abusive comments

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Well, Forksclovetofu, I must say I giggled a lot at your Basil Wolverton post. It did seem to capture the tone with horrendous acuity, without you having to say a word or look too mean. I notice Marissa seems to respond negatively to relatively minor slights, but find bigger ones curiously affirming, or just ignore them. But I'm heartened that she will end the thread not one iota more or less paranoid and angry and self-believing than she began it, despite all we've said. And that kind of oblivious, unconditional self-belief is (I speak from experience) a tremendously useful quality for an artist to have.

Momus (Momus), Monday, 8 August 2005 13:52 (eighteen years ago) link

The best part of this thread was how many aliases Marissa came up with to both love and hate herself.

Or when Susan co-opted one of my logged-out aliases to make it more surreal then it already was. Extremely surreal.

Thread haters aboud were real though. I mean, sure it took some incredibly weird turns, but most often, at the hands of marissa herself (and her alises). Certainly speaks volumes for the artist/person in question, and speaks for the threads haters.

I'm still a marissa fan by far though - no joke!

PappaWheelie (PappaWheelie), Monday, 8 August 2005 14:27 (eighteen years ago) link

haha another example of marissa posting contradictions and acting like she didn't:


The architect of the anti-talent movement (Tweekers), Monday, 8 August 2005 15:16 (eighteen years ago) link

The best part of this thread was how many aliases Marissa came up with to both love and hate herself.

yeah, see, that's the point at which i started to just think the entire thread was a joke (literally), and began to wonder just how i ever got caught up in it.

ken taylrr (ken taylrr), Monday, 8 August 2005 15:33 (eighteen years ago) link

what's with the full time experts' analysis, guys? i somehow doubt this thread is over

zebedee (zebedee), Monday, 8 August 2005 16:01 (eighteen years ago) link

wow, all this concentration on "abusive comments" have gotten me to miss this dandy:

Marissa Marchant is gone off the net because of you

ken taylrr (ken taylrr), Monday, 8 August 2005 16:12 (eighteen years ago) link

No meanspiritedness at your expense intended, Momus.
Always remember:
When you look into the Marissa, the Marissa also looks back at you.

Forksclovetofu (Forksclovetofu), Monday, 8 August 2005 21:06 (eighteen years ago) link

When you look into the Marissa, the Marissa also looks back at you.

especially if you spin around and say her name three times in a darkened bathroom while looking in a mirror!

Magic Marissa, Monday, 8 August 2005 21:09 (eighteen years ago) link

I'm positive all the amusement of these threads about Marissa clouded this for me, but they did spur some questions and thoughts which haunt me in my dreams still: she wants to take on a different *stage name* right?
a) Apparantly, these days, she hardly appears on a stage at all
b) Will an 'extreme makeover' be accompanying this new name? I find it hard to believe Madonna - whilst still making music - will be untraceable once she takes on Joe Blow as her new stage name.
c) If in sixty years we're all gone, and this board is solely kept alive by contradicting Marissa-clones, will she be considered the female Syd Barrett?

