Bruce Springsteen - Classic or Dud ?

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and just as many (most?) people who see fort apache unaccountably come away from it presuming they've just seen a film glorifying the mighty cavalry, a lot of people come away from a springsteen song having appreciated only the surface signification of the music/lyrics, whether they choose to embrace it or reject it.

|a|m|t|r|s|t| (amateurist), Tuesday, 10 August 2004 04:46 (nineteen years ago) link

that's not an answer to, say, ned's springsteen-dislike necessarily. i'm not suggesting there aren't legitimate reasons to dislike his music, or that all who do aren't thinking hard enough, or something. but i think it explains at least some of the antipathy that comes springsteen's way here and elsewhere.

|a|m|t|r|s|t| (amateurist), Tuesday, 10 August 2004 04:47 (nineteen years ago) link

"surface" is a bad metaphor. i don't like the notion of "layers" that need to be peeled away to reveal the "depths" of the song. i'm of the mind that everything you need to know abt springsteen (or ford for that matter) is there on the surface.

but i can't think of a better metaphor to explain this. maybe someone can help?

|a|m|t|r|s|t| (amateurist), Tuesday, 10 August 2004 04:51 (nineteen years ago) link

God I've been listening to Springsteen nonstop the past two weeks. I wrote a piece, once, about Springsteen, a long time ago, back when I was erudite and well spoken but I've lost it to the annals of computer loss since then, but I didn't want you to feel you were speaking to yourself, amateurist.

Oh well. You can't start a fire worryin' 'bout your little world fallin' apart.

Allyzay Science Explosion (allyzay), Tuesday, 10 August 2004 04:53 (nineteen years ago) link

thanks ally. i've been doing a lot of what feels like talking to myself--on board and in company--these days. it's mostly my fault for being a space-cadet recluse.

|a|m|t|r|s|t| (amateurist), Tuesday, 10 August 2004 04:55 (nineteen years ago) link

i should start a blog or something, but i hate blogs.

|a|m|t|r|s|t| (amateurist), Tuesday, 10 August 2004 04:59 (nineteen years ago) link

ally can you reconstruct the ideas in your springsteen essay? i'd be interested...

|a|m|t|r|s|t| (amateurist), Tuesday, 10 August 2004 05:00 (nineteen years ago) link

I'll work on it. Basically it was a lengthy piece on Born to Run (the track, not the album), a response to another piece written earlier about hopefullness/fight-or-flight/etc. in which I basically extrapolated that you could see an arc through listening to several of Springsteen's hits--the protagonist of Born to Run never actually gets out of Asbury Park, he's the guy sitting around in Glory Days moaning to his friends in a bar about how he used to play baseball and all that shit back in the day, and Wendy is the girl in I'm Goin Down, who is completely bored with dreamer-not-doer Bruce, and in Brilliant Disguise, at that point they've both completely lost any faith in one another. Basically that there is absolutely no resolution to the ideals of Born to Run, it's just a dream, tie together like most of the Greatest Hits album into one long story and you realize it's a parable of failure, he never gets out, dreaming versus action.

I was in a really bad relationship at the time.

I still see Born to Run as being a hopeful song but in the context of "Are you going to take this chance or are you going to sit on your ass in your stupid car on the parkway, you loser?" type of kick in the ass way.

Allyzay Science Explosion (allyzay), Tuesday, 10 August 2004 05:08 (nineteen years ago) link

I've been favoring Born in the USA (album, not track) mostly lately though, avoiding Nebraska completely and barely listening to Greetings from Asbury Park or The Wild The Innocent And The E Street Shuffle and barely more to Born to Run or The River, which is odd. I've listed all of those because that was my run-through list of Springsteen albums when I felt like having a Springsteen week.

I had no patience for Born in the USA for the longest time because I had to take a cross-country roadtrip with my entire family when I was about 12. The only tape my dad felt fit to bring with him, basically, was Born in the USA. 6 days of No Surrender stuck in a car with three screaming young children, a cat, two birds, FOUR dogs and your parents starts to really get to you. Recently I started listening to it again and kind of realized that I think Working on the Highway and Dancing in the Dark and I'm On Fire and I'm Going Down and even No Surrender are some of the greatest moments rock had to offer in the '80s.

