I don't think we have any discussion about the Danish Muhammad cartoons....

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i think the problem, which only nitsuh seems to recognize, is that many (most?) ppl dont bother to make ethical or idealogical distinctions like that. the dumb, immediate, pragmatic solution to something that offends you is to call for apologies and bans, not to grimace & take solace in the fact that we have such a free society. id wager its around the same percetage of muslims who think this as it is americans - see our "practical" rationales for torture, illegal wiretapping, death penalty, etc. most people dont like to accept uncomfortable things just because someone tells them it benefits society as a whole. this is a common argument for populist right-wingers - if restricting free speech/racial profiling might keep us from being offended/having another 9/11, why not? its selfish & short-sighted, but it has a very wide appeal

,,, Sunday, 12 February 2006 00:16 (eighteen years ago) link

& i think what nitsuh has been tryna say is that really its just an immediate, self-centered reaction, not really a deeply held belief. its an emotional response, a quick fix. saying its stupid for the newspaper to have published the cartoons doesnt automatically put you on the side of the anti-free speech brigade any more than disagreeing with rioters makes you michelle malkin. people who overanalyze politices tend to read waaaay too much into average ppl's reasons for doing or saying shit, as if every vote for george bush came with implicit approval of his policies, or muslims wishing there was no allah-mockery means theyre incompatible with a liberal pluralistic society. usually its just lazy thinking, decisions made without intense consideration. usually if you start asking unpolitical types alot of questions about their beliefs they'll change so violently you wont believe its the same person.

,,, Sunday, 12 February 2006 00:22 (eighteen years ago) link

sorry my point is changing as i type this, i just didnt like seeing everybody pile on nitsuh with the same old ill-die-for-your-right-to-say-it bullshit

,,, Sunday, 12 February 2006 00:23 (eighteen years ago) link


the point of course isn't whether it's a good thing to do. it's whether it's an acceptable thing to do

You're totally fudging by using the word "acceptable," which means very little in this context. And you're fudging, I expect, because you know very well that nobody on this entire thread -- amid hundreds of posts -- has at any point questioned whether papers have the right to print whatever they like. Nobody's questioned that we have to "accept" it. The point is that people have the right to say lots of things that are still shitty things to say, and we have every right to disapprove of it. Look again at the sentence I quoted, dude:

as soon as people start buying the idea that there are things you shouldn't say even though you theoretically can, then you're taking a step toward not actually being allowed to say them

And I think that's vaguely bullshit. I think people "shouldn't" call me a nigger. That's not some slippery-slope erosion of freedom of speech; that's hoping that people won't be idiots or assholes. And it needn't be a step toward a world where people aren't allowed to say it -- it's a step toward a world where people don't say it, because they know it's a shitty thing to say. I'm incensed that you'd pretend I'm trying to limit people's speech, that I want to disallow people from saying things, like genuinely kind of furious. (Sorry.) But this is a really simple distinction, and it's one you obviously understand: there's a difference barring speech and just thinking it's shitty, shitty, shitty. I can support people's right to say things without supporting what they say; this isn't in the least complicated. I can support people's right to say things and still call out to high heaven that I don't think they should have said it.

nabisco (nabisco), Sunday, 12 February 2006 00:29 (eighteen years ago) link

i know, and i don't think for a minute that you want to limit anyone's right to say anything, and i'm with you 100 percent on working toward societies where people are well enough educated and secure enough in themselves, etc., to not go around egregiously insulting other people. we disagree somewhat on exactly how egregious and inflammatory the insult was in this case, which is why i keep going back to the context. but in any case, there are people in this debate (outside this thread) who do want to limit speech, particularly speech about religion. and some others, more reasonable people (assuming we can agree that kofi annan is more reasonable than, say, ahmadinejad), or just opportunists (like the vatican) whose response has been at least rhetorical gestures toward the idea that you shouldn't denigrate religions or religious beliefs. and like i've said, that makes me uncomfortable. we all have our different bellwethers. you're committed to free speech but more on alert for racism and ethnocentrism, partly because of your own background and experiences. i'm committed to racial equality and cultural pluralism but more on alert for the further encroachment of religion on civil rights, partly because of my background and experiences. i think that's ok. all of these things need defenders right now.

and omg, i agree with ethan. which gives me hope for the future.

gypsy mothra (gypsy mothra), Sunday, 12 February 2006 00:47 (eighteen years ago) link


,,, Sunday, 12 February 2006 00:49 (eighteen years ago) link

Kumbaya, my lord.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Sunday, 12 February 2006 00:51 (eighteen years ago) link

I'm only half-ready to sing that kumbaya, Gypsy. Turn the situation around for a moment. Head-shakers like Annan and the Vatican are making a moral proposition here: They're arguing in favor of behavior where people try not to attack basic cultural affiliations like religion. You disagree with that, presumably not on a right-to-speech level, but just in terms of its content. Notice that this is the exact same situation I find myself in with regard to the original newspaper. But power balance aside, I don't suppose anyone would be inclined to think your criticism of Annan or the Vatican is at all an issue of eroding their right to speech. Values and behaviors are being suggested in all sorts of directions here, and I don't like the idea that suggesting values and behaviors erodes anyone's right to follow the opposite path.

(As for the content of the behavior being suggested from on high in that particular case: I am generally in agreement with you, although probably at different points on the spectrum. Religion operates on two very different levels in this world. One is as a system of thought; the other is as a basic point of identity, one that come very close to racial identification. Now this is me suggesting behavior: I am all in favor of people very freely and pointedly going at the first of those things, the actual systems of thought and behavior. But I also think people would generally be wise to take great care about tripping over onto the other side of that.)

nabisco (nabisco), Sunday, 12 February 2006 01:19 (eighteen years ago) link

You disagree with that, presumably not on a right-to-speech level, but just in terms of its content.

no, i actually disagree with it on a right-to-speech level. or, i think the content of what they're saying itself undervalues the right to speech. but i think part of this is maybe you don't see any major threat to actual free-speech practice here. certainly some other commentators i've read treat the free-speech issue as a largely theoretical one, like, we're not in danger of losing free spech rights, and given that, we need to be really careful about how we use them. i agree we should be careful how we use free speech, for a lot of reasons, but i don't agree that it's not endangered. i think it's always endangered, and i think protecting it against erosion or encroachment is going to ultimately be crucial to navigating all of the culture/politics/economic clashes to come.

gypsy mothra (gypsy mothra), Sunday, 12 February 2006 01:37 (eighteen years ago) link

cartoons from around the world, responding to the whole thing. on the whole, cartoonists would appear to be feeling a little defensive.


gypsy mothra (gypsy mothra), Sunday, 12 February 2006 03:45 (eighteen years ago) link


hstencil (hstencil), Sunday, 12 February 2006 03:46 (eighteen years ago) link

and a bunch of interesting stuff in the nyt.

the dynamics of anger in the middle east:

The crisis over the cartoons has often been portrayed as a clash in values between the Muslim and Western worlds, focusing on issues of free expression and respect for other cultures.

But that crisis and the ferry sinking also reflect another difference in perspective. While the West speaks of democracy and freedom, Muslims here tend to speak of justice. There is widespread feeling that the region's governments deny their people justice, and this feeling has been instrumental in the increased support for Islamists throughout the Middle East, whether the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, or Hamas among the Palestinians.

"It has reached to the point where Egyptians do not feel entitled to anything, and all they want is justice," said Ibrahim Aslan, a leading Egyptian writer. "Across history, in literature, Egyptian peasants asked for justice, not for freedom or democracy. Just justice. Social justice."

denmark's rising right wing:

A country that touts itself as the world's biggest net contributor per capita of foreign aid recently introduced legislation making it virtually impossible for torture victims to obtain Danish citizenship. Successful asylum applications to Denmark plummeted to 10 percent last year, from 53 percent.

In a sign that the cartoon crisis is fanning even greater anti-immigrant sentiment, the People's Party leader, Pia Kjaersgaard, wrote in her weekly newsletter that the Islamic religious community here was populated with "pathetic and lying men with worrying suspect views on democracy and women." She added: "They are the enemy inside. The Trojan horse in Denmark. A kind of Islamic mafia."

and on the op-ed page, a dane on danish racism...

What foreigners have failed to recognize is that we Danes have grown increasingly xenophobic over the years. To my mind, the publication of the cartoons had little to do with generating a debate about self-censorship and freedom of expression. It can be seen only in the context of a climate of pervasive hostility toward anything Muslim in Denmark.

...a muslim scholar on the politics of it...

Within the Muslim world, the cartoon imbroglio has given ammunition to the two entrenched forces for censorship — namely, authoritarian regimes and their Islamic fundamentalist opposition. Both would prefer to silence their critics. By evincing outrage over the Danish cartoons, authoritarian regimes seek to divert attention from their own manifold failures and to bolster their religious credentials against the Islamists who seek to unseat them.

...and good old stanley fish on why liberals like me just don't get it:

The thing about respect is that it doesn't cost you anything; its generosity is barely skin-deep and is in fact a form of condescension: I respect you; now don't bother me. This was certainly the message conveyed by Rich Oppel, editor of The Austin (Tex.) American-Statesman, who explained his decision to reprint one of the cartoons thusly: "It is one thing to respect other people's faith and religion, but it goes beyond where I would go to accept their taboos."

Clearly, Mr. Oppel would think himself pressured to "accept" the taboos of the Muslim religion were he asked to alter his behavior in any way, say by refraining from publishing cartoons depicting the Prophet. Were he to do that, he would be in danger of crossing the line between "respecting" a taboo and taking it seriously, and he is not about to do that. ...

Strongly held faiths are exhibits in liberalism's museum; we appreciate them, and we congratulate ourselves for affording them a space, but should one of them ask of us more than we are prepared to give — ask for deference rather than mere respect — it will be met with the barrage of platitudinous arguments that for the last week have filled the pages of every newspaper in the country.

gypsy mothra (gypsy mothra), Sunday, 12 February 2006 04:39 (eighteen years ago) link

and i'm just talking to myself at this point in this thread, but this, here, see is the kinda thing that worries me.

gypsy mothra (gypsy mothra), Monday, 13 February 2006 06:37 (eighteen years ago) link

people who overanalyze politices tend to read waaaay too much into average ppl's reasons for doing or saying shit, as if every vote for george bush came with implicit approval of his policies, or muslims wishing there was no allah-mockery means theyre incompatible with a liberal pluralistic society. usually its just lazy thinking, decisions made without intense consideration.

I agree to a certain extent, at least it's another perspective on the whole thing. The problem is not that I don't have convincing arguments, it's that I know a huge percentage of people are not even concerned with any arguments or reflection of their position. So I think while the discussion on this thread has been very very enlightening, there's still the problem of actually getting people to consider ANY of the points made here.

Agreeing with Gypsy on a lot of his "works" in this thread, I too think it would be a dangerous precedent to endorse too many rules (laws or sociocultural norms) prohibiting stuff that could be "offensive" to any religion.

Georg, Monday, 13 February 2006 10:44 (eighteen years ago) link

I endorse a sociocultural norm of not being offensive to religion every year when I walk around looking at people with smudges of dirt in the middle of their forehead and not scream "WHAT THE FUCK, ARE YOU FUCKING RETARDED??" to their face, so that spittle lands on them and their stupid head-up-ass ignorance of 1800 years of frankly inhuman and unconscionable behavior. Self-censorship out of fear or mutual respect? You make the call Because it's obviously either one or the other because we live in a completely black-or-white world. And yes I'd like to see the First Amendment repealed, that's what me and Kofi Annan been saying all along, duh.

People who think it's a dangerous precedent to encourage good manners and other behaviors which encourage peace rather than trying to incite destructive protests to drive up circulation numbers sound like a bunch of sheltered, shut-in, coffeeshop activist pricks. Fire in a crowded theater = prior restraint.

gypsy you should be proud it took this long for you to just be talking to yourself on this thread, I've been doing it from the beginning with only a brief respite when a troglodytic 3-letter lurker saw a one-sentence post and thought "finally, something here that I can comprehend!"

TOMBOT, Monday, 13 February 2006 14:48 (eighteen years ago) link

Jesus christ watching the "gypsy OTM" pileup here gets me so riled up, that's like my 3rd post where I abandoned traditional grammar and formatting rules in favor of ARGH BLARGH THPFT

TOMBOT, Monday, 13 February 2006 14:51 (eighteen years ago) link

this thread has been a just war.

Sororah T Massacre (blueski), Monday, 13 February 2006 14:55 (eighteen years ago) link

You're just saying that because nobody actually got maimed

TOMBOT, Monday, 13 February 2006 14:56 (eighteen years ago) link

People who think it's a dangerous precedent to encourage good manners and other behaviors which encourage peace rather than trying to incite destructive protests to drive up circulation numbers sound like a bunch of sheltered, shut-in, coffeeshop activist pricks.

Maybe you wouldn't be talking only to yourself here if you made the effort to provide arguments which others, i.e. me, could actually understand without taking "irony" courses.

Georg, Monday, 13 February 2006 15:32 (eighteen years ago) link

Well to be quite frank I think based on yr first para we both agree and hence me not so interested in "providing arguments" because at this point I'm just belting out my frustration which yes I know is a big waste of everyone's time

TOMBOT, Monday, 13 February 2006 15:37 (eighteen years ago) link

tombot, take it down a notch. saying i'm worried about the implications for free speech =/= saying that everyone who thinks the cartoons were offensive wants to repeal the first amendment. anymore than me saying the cartoons have to be accepted as part of the discourse of a free society = me saying i think the cartoons are intelligent, useful or whatever other standards we'd like to see in our civic conversations.

that most recent article i linked from ohio is the kind of thing i'm worried about. which is not a matter of the first amendment being repealed. a lot of curbs on speech come not from legislation but from social norms. which, as you say, is good and necessary to the functioning of society. but those norms are always being negotiated -- the line of where things become unacceptable is always in flux. and just because some significant degree of tongue-biting is important to civil society, that doesn't mean that all tongue-biting is good. my concern with this issue is that it has the potential -- which is already maybe being realized -- to move that line in such a way that it becomes difficult to talk candidly or critically about certain issues for fear of giving offense. i guess the fact that a rabbi joined in the chorus against that paper in ohio could be seen as heart-warming interfaith sympathy. or it could be seen as religious authorities of different faiths asserting that religious faith itself should be above critical commentary. as someone with more instinctive sympathy for editorial cartoonists than religious authorities, i incline toward the latter and don't find it heartening.

gypsy mothra (gypsy mothra), Monday, 13 February 2006 16:30 (eighteen years ago) link

The aftermath of these cartoons have helped convince one of my "liberal" friends that Muslims are crazy.

Score one for BushCo!

Dan (Sigh) Perry (Dan Perry), Monday, 13 February 2006 16:34 (eighteen years ago) link

gypsy we know what your fear is

we know what the MPAA does for a living and why it exists, too (negotiating norms)

we know what the first amendment says, and the universal declaration of human rights and what prior restraint means, and we understand the slippery slope argument

the point has been that "don't be a stupid asshole" is and always has been justifiable as a cultural form of prior restraint, and for good reason. nitsuh has made this point much better than me about 40,000 times on this thread so far, I think.
To quote Bill Cosby, "Parents aren't interested in JUSTICE! We just want QUIET!!"

there is actually not a single person on this planet, probably not even in the Vatican, who is actually trying to use this issue as a way to legislate or enforce a ban on "so jesus, mohammed and the buddha..." jokes.

and lastly, gypsy, maybe I just really, really like religious authorities. As evidenced by my post above, duh.

I normally like you but aren't you getting tired of repeating yourself here? Do you really think we've just misunderstood you all this time?

TOMBOT, Monday, 13 February 2006 16:44 (eighteen years ago) link

there is actually not a single person on this planet, probably not even in the Vatican, who is actually trying to use this issue as a way to legislate or enforce a ban on "so jesus, mohammed and the buddha..." jokes.

tombot you know i cosign 100% on the rest of your posts but this is bullshit

,,, Monday, 13 February 2006 16:47 (eighteen years ago) link

do you think i misunderstand you? to the extent that you have to keep saying "yes, i want to repeal the first amendment, duh! i love religious authorities, duh!" do you think i don't understand the basic social contract of 'don't be an asshole'? those all seem like really simple positions to take. but what confuses me is exactly what people think should have happened here. there seems to be some kind of consensus that the paper shouldn't have published the cartoons, even though of course nobody thinks they shouldn't be allowed to, but they still shouldn't have, but of course we're not saying they can't, just that they shouldn't... which frankly leaves me a little confused about what people really think about free speech.

meanwhile, don't tell me there's not a person on the planet trying to use this to enforce speech restrictions, that's exactly what a lot of the most vocal protesters -- and even government representatives from iran, syria, etc. -- have in effect been calling for. and yeah, i find that ohio example worrying. if you don't, ok. but there'll be more to come.

gypsy mothra (gypsy mothra), Monday, 13 February 2006 16:51 (eighteen years ago) link

People love to talk all about free speech as if it exists in a vacuum. It doesn't. Having the freedom to say whatever you want necessarily means that you also have to deal with the consequences of what you just said.

Everyone likes to shoot their mouths off but no one wants to admit that maybe they should have considered thinking and weighing the consequences beforehand.

Dan (Obvious Blanket Statement Boy) Perry (Dan Perry), Monday, 13 February 2006 16:56 (eighteen years ago) link

hold up dude you really dont know the difference between stuff you think should be criminalized & stuff you just wish ppl wouldnt do?? should donald rumsfeld gave a press conference to say that islam is the religion of filthy fuckin camel jockeys because its within his free speech rights to do so? or do you think maybe he SHOULDNT???

to quote your last post - we're not saying they can't, just that they shouldn't... - how is this a free speech issue? do you think your wife should cheat on you with your best friend? if you dont, do you think adultery should be illegal?? ppl are repeating themselves because somehow you still dont fucking get this!!!

,,, Monday, 13 February 2006 16:57 (eighteen years ago) link

and part of this comes from my experience working for the corporate media, where i've had plenty of opportunities to see just how little pressure needs to be brought to bear on chickenshit publishers to have the dreaded "chilling effect" on what's actually allowed to be written about, discussed, made fun of, etc.

if you think this whole thing is not going to have a serious impact on what shows up in your media, then i think