Gerard (Gerard), Monday, 8 August 2005 21:32 (eighteen years ago) link


Frogm@n Henry, Monday, 8 August 2005 21:34 (eighteen years ago) link

Yes, I did appear on stage hardly ever, the reason is , I am tired of being put down and abused by other musicians or the people around me.
If you haven't noticed, our society is very comfortable with the bland and boring and ordinary.
Some people on this board have taken over my name Marissa Marchant and won't allow me to post in my name.
They are being mean to me.
This is about control and abuse.
I really believe that people don't want me to perform anywhere.
People kept giving me a hard time and saying they lost my cd's.
When I couldn't get a gig for six months in NYC and couldn't get a date, I realized that MEN are only interested in demeaning and insulting me through ignoring me and my talent or my looks.
Not only have I been told I am not good enough to play at small dives...I have been continually told by men, that I am not good enough for them.
I kept trying to get support and people kept ignoring me.
So I realized, that this is all a powertrip.
..meant to demean people who have talent and to exalt people who don't. when the guy who booked the clubs is a musician and he realized that I was getting alot of attention at the club and people were screaming, he gave me a very difficult time to come back.
Men are mostly in control, and it was very difficult to get bands together. women are not answering my ads. They to feel powerless, demeaned and intimidated by men putting them down all the time.
I don't feel that way. But female instrumentalist ..do not answer ads hardly at all for any instruments.
I mean HARDLy ever. Men are demeaning women so much, they don't feel hopeful about getting acceptance. That means their talent has been demeaned by so many men, that they don't call to try to get gigs.
Women often don't feel that good about themselves and don't support other women.
That is why you see so many women playing with men.
Women feel that their sex is meaningless and powerless without the help of men.
More or less. Even the lilth fair women, they all rely on men to back them up.
This is not right.
It means that something isn't right with men in their minds.
I believe that something is very wrong with most men's minds.
I am not the woman who feels this way./
They are into control. I am sure that a man keeps taking my name away from me.
Men are into control.
I don't want to be rejected by men anymore.
I don't want to be at their mercy for acceptance, as they demean and abuse me and tell me that I am nothing. They have demeaned alot of women for thousands of years.
I have my own studio. If I ever get married or something or have a boyfriend, which I have never had, I may give concerts on my lawn or someone else's lawn. Men have been extremely unfriendly and abusive.
for years.
It is no wonder that the radio is mostly men playing.
or men playing for women.
Men don't like women who can arrange and write for themselves.
they don't like women who know alot about music.
And my music is very hard to play.
Men always need to be stars.
Norah Jones's husband writes almost every song and other men write her music. That is why she was signed. They love it when women look so sweet and don't write the music.
so I have given up on MANs world. I have created my own world on the net.
I don't have to go out and perform.
Men don't want me too. Just like they don't want to date me.
I have never had a boyfriend. And I have liked so many men.
They never want anything to do with me, once they find out about my music.
so I stay alone.
They like women who are not doing something much with their minds.
but I know that they'll be some acceptance for me out there. I am sick of being insulted by men.
I once played a gig in NYC ..the MC. ..he introduced me as Marissa MarSHIT.
and I didn't know the guy.
Men talk loudly in front of me while I was playing once.
I said..would you like to come up here and play?
the people were in shock that I spoke to a rude man this way.
Women stick up for rude males.
It is all so sad.
but there are nice men...just ..they are powerless..
the ones with power are not nice to women.
Alot of major labels know I am very good at improv..and they have no singers who are very good at improv...and they don't want to make women look too good.

marissa marchantt, Monday, 8 August 2005 23:46 (eighteen years ago) link

I have performed a decent amount in New YOrk and realize that it was a good ol boys club. And alot of men ignored me and insulted me and glorified in Men.
Not all though, but I felt very uncomfortable with men, because they talk alot about what women look like and not the music.
they also seemed to always act like what I do is meaningless next to someone else.
I have found men unfriendly and rude most of my life. Well, most men.
Nicolas Quemener is an example. I complimented this man left and right an advertised their band for years on my site.
He just went on I love music board and posted that fake cd cover, Mer Des Rats..Sea of Rats as a joke.
He thinks it is funny. and he also has a men's club. they love to play music with young girls over there in france. old men with young young girls on stage..and they don't allow older women to play.
Nicolas is now playing with a thirteen year old girl and making fun of me on the net as he plays with all men.
Men seem juvenile.
Men don't know how to be supportive of women's talent for the most part.
I wish more women answered my ads when looking for instrumentalists.
It makes me upset to know that so many women have such little self confidence and that men are beating them down so much that they don't go out and show what they can do.
It is sad. Alot of great musicians who are women, stay home alone and play for their walls.