Allyzay Science Explosion (allyzay), Tuesday, 10 August 2004 05:11 (nineteen years ago) link

Born in the USA is such a fucked-up thing. It really is a sort of state of america statement, but not in the ways that it tended to get taken and still tends to, I guess. There's all this ballpark mythicism, undergirded by all this uncertainty and decay and just plain inertia, the urge to get out and never give up running head-on into not having anywhere to go. All that's out there is more America. I think it's way more hopeless than even Badlands, where you could believe that that guy in the song believed he might get out, even if you didn't believe he would. (Which was a notch removed from Born to Run, where both him and you maybe believed he maybe would.)

But then also there's all those huge unbelieveable hooks, which is what made it sell a zillion copies and made everybody (including Springsteen?) misunderstand what was going on. And it's not like the hooks are bullshit, the hooks are great. There really is joy in the title track, no matter what the words say. I heard Max Weinberg once say that was his favorite song to play, and it shows. That album is really Springsteen grappling head-on with the contradictions between what he wanted to believe and what he actually knew (and what you knew he knew, coming right off Nebraska). It's a great big crisis of faith album, and it resolved nothing at all. "Dancing in the Dark" for damn sure.

spittle (spittle), Tuesday, 10 August 2004 05:58 (nineteen years ago) link

the whole "false hope?" question is probably most explicit in "atlantic city": "everything dies baby, that's a fact/but maybe everything that dies someday comes back." yeah, right, kid. good luck. the song's power is in seeing how heavily the cards are stacked against him (and in the richness and unexpectedness of the detail used to make this impression), but how true is the song as the expression of that character? "atlantic city" has its social facts right, but in a way "badlands" and in a different way--i think you really hit this on the head spittle--"born in the usa" are more honest.

|a|m|t|r|s|t| (amateurist), Tuesday, 10 August 2004 06:05 (nineteen years ago) link

Yeah, it's pretty telling that the version of "Born in the USA" he decided to release wasn't the acoustic "Nebraska" one. He wanted that huge organ in there, and the huge drums, and all the confusion the song caused and still causes. I think he was pretty confused himself -- which is what really fuels that album. Hell, now I'm talking myself (or this thread is talking me) into thinking Born in the USA really is his best record. I don't know, maybe it is. I've never thought of "Nebraska" as being too pat, but I can see what you mean. There's definitely something writer's-workshop about it. I love it, but its self-imposed boundaries are maybe both stuntish and stunted. Born in the USA lets everything rip, indulges all his mawkishness ("No Surrender" on the one hand, "My Hometown" on the other), but nothing on it feels forced. Anyway, best or not, it's pretty great.

spittle (spittle), Tuesday, 10 August 2004 06:29 (nineteen years ago) link

Hahaha it's good to see we're all talking ourselves into thinking Born in the USA is some kind of overlooked classic. I think you're totally right about the explanation of false hope--Born in the USA was always kind of, to me, a statement of "Haha hey remember all that shit I said back when I was young? Yeah, no one actually does any of that crap in the end" and it does seem to me more honest.

Maybe we are just all getting old and losing our idealism.

Allyzay Science Explosion (allyzay), Tuesday, 10 August 2004 13:08 (nineteen years ago) link

I will admit that the shot of Springsteen's ass on the cover does help sway my opinion in the direction of Born in the USA.

Allyzay Science Explosion (allyzay), Tuesday, 10 August 2004 13:09 (nineteen years ago) link

it's a nice ass.

|a|m|t|r|s|t| (amateurist), Tuesday, 10 August 2004 13:13 (nineteen years ago) link

amateur, i totally love fort apache. john wayne's monologue about fonda in the end is so fucking awesome. that movie has complexity in spades.

peter smith (plsmith), Tuesday, 10 August 2004 13:14 (nineteen years ago) link

" no man died more gallantly, nor won more honor for his regiment"

|a|m|t|r|s|t| (amateurist), Tuesday, 10 August 2004 13:18 (nineteen years ago) link

that's not an answer to, say, ned's springsteen-dislike necessarily. i'm not suggesting there aren't legitimate reasons to dislike his music, or that all who do aren't thinking hard enough, or something. but i think it explains at least some of the antipathy that comes springsteen's way here and elsewhere.

It's an interesting take, at the least. That said, it slightly begs a question to my mind in that you could apply a similar argument to most anything else that is on-the-face-of-it cheery and hopeful -- if reflection and implied irony is strictly in the realm of the reader (or rather auditor), then theoretically I could apply that to every upbeat Britney song, say.

Then again, some of us might at heart just simply not like most of the music and singing...

Ned Raggett (Ned), Tuesday, 10 August 2004 13:30 (nineteen years ago) link

I think calling even half of Springsteen's music "on-the-face-of-it cheery" is kind of off though; also I don't think that what is being said here implies that the irony et al is in the realm of the listener (auditor? Ned, use normal words plz!) solely. It's not really Bruce's fault, for example, that half of America is apparently too stupid to actually LISTEN to the lyrics of Born in the USA, which are about as hideously downbeat as one can come up with outside of like maybe goth music.

I can understand just not liking the music and the singing, mind you, that's in the eye of the beholder. Or, uh, the ear of the auditor.

Allyzay Science Explosion (allyzay), Tuesday, 10 August 2004 13:34 (nineteen years ago) link

auditor? Ned, use normal words plz!

But they are normal words for me! Grad school does that to you! ;-)

half of America is apparently too stupid to actually LISTEN to the lyrics of Born in the USA

I think this sorta ties in with my argument that I don't listen for the lyrics much in the first place at all. If anything I'd argue I just spell out what most people actually feel when it comes to lyrics in the first place, though I can hardly claim to know everyone's mind on the matter in the Great Wide World. "Born in the USA" wasn't a hit because it was a reflective poetry reading on the meaning of loss and frustration, it was because people got off on the music.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Tuesday, 10 August 2004 13:39 (nineteen years ago) link

but the music is a reflective reading on the meaning of loss and frustration just as much as the lyrics are! It signifies frustration behind bravado just as much as the lyrics do, at least...

Daniel_Rf (Daniel_Rf), Tuesday, 10 August 2004 13:50 (nineteen years ago) link

Yes, but enjoying the music does not really excuse taking in the song as some kind of nativist anthem--even a really peripheral listening to the lyrics reveals it isn't. It's kind of obvious that pairing those lyrics with such an anthemic style of production was meant, as stated, to reflect confusion and to basically fuck with the idea of the patriotic anthem, and I really don't think that this is an inappropriate or even unadmirable artistic aim (whether you think the results are good, certainly anyone can at least understand the goal even if they think the end result is shit).

Faulting him for people completely not getting it is kind of unfair.

Allyzay Science Explosion (allyzay), Tuesday, 10 August 2004 13:51 (nineteen years ago) link

plus you know I think the fact that the song was called "Born In The USA" had a LOT to do with its success, you don't have to analyse lyrics rock-crit style, or even catch them in their entirety, to find them important.

Daniel_Rf (Daniel_Rf), Tuesday, 10 August 2004 13:55 (nineteen years ago) link

but the music is a reflective reading on the meaning of loss and frustration just as much as the lyrics are! It signifies frustration behind bravado just as much as the lyrics do, at least...

Ah, my friend, thus we move into the perilous question of how one defines sonics in specifically verbal terms (trust me, I have no answer to that one and never will).

Faulting him for people completely not getting it is kind of unfair.

Is faulting everyone for not understanding what someone is 'really' trying to say equally unfair, though? *shrug* I have no answer to that one. I mean, there are some people who think that Morrissey only sings suicide anthems. I could spend all day arguing about everything from humor to pop references to film-star iconography instead, but I admit it's not really something that troubles me so much.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Tuesday, 10 August 2004 13:56 (nineteen years ago) link

even a really peripheral listening to the lyrics reveals it isn't

Actually, this is interesting, because thinking back to when I first heard the song, about the two things that stood out the most were the opening part about a dead man's town and the guy who died in Vietnam. I can't say I was particularly saddened or regretful about any of that, though, I wasn't moved to tears -- was it because I was only 13, was it because Vietnam was just a name and ancient history for me, or (as I'd argue is more likely, but who knows) were they just words?

Ned Raggett (Ned), Tuesday, 10 August 2004 14:03 (nineteen years ago) link

stan ridgway probably burned that bridge for you was what happened maybe

cinniblount (James Blount), Tuesday, 10 August 2004 14:05 (nineteen years ago) link

Hmm...that's an extremely sharp and spot-on observation, Mr. Blount.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Tuesday, 10 August 2004 14:06 (nineteen years ago) link

OK, Ned, whether or not you personally are moved by the song's lyrics is kind of not the question here to me--we've all already said, cool, so you don't like Springsteen. But you've just said it yourself: at 13 you could tell that the song was about a Vietnam vet's not very positive experience. Again, I think dismissing Springsteen as leaving his intent in the "ears of the auditor" is really, really disingenuous, particularly in the case of his biggest hit!

For the record:

Born down in a dead man's town
The first kick I took was when I hit the ground
You end up like a dog that's been beat too much
Till you spend half your life just covering up
Born in the U.S.A.
I was born in the U.S.A.
I was born in the U.S.A.
Born in the U.S.A.
Got in a little hometown jam
So they put a rifle in my hand
Sent me off to a foreign land
To go and kill the yellow man
Born in the U.S.A.
I was born in the U.S.A.
I was born in the U.S.A.
I was born in the U.S.A.
Born in the U.S.A.
Come back home to the refinery
Hiring man says "Son if it was up to me"
Went down to see my V.A. man
He said "Son, don't you understand"
I had a brother at Khe Sahn fighting off the Viet Cong
They're still there, he's all gone
He had a woman he loved in Saigon
I got a picture of him in her arms now
Down in the shadow of the penitentiary
Out by the gas fires of the refinery
I'm ten years burning down the road
Nowhere to run ain't got nowhere to go
Born in the U.S.A.
I was born in the U.S.A.
Born in the U.S.A.
I'm a long gone Daddy in the U.S.A.
Born in the U.S.A.
Born in the U.S.A.
Born in the U.S.A.
I'm a cool rocking Daddy in the U.S.A.

Allyzay Science Explosion (allyzay), Tuesday, 10 August 2004 14:07 (nineteen years ago) link

you could tell that the song was about a Vietnam vet's not very positive experience

No, I didn't say that -- I merely said I noted that there was a reference to Vietnam, I didn't know it was supposed to be sung by a vet. And I can't say anything else about those lyrics besides those two parts I mentioned stood out for me or were even heard as such -- I remember *at the time* noting those two moments clearly. The rest was just the rest.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Tuesday, 10 August 2004 14:10 (nineteen years ago) link

i've always wondered how much of the vietnam 80s popcraze was due to the time-life books (and more importantly the ad's for the books)("a question a child might ask - but not a child's question")(i'm pretty sure we can at least chalk up paul hardcastle to it)(best of the bunch btw) and how much of it was just general boomerdominance, the same air that spawned 'life in a northern town', 80% of 80s rolling stone covers. another reason to vote for kerry (pt. 10378947321): he picked the better nam song on bitusa.

cinniblount (James Blount), Tuesday, 10 August 2004 14:13 (nineteen years ago) link

o come on ally "bitusa" wasn't even the biggest hit on bitusa.

cinniblount (James Blount), Tuesday, 10 August 2004 14:14 (nineteen years ago) link

OK fair enough blount but "Dancing in the Dark" doesn't get serious radio airplay anymore, you can still hear "Born in the USA" on classic rock stations!

Allyzay Science Explosion (allyzay), Tuesday, 10 August 2004 14:15 (nineteen years ago) link

Ned, you have still failed to explain in any way A) how Springsteen's goals, whether you enjoy the result, are in any way ambiguous B) why it is his fault that anyone missed the point, btw.

Also "Dancing in the Dark" is a much better song than "Born in the USA" or "Glory Days"!

Allyzay Science Explosion (allyzay), Tuesday, 10 August 2004 14:16 (nineteen years ago) link

and all most people heard was bittan, weinberg, and "BOOOORN IN THE USA! I WAS - BOOOOORN IN THE USA!", not wanting to delve deeper into the 'actual' meaning of rock lyrics is not the mark of idiocy (quite the contrary) and "bitusa"'s kovic heart was 'didjaknow' on par with "my sharona"'s or "turning japanese"'s rosy palms.

cinniblount (James Blount), Tuesday, 10 August 2004 14:17 (nineteen years ago) link

to be honest i haven't heard 'bitusa' on a classic rock station in awhile! my guess is 'i'm on fire' is probably tops in airplay from this thing right now ('ditd' still gets ac luv), and that nothing on it approaches 'hungry heart', nevermind 'born to run'. everytime i hear it ("bitusa") now the first thing i think isn't 'what a searing portrait of america's treatment of it's vietnam vets' or 'duh, if you got bittan and weinberg doing that thang of course people are gonna assume it's jingo and go with the flow', what i think is 'man, this song is loooooong'.

cinniblount (James Blount), Tuesday, 10 August 2004 14:22 (nineteen years ago) link

I can't really see how Springsteen's growl is any more open to interpretation than the sound I make when I hit my foot. Did ppl who saw it as a patriotic anthem just think he was the Li'l Jon of their era or something?

Daniel_Rf (Daniel_Rf), Tuesday, 10 August 2004 14:24 (nineteen years ago) link

dude i luv the boss but he ain't evah gonna be that

cinniblount (James Blount), Tuesday, 10 August 2004 14:25 (nineteen years ago) link


"Clearly this is a song about the joyful feeling of living in a prosperous, well-adjusted society! Go America!"

Daniel_Rf (Daniel_Rf), Tuesday, 10 August 2004 14:27 (nineteen years ago) link

Ned, you have still failed to explain in any way A) how Springsteen's goals, whether you enjoy the result, are in any way ambiguous B) why it is his fault that anyone missed the point, btw.

If I said anywhere it was specifically his fault, then I wasn't clear and I apologize for that. What interests me more is the fact that no matter what the intent of an artist, a listener (or reader or whoever or whatever) need not follow in line with that intent or goal in order to enjoy or appreciate it -- or misuse it, however that's defined. Even when a debate over it gets publicized to a huge degree, it might not change things for a listener -- thus the spat that erupted when Reagan's 1984 campaign wanted to use the song and Springsteen complained that the point was missed. I can't say I was swayed at the time either way but now I appreciate how the GOP misreading came about very easily and am actually more surprised at Springsteen's reaction in turn. His goals may not have been ambiguous, it might not have been his fault, but I have to say I'm not surprised at all such a situation arose.

xpost to a large degree with Blount's 'all most people heard' post.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Tuesday, 10 August 2004 14:27 (nineteen years ago) link

haha - the last line in it (and prominent placement)(probably - what - fifth most sung along to line?): "i'm a cool rocking daddy in the usa" ; i can see how people might not've caught 'this song's sposed to be a downer'

cinniblount (James Blount), Tuesday, 10 August 2004 14:28 (nineteen years ago) link

'ysee 'cool rocking daddy' refers to the jostling or "rocking" of the bodybags (filled with 'cool' or cold bodies) while 'daddy' is obv. a reference to the legions of vietnamese lovechildren left behind. in one phrase springsteen places us, the listener, in the mind of a dead american soldier, "born in the usa" but sent off to kill, and die, in "a foreign land", the music here is especially mournful.'

cinniblount (James Blount), Tuesday, 10 August 2004 14:36 (nineteen years ago) link

wot about the VIDEO (clearly as important a part in what the public at large thinks an artist is "about" as lyrics *or* music? I mean, not literally, but in a Beck does odd stuff in his videos he's WACKY! kinda way?)

Daniel_Rf (Daniel_Rf), Tuesday, 10 August 2004 14:38 (nineteen years ago) link

Would the UK equivalent be "If You Tolerate This, Your Children Will Be Next"? ;-)

Ned Raggett (Ned), Tuesday, 10 August 2004 14:38 (nineteen years ago) link

what was the name of that song 'real american' or something? sung by some dude who sounded like jackson browne and hulk hogan was in the video?

"i am a real american
fight for the rights of every man
i am a real american
fight for your rights

cinniblount (James Blount), Tuesday, 10 August 2004 14:41 (nineteen years ago) link

You could probably rerelease that today without a problem. Or maybe Ryan Adams can cover it and make it ironic! (Pitchfork: "This daring reinvention shows that Adams's upcoming quadruple CD Got Shit On My Mind And I Put It on Disc will be well worth the...")

Ned Raggett (Ned), Tuesday, 10 August 2004 14:43 (nineteen years ago) link

oh duh - apparently that would be "real american (hulk hogan's theme" by rick derringer

cinniblount (James Blount), Tuesday, 10 August 2004 14:45 (nineteen years ago) link

He had a woman he loved in Saigon
I got a picture of him in her arms now

oh man these lines (as sung) are devastating. heh i wonder why they didn't play this on at the democratic national convention.

i agree w/ally that "dancing in the dark" is the grtst thing ever.

will write more in a bit. can't do everyone's posts justice at the moment.

|a|m|t|r|s|t| (amateurist), Tuesday, 10 August 2004 14:45 (nineteen years ago) link

yeah the manics got well chuffed when the tories appropriated that one...


Daniel_Rf (Daniel_Rf), Tuesday, 10 August 2004 14:45 (nineteen years ago) link

"rock n roll hoochie koo" was about the bombing of dresden, and yet there are still morons who act like they don't know.

cinniblount (James Blount), Tuesday, 10 August 2004 14:46 (nineteen years ago) link

Derringer, that was the dude that did "Rock and Roll Hoochie Koo," right?

Best version of "Dancing in the Dark" I ever heard was the 12" extended remix. More beats please.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Tuesday, 10 August 2004 14:46 (nineteen years ago) link

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