) You have to register on Yahoo, but that's a cinch.

Frank Kogan (Frank Kogan), Tuesday, 7 March 2006 16:25 (eighteen years ago) link

William, I as yet have no Like in my life.

Frank Kogan (Frank Kogan), Tuesday, 7 March 2006 16:26 (eighteen years ago) link

got chuck's article makes me nostalgic. dream, janet's "doesn't really matter" and shaggy and pink and backstreet and r&b etherial fantasy and bubbly synths and big aching vocals.

i miss dream.

Sterling Clover (s_clover), Tuesday, 7 March 2006 16:47 (eighteen years ago) link


Sterling, I'm not sure I can guess what the difference would be if Ronnie Spector and Darlene Love and the Weiss sisters (Shangri-Las) had been co-writing the songs. Young Smokey Robinson was writing and producing his own stuff over at Motown (and writing/producing for the Temptations as well); come to think of it, maybe his stuff has more identity angst than the Holland-Dozier-Holland and Barrett-Whitfield material. (That's a comment off the top of my head without my pondering the matter.)

I don't think Spector, Greenwich, Barry, Goffin, King, Pitney (he wrote "He's A Rebel"), Mann, and Weil were that much older than the performers. There was a social difference between the girl groups and the young Brits, in that the Beatles, Stones, Animals, Kinks, and Who were art-school punks (even the ones who weren't art school per se were of that type and milieu, and there were bohemian music scenes to support them). And so there was an implied social defiance in something like the Who's "Substitute" that you're not going to get in Smokey's "Tears of a Clown." In "Substitute," it's not just the narrator and his girl who are putting up a front; everything around them is implicated too, it's all a front, life is a front, the Universe is a fake. Just as Jagger singing "Hurt my eyes open, that's no lie" has him seeing through a lot more than the fact that some girl was two-timing a guy. And the young Brits, being bohos, didn't necessarily want to reconcile with what they were seeing through - or, to be more accurate, they were ambivalent about how much they wanted to reconcile and how much they wanted to push away. Which I suppose any kid is, but the Brit kids dance of push vs. reconcile was a social drama - a new bohemia under construction - while my bet is that if Ronnie et al. over in America had been in as co-writers, the pushing-away vs. reconciliation would have been a strictly personal or familial drama, as it was in the songs written for them, with some class and gender thrown in but in ways that had already been mapped out: good girls in love with bad boys and all, but not the impetus to create a new Strange or a sense that alienation can be an achievement as well as a disaster.

So, hmmm, I'm claiming a significance in the fact that modern-day teenpoppers are in on the songwriting, and there's an obvious difference between teenpop now and teenpop in the non-self-writing days of 1999, but I'm speculating that in the Brill-building days there wouldn't have been much of a difference. Hmmm. And today's teenpop girls are sticking with the personal and family dramas or push vs. reconcile, yet still they do seem part of the legacy of Stones, Dylan, et al. (and Joni and Alanis), and it's no coincidence that the change in lyrics is accompanied by more and louder guitars.

Frank Kogan (Frank Kogan), Tuesday, 7 March 2006 17:19 (eighteen years ago) link

"Hurt my eyes open, that's no lie"

That was a cover song, of course (the Valentinos' version goes "Hurt my nose open"); but given a different meaning with the Stones delivery in the Stones world.

Frank Kogan (Frank Kogan), Tuesday, 7 March 2006 17:23 (eighteen years ago) link

Sterling, Pink co-wrote "Split Personality" and a good half of the other tracks on Can't Take Me Home, including the title track and "There You Go" and - most significantly - "Is It Love," where she introduces the family drama that's all over Missundaztood. But not "You Make Me Sick" or "Most Girls." And her way of delivering/highlighting the lyrics certainly changes on Missundaztood, becomes more "confessional" in sound not just in content.

Frank Kogan (Frank Kogan), Tuesday, 7 March 2006 17:32 (eighteen years ago) link

This is a piece I've always wanted to write, about how "confessional" songs sound confessional. Michelle Branch's "Everywhere" would be the prime example, because the second I heard it - and without my paying the least attention to the lyrics - I decided that it was in confessional singer-songwriter mode. So I decided this entirely on the basis of its sound. And, in fact, its lyrics don't particularly reveal or confess anything. But that makes no difference. It's still singer-songwriter confessional; I first heard it on an Adult Contemporary station, and was surprised to hear it a few days later on Radio Disney. Of course, since then, the wail in the chorus has become almost a template for teenpop. And as I noted when talking about Aly & AJ, "Rush" pretty much follows the "Everywhere" model in chorus and verse (and is even better than "Everywhere").

Frank Kogan (Frank Kogan), Tuesday, 7 March 2006 17:39 (eighteen years ago) link

britney wrote some of my fav songs by her -- "Everytime" and "Brave New Girl" and also "Anticipating." They're more fluffy in some ways and less bombastic, or more frothy maybe.

she couldn't have written "not a girl" on the other hand or "one more time." though she did write "dear diary" (though she didn't have to, and it is bad anyway, but she was younger then).

Sterling Clover (s_clover), Tuesday, 7 March 2006 17:49 (eighteen years ago) link

sticking with the personal and family dramas of push vs. reconcile, that is.

Frank Kogan (Frank Kogan), Tuesday, 7 March 2006 17:56 (eighteen years ago) link

Sound confessional in the sense that it sounds like there's something being confessed, regardless of whether or not there is (i.e. there's an I don't know halting but then gushing quality to it) or that it actually sounds like whispery girl-with-acoustic-guitar stuff?

Eppy (Eppy), Tuesday, 7 March 2006 17:57 (eighteen years ago) link

britney's own songs are more inside a character and less universal too, like dear diary and early morning, except that brave new girl feels like it's about a specific DIFFERENT person, which is one sort of less universal and also that it HAS to be about someone else because the distancing is part of what makes it personal.

anticipating feels the opposite like it's about one specific person trying to be another specific person who's really a universal archetype.

Sterling Clover (s_clover), Tuesday, 7 March 2006 17:58 (eighteen years ago) link

I haven't heard any of those Britney songs, unfortunately. When did she start writing some of her own stuff? (The only album I have of hers is the first, on which none of the songs are written by her.)

I really don't want to overdraw my point. Teens can write adult-like pop songs, and I'll bet if someone asked me to write a teen-angst song I could do it convincingly. And also, individual personalities can be playing a role here: there aren't actually that many people involved in writing and producing the teenpop hits, and it might be a peculiarity of Martin and Rami that they weren't writing adolescent family drama songs back in 1999; whereas maybe Shanks and DioGuardi were saying to themselves five years ago, "We've got to find us some teenagers, since we've got all these great ideas for family-drama and identity-angst songs, but Keith Urban and Sheryl Crow and Celine Dion just aren't the right people to sing them."

Eppy, it's both: sounds like something being confessed in part because it starts off whispery and acoustic.

Frank Kogan (Frank Kogan), Tuesday, 7 March 2006 18:06 (eighteen years ago) link

most are from "in the zone" but anticipating is from "britney" and "dear diary" is from her first.

also my fav. k. osbourne song is the one she didn't write, which is papa don't preach, but then that's a great song so i don't know what it says.

madonna could have written it but does that mean kelly could have?

who meant it more when they were singing it?

Sterling Clover (s_clover), Tuesday, 7 March 2006 18:12 (eighteen years ago) link

Actually, "Dear Diary" is on her second, in 2000; but it does predate the Michelle-Pink-Avril rock confessional onslaught (but not M2M).

A quick run-through at Wikipedia gives these dates of birth:

Current producers/songwriters: Ben Moody 1981, Kara DioGuardi 1970, Greg Wells 1968, Max Martin 1971, Dallas Austin 1972, Raine Maida 1970, Chantal Kraviazuk 1974.

(Of course Moody and Maida and Kraviazuk are better known as performers, and Avril can get on this list for co-writing "Breakaway"; there were a number I couldn't find, but I'm guessing late '60s for John Shanks. I have no idea how old Clif Magness is - well, I surmise he's over 20 and under 60 - and he's interesting to me because he can be at least as metal as Moody is. Also, he's real good.)

Current performers: Hilary Duff 1987, Lindsay Lohan 1986, Marion Raven 1984, Marit Larsen 1983, Ashlee Simpson 1984, Britney Spears 1981, Pink 1979, Kelly Clarkson 1982, Avril Lavigne 1984.

So, Ben Moody is basically a contemporary of those he's writing with and producing (well he's five years older than Lindsay), and so is David Hodges I'm sure though I couldn't find his date of birth. But most of the rest are 15 to 25 years older, whereas...

Early and mid '60s producers/songwriters: Gerry Goffin 1939, Carole King 1942, Phil Spector 1940, Jeff Barry 1938, Ellie Greenwich 1940, Cynthia Weil 1940, Barry Mann 1939.

Early and mid '60s performers: Ronnie Spector 1943, Darlene Love 1938, Mary Weiss 1949. Wikipedia didn't have dates of birth for the Dixie Cups. For perspective here, Eric Burdon is 1941. (I'm choosing Burdon because the Animals had hits with Mann and Weil's "We Gotta Get Outta This Place" and Goffin and King's "Don't Bring Me Down." He's their age, but he still represents a new era that cut into these people's business until King reinvented herself as a singer-songwriter.)

So basically, the people who were writing and producing the Ronettes and the Crystals were the same age as the performers themselves; whereas the Shangri-Las were significantly younger. Mary Weiss would have been 15-16 when she sang their hits, while Barry and Greenwich were in their mid 20s by then. In any event, the producers and writers were all in their early and mid twenties when they were creating this music (I think Carole King was 18 when she wrote "Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow?").

Greg Wells, by the way, is Gerry Goffin and Carole King's son-in-law.

Frank Kogan (Frank Kogan), Tuesday, 7 March 2006 19:55 (eighteen years ago) link

Re: 'Brave New Girl', it's a pretty near identical rip of Imani Coppola's 'Legend of a Cowgirl' - maybe 1997/8? - music-wise at least for the verse.

Abby (abby mcdonald), Tuesday, 7 March 2006 20:45 (eighteen years ago) link


I found a Japanese site that has a 1957 birthdate for Clif Magness. A quick glance at his credits doesn't seem to find any heavy metal, but that might be owing to the ignorance of my glance, not an actual lack of metal.

Frank Kogan (Frank Kogan), Tuesday, 7 March 2006 21:13 (eighteen years ago) link

Is it too much to hope for that the new Pink album will be in the vein of "Is It Love?"???

Tim Finney (Tim Finney), Tuesday, 7 March 2006 23:18 (eighteen years ago) link

most of the rest are 15 to 25 years older

Proof that I can't do elementary arithmetic: 10 to 20 years older is more like it, not counting Magness (and I don't necessarily trust the date I got on him). Of course from my point of view they're all wet behind the ears.

But the point is that there's a significant age gap now whereas there hadn't been between the Brillers and their performers.

Frank Kogan (Frank Kogan), Wednesday, 8 March 2006 15:10 (eighteen years ago) link

Beyoncé (b. 1981) co-wrote a lot of the songs back on The Writing's on the Wall in 1999. And there's nothing about that album, in sound or words, that strikes me as "young people's concerns and sensibility" in the way that "Substitute" etc. in the '60s and a whole bunch of teenpop does now. It did sell a lot among teens and younger, and I was surprised that the eight year olds flocked to it. (The song that's still getting play on Radio Disney is "Jumpin Jumpin," probably because it's so playful.) When I'd heard the album I'd pegged it as upmarket sophisticated r&b, with lyrics drawing on themes that go back to Louis Jordan and Bessie Smith and probably a lot further, received wisdom about romance and finance, and a sound that flaunts its ambition and complexity, Manhattan Transfer–type jazzisms. (Actually, I don't really remember what the Manhattan Transfer sounded like; I'm just using them as a generic marker for "flaunts its use of jazz vocals.") Of course, producers She'kspere and Jerkins had something to do with this, but Beyoncé produced as well ("Jumpin Jumpin" is hers, and it's the one that makes me think "Louis Jordan"), so she's completely on-board with the concept.

I liked the Destiny's Child hits from 1999, but I never really felt them. The one Destiny's Child song I love is "Survivor," from 2001, and in that one Beyoncé's a passionate, immature bitch, and I feel I'm hearing the person not the persona. I don't mean to imply a general rule that persons are better than personas, or that persons can't be part of personas and vice versa; but in this case the person was warmer and more alive for me than was the persona.

It was "Survivor" that jumped to mind when Je4nn3 wrote upthread about pop sounding younger than it once did. (This makes sense for me if you compare the 1999 of TLC–Destiny's Child–Pink to current teenpop, but not if you compare the 1999 of Backstreet Boys–*NSync–Britney. I'm still not sure how much I agree with Je4nn3's point, but I good one to think about).

The original Pink sound was modeled after the Destiny Child, even if Pink's persona was edgier. On another thread I told Tom that I didn't consider Pink's subsequent shift to confessional rock an attempt to move from teenpop to adult (rock) cred, since she already had adult r&b cred. She had cred with everybody but herself. The shift allowed her to be as messed-up on CD as she was in life.

Frank Kogan (Frank Kogan), Wednesday, 8 March 2006 16:18 (eighteen years ago) link

(But I good one to think about = but it's a good one to think about.)

My favorite song of that 1999 r&b style is Blaque's "808," which is a lot sweeter and warmer than "Bills Bills Bills" and "No Scrubs," though maybe not as interesting.

Frank Kogan (Frank Kogan), Wednesday, 8 March 2006 16:22 (eighteen years ago) link

What is the role of celebrity self-consciousness in confessional teen pop? I'm thinking of Ashlee Simpson specifically here (and maybe Pink and Lindsay Lohan's new album), but it seems somewhat unique, as a definable genre or trend, anyway, that many teen pop stars seem to be blurring or making no distinction between their real-life experiences and their songwriting/performing persona.

Not to say that this can't be seen in countless pop stars to some degree, but in Ashlee's case, real public trauma is a kind of shortcut to perceivable confessional honesty. (Strange that so many use those same embarrassments/experiences that have informed many of the songs to essentially dismiss the album, when that's the lens through which it should be engaged.)

Re: the "know confessional when I hear it" idea, it's also interesting that many artists like the Veronicas (and maybe Hilary or Aly and AJ to a lesser extent) have found ways to use the "sound" of confessional rock to create straight-up bubblegum music, no "legit" backing persona necessary -- although if more Veronicas sounded like the one DioGuardi track, they may sound less like bubblegum. Is confessional bubblegum an oxymoron?

Saw yesterday that Radio Disney is now streaming to the internet, meaning you can get yer B5 fix in the middle of nowhere, too.

nameom (nameom), Thursday, 9 March 2006 16:41 (eighteen years ago) link

frank do you mean the 808 remix? it's way better than the orig.

both feel horribly precocious.

also we should talk about the holdouts, ppl like ashlee's older sis who haven't gone the confessional mode, and if now confessional is the opposite -- something you grow out of intsead of grow into.

Sterling Clover (s_clover), Thursday, 9 March 2006 17:20 (eighteen years ago) link

Wasn't Jessica's "With You" a somewhat failed attempt to edge towards the confessional? I mentally group it with "Pieces of Me" actually, they're quite similar. It makes me like "Pieces of Me" less than I would otherwise perhaps, the taint of association etc.

I Am Me really is great though. Not only is Ashlee looking a lot like Courtney Love, this album reminds me a lot of Celebrity Skin. Although in a funny way it almost doesn't quite work as well as a pop album - one of the great things about Celebrity Skin is how burnished and perfected so many of the songs sound; I Am Me sounds a lot looser and less fussy.

Tim Finney (Tim Finney), Thursday, 9 March 2006 21:39 (eighteen years ago) link

Well yeah, Courtney was working with basically a teenpop team for that album which was a big part of why it's so fun. (Note to self: use this logic on girlfriend when trying to get her to listen to Ashlee et al.)

Eppy (Eppy), Thursday, 9 March 2006 21:52 (eighteen years ago) link

>Is confessional bubblegum an oxymoron?<

Janis Ian says NO!

xhuxk, Thursday, 9 March 2006 21:52 (eighteen years ago) link

It's interesting that Courtney wanted to record her new album in a women's prison, which strikes me as a sort of dark joke about 60s teenpop somehow.

It's also interesting that what you guys are calling confessional rock other people hear as a gloss on metal.

Eppy (Eppy), Thursday, 9 March 2006 21:57 (eighteen years ago) link

(Albeit pop-metal, but still.)

Eppy (Eppy), Thursday, 9 March 2006 21:58 (eighteen years ago) link

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