marissa marchantt, Monday, 8 August 2005 23:57 (eighteen years ago) link

what it looks like from many movies and many websites I saw in france, You have alot of old men on stage..
and older men are allowed to be gray and wrinkled on stage, but the women are not allowed on stage passed a certain age.
The men are playing and singing with women who are twenty years younger then themselves.
I have been playing for awhile..but never was a go getter to go out and perform.
I felt demeaned and insulted by my peers as a teenager..and there wasn't any support for what I was doing hardly at all, not from my family or friends. Once in a while I had a good friend.
but all in all, I felt that people didn't want me to succeed and I felt alot of oppressed and hosility coming from men and women and my family.
I am young and I look just like my photos. I am not old and could get gigs..but even if I were old, I should be able to get gigs.
But men are giving me a hard time and women are too.
I am sure I am not the only one who is receiving a hard time.
People are no longer impressed by raw talent.

marissa marchantt, Tuesday, 9 August 2005 00:04 (eighteen years ago) link

I played alot of writers nights. The MC for the writer's nights would introduce me as "weird."
Crispin Glover a very under-rated talent is considered 'weird' not talented in many people's opinion. It is interesting that now the gifted and artistically talented are considered weird, not gifted.

Google search me, the word weird is coming up.
I am sick of this BS.

marissa marchantt, Tuesday, 9 August 2005 00:07 (eighteen years ago) link

some excellent posts. i think your statements are very very true particularly for the east coast which is hindered by a huge good 'ol boys network and tradition. There, women are allowed creative expression but only if they work off of traditions of the past, usually created by men. It is rare to find support for someone who wants to do original explorative work that does not rely heavily on past formats-you will come up against a lot of derision. It is different creatively for women (and everyone) on the west coast and in parts of europe. The mindset is completely different. Marrissa, I wish you the best of luck and truly admire your fortitude.

Susan Douglas (Susan Douglas), Tuesday, 9 August 2005 00:16 (eighteen years ago) link

Not only is almost every movie promoting very young women with older men, the folk festivals in france are promoting very young girls on stage with old men.
this is another sickness.

Thankyou Susan.
You are not dickless lol.

marissa marchantt, Tuesday, 9 August 2005 00:19 (eighteen years ago) link

yes, there's a lot of sexism in this world everywhere.

also wherever you go, you will find that the average person would rather eat buckets of shit than hold an opinion counter to others. it is much more important for most people to get acceptance than to express their individuality, even if it completely compromises their minds and their dreaming. you'll see that everyhwere in life, even on ILM! (gasp?) but as you speak out, you'll find people who are like-minded, who maybe could not say what you are saying on their own. its obviously a very hard thing to blaze your own (at the moment) lonely trail, but sounds like you're somewhat resolved that in the end its worth it.


Susan Douglas (Susan Douglas), Tuesday, 9 August 2005 00:30 (eighteen years ago) link

also weird is just another word for different. everything is weird that is different, until it reaches some level of acceptance or exposure... and then its normal or cool. right now people may be more comfortable acknowledging your weirdness rather than your innovation. but i can understand the frustration with that label. it is alienating. perhaps you can try "owning" it to some degree so when people allude to your strangeness/weirdness you just hear innovative. if it is all getting too much, perhaps a name change would be helfpul. everyone needs/deserves some level of acceptance and you're drive for that (w/o having to compromise too much etc.) is totally understandable.

Susan Douglas (Susan Douglas), Tuesday, 9 August 2005 00:51 (eighteen years ago) link

thankyou susan for that comment.
/that was inspiring indeed.
Amazing, that no other comment on these boards was as mature and well written.
and you are a woman.
There are mature men, but it seems it is not coming out that often for some reason.
I am thankful for Nicolas and his friends for putting that cd cover together with myself and Crispin Glover.
He might be a man, but I think I should send this to him and a fan letter saying that we are also like-minded. He rejects parts. He doesn't just act for money.
He is very independent minded.
I should not have insulted him by saying that he isn't the most handsome man in every way.
He is attractive. but I am not interested in him as a man, just as an actor.
I respect men if they are talented, the way that men should respect women, and not be obsessed with their looks.
Not everything is sexual. And I shouldnt be garning the attention of just men.
I have tried to connect with women.
some women are very nice.
just like men.
I do wish that women would have been out there answering my ads in newspapers when I was seaching for musicians.
If women start playing music with one another, men start calling them lesbian.
If men play music together all the time, no one calls them gay.
I don't care what sex is playing, as long as the person is talented and nice.
I have met some very nice men, but it is very rare to meet an enlightened man. They do exist.
Norway is cool. I might go an promote myself there. They are very accepting of women.
Like I said, if the Google seach changes and people somehow understand that if positive things are coming up under the name Marissa Marchant instead of alot of negativity, then I will put my site back up...good night all.
bye susan.

marissa marchantt, Tuesday, 9 August 2005 01:58 (eighteen years ago) link

The pro-Marissa sentiment in this thread is as befuddling to me as Chuck et al.'s pro-Big&Rich stance.

polyphonic (polyphonic), Tuesday, 9 August 2005 02:14 (eighteen years ago) link

go to Norway, where they give out Pulitzer Prizes to women and they also just gave another nobel prize to a female lawyer in Iran.
They gave a woman from Austria a Pulitzer prize ..just resently for her incredible abilities at writing.
Norway is the leading country in the world in terms of open-mindedness, and progressive thinking.
They are pro-women, if you are not, go to an Iranian board.

marissa marchantt, Tuesday, 9 August 2005 02:41 (eighteen years ago) link

Pulitzer prizes are have more validity, then Grammy awards, especially these days.
The people of Norway should try to enlighten the rest of the world in their outlook on equality between the sexes.
Norway looks down on countries that don't respect women.
And Norway is giving awards to women for their minds.
I do not have feelings for Crispin Glover, but I like men who are sensitive and gifted in acting, just like I like women who are great actresses. I would love to write fan letter to a women as well,
but it is harder to find women that are blowing me away in acting and music right now...because men are so obsessed with having every women as girlfriend booty instead of a great actress or great musician.,
I wrote Lui Fang a nice letter.
when I find women who are working hard, I encourage them.
Even when it isn't music.

marissa marchantt, Tuesday, 9 August 2005 02:47 (eighteen years ago) link

There was another woman, from Africa, who won a Nobel Peace Prize recently, primarily for work on the "green-belt" movement, linking environmentalism and human rights issues, among other things. (I think the Iranian was a previous year?)

(I stayed up too late, and now I'm just in internet land.)

Rockist_Scientist (RSLaRue), Tuesday, 9 August 2005 02:58 (eighteen years ago) link

Men are being mocked as well. Crispin Glover is an independent minded actor, author and he is being insulted by alot of people, yet has a cult following. It is very sad and pathetic that one of the most talented actors of our time is being called , crazy and pyscho, instead of appreciated for his talent. People are also putting him down.
Any sensitive artist is considered to be pyscho by our over macho-focused society.

read this message that was found on Crispin Hellion Glover's site.
They mention that he is being mocked.
He is a very high-level talent. the first time I saw him, I was blown away. back to the future, with Micheal j. fox. He was the star of the show. ..mesmorizing. I didn't think about any other actor in that film after it was over, just his performance. He was very fantastic.
He stood out.

Welcome to The Crispin Corner, a fan site dedicated to the tenaciously talented Crispin Hellion Glover. The main purpose of this site is to provide a wealth of information to whomever may want it, regarding Mr. Glover's films, books, acting career and other artistic endeavors. This site also seeks to represent Crispin as the wildly insightful and progressive person he is, without focusing or promoting any kind of social stigmas that usually accompany his constant (and admirable) refusal to conform to the standard narrow ways of thinking. His genius is not some sort of novelty to me, so whenever possible I limit the amount of materials that seek to do his work injustice by clinging to the belief that it's "weird" or "psycho". I'm of the belief that any honest and pure pursuit of ideas and enlightenment is noble, and that the continued efforts to bring that idea to others is of even greater nobility, and that people don't credit Mr. Glover with this often enough. So regardless of how other sites operate, this one simply seeks to reverently share with others what has helped widen my own perspectives. This site has been up for just about two years, and I'd like to thank all of the wonderful fans who have contributed in any way, even those who are just stopping by to show their admiration for Crispin Glover. The navigation is simple, located directly above this opening statement. This site was created March 17, 2003.

marissa marchantt, Tuesday, 9 August 2005 03:02 (eighteen years ago) link

this thread had better still be going when i finally get into work tomorrow...

kingfish (Kingfish), Tuesday, 9 August 2005 07:36 (eighteen years ago) link

The pro-Marissa sentiment in this thread is as befuddling to me as Chuck et al.'s pro-Big&Rich stance

it's not pro-Marissa so much as disgusted by smart people who, seeing a target as broad as a barn, fancy themselves clever when they hit it - ooh! we've matched wits with the insane, and we won! aren't we special?

Banana Nutrament (ghostface), Tuesday, 9 August 2005 12:02 (eighteen years ago) link

You lost.
You are too wacko to realize it.
You are the losers here, not MM.
Bela is really on this board you know.
He is a great musician. Your opinions are valueless.
I agree with Bela. People who know music well, would appreciate Marissa'a attempt to make recordings, and her talent.

T.M, Tuesday, 9 August 2005 13:02 (eighteen years ago) link

Marissa, I miss your website. Give it back to us.


Aldo Cella, Tuesday, 9 August 2005 13:11 (eighteen years ago) link

"Pulitzer prizes are have more validity, then Grammy awards, especially these days."

you deserve to die.

sigh, Tuesday, 9 August 2005 17:04 (eighteen years ago) link

OTM banana. i'm tired of the "abusive comments" too. but also, i expressed some true pro-marissa sentiment. just b/c someone is a little "different" (can we refrain in this public forum from saying someone is insane) doesn't mean everythign they think/say is off. if people feel that way then an entire group of people are disposable.

Susan Douglas (Susan Douglas), Tuesday, 9 August 2005 19:30 (eighteen years ago) link

"it's not pro-Marissa so much as disgusted by smart people who, seeing a target as broad as a barn, fancy themselves clever when they hit it - ooh! we've matched wits with the insane, and we won! aren't we special? "

see, you bought in...
shame shame.

as far as i can tell, there's really nothing going on here other than the usual internet silliness...

i'm still having the hardest time believing ANY of it is real.

eedd, Tuesday, 9 August 2005 19:38 (eighteen years ago) link

it is hard to tell what is really going on.

Susan Douglas (Susan Douglas), Tuesday, 9 August 2005 19:39 (eighteen years ago) link

He is a very high-level talent. the first time I saw him, I was blown away. back to the future, with Micheal j. fox. He was the star of the show. ..mesmorizing. I didn't think about any other actor in that film after it was over, just his performance. He was very fantastic.

I have no idea who Marissa Marchant is, but I do know that Michael J. Fox was incredible in Back to the Future during the scene where he invented rock 'n' roll at the high school dance. Yes, Crispin was amazing, but Fox generated the biggest laugh of the movie when he dove into that Henrix-inspired guitar tirade while the white audience and Black backing band stood there in stone-face disbelief, and Fox finally opened his eyes and noticed what was going on. Great scene. Back to the Future is just awesome all around: actors, story, script, etc. -Justin

Justin Farrar (Justin Farrar), Tuesday, 9 August 2005 20:04 (eighteen years ago) link

"My mom has the hots for me!"

Outsider Enter Port City (sexyDancer), Tuesday, 9 August 2005 20:06 (eighteen years ago) link

this thread reminds me of every bad experience i've had with drugs.

ryansf (ryansf), Tuesday, 9 August 2005 20:07 (eighteen years ago) link

I like Micheal J. fox, he is talented and entertaining.
But I could sense that Crispin Glover is a genius and a higher level actor.
and he is.
Just because someone is not as well known, doesn't mean they are not more gifted then someone who is very well known.
I don't want to insult Micheal j, as I think he is very talented and enjoyable.
Crispin Glover is a genius.
and that is why he is not as popular . there are many brilliant people who play in obscure movies and they are much more talented then the bigger stars right now.
That is because our society can't think for themselves.
they allow big money to think for them.
There are people acting down your street who may be an extremely talented actor, or something else. You are soooooo media driven. Why is that?
Why are media driven?

Marissa M M, Tuesday, 9 August 2005 21:15 (eighteen years ago) link

How can you people sit here and argue that different is not bad? Of course a different opinion is bad... look at KKK.

Herbie Reality (Rob Uptight.), Tuesday, 9 August 2005 21:46 (eighteen years ago) link

Jason Signer (Rob Uptight.), Tuesday, 9 August 2005 21:47 (eighteen years ago) link

Hey Bela, if you are really on this thread. It is not a good idea to speak to me like this.
It is not very personal, and not very warm, because I am not sure if it is you or not.
I am leaving the 29th of this month and moving. My computer will be packed. I am changing my phone number. I want to start new.
I apologize for insulting Micheal J, and comparing him to someone who is extremely talented.
I think Micheal J Fox is very talented.
but not extremely talented.
I have seen very high level actors, and actresses and there are almost no one in hollywood acting on a very high level.
I could barely find clothing in the store today. I feel so sorry for people today. they are so lost.
they look so ignorant, so lost and without substance.
Why follow the media?
Crispin has a cult following. Maybe he isn't as well known, like Bela isn't as well known, but they both have big followings .
Not very well-known to everyone.
But Bela, I am not going to talk about you like you are a genius on here. You treat me like nothing. This is not treating me like anything as far as I am concerned. NO one believes that you are here.
Do you blame them?
I don't believe you are here for real.
I make a bet on 29th, I will leave, change my number, email..and start a new life and you will not blink an eye, and you will NOT call or contact me.
I just feel it. I am used to be alone, so much so, that I can't imagine anything else.
I live for my music ..I write and think about it every day.
I may not record that much..because of poor circumstances. but that is all changing..soon...the house that I am moving into is absolutely great!
perfect for what I am doing...and not totally isolated from the world..but big, nice and near a big lake...
Right now I don't live like trash, and I intend to do well with my music with or without you bela.
I am not waiting with baited breath. I really don't expect that this will turn out to be anything.
I am really planning on leaving the name Marissa Marchant behind and I am thinking of legally changing my name.
I don't like the name Marissa Marchant anyway.
I think this is very cold, and a cold way of communicating with someone if it is really you. This coldness if something that sends red flags up in my mind.
you don't know me.
and I don't think it is right to compare talent on the net...but I think that people should respect and recognize talent not just because the name is bigger.

Marissa Mm, Tuesday, 9 August 2005 21:48 (eighteen years ago) link

Henrix-inspired guitar tirade

WTF dude? the solo was VAN HALEN-inspired. Far more 80's and more white. He even plays a tape called "VAN HALEN" to wake up George McFly.

another fun fact: Michael J Fox is four years older than Crispin Glover!

kingfish (Kingfish), Wednesday, 10 August 2005 02:33 (eighteen years ago) link

WTF dude? the solo was VAN HALEN-inspired. Far more 80's and more white. He even plays a tape called "VAN HALEN" to wake up George McFly.

Are you blind? Every onstage move was inspired by Hendrix: behind the back guitar playing, crawling across the floor, kicking over the amp, etc. That is sooooo Hendrix. Eddie didn't do any of that shit.

Justin Farrar (Justin Farrar), Wednesday, 10 August 2005 15:56 (eighteen years ago) link

Marissa, when are we getting the website back?


Aldo Cella, Wednesday, 10 August 2005 17:06 (eighteen years ago) link

coulda sworn there was some chuck berry thrown in there.

but, seriously, let's talk BIFF!


eedd, Wednesday, 10 August 2005 19:21 (eighteen years ago) link

Yeah, McFly invented the Chuck Berry sound, but when he went into the TIRADE it was all Hendrix-style onstage gymnastics. This is am sure of. -Justin

Justin Farrar (Justin Farrar), Wednesday, 10 August 2005 20:25 (eighteen years ago) link

yeah, i think yr right...
i seem to recall the 'duckwalk' and the hendrix stuff...
been awhile.

eedd, Thursday, 11 August 2005 10:39 (eighteen years ago) link

i miss marissa :-(

marissa fan, Friday, 19 August 2005 14:45 (eighteen years ago) link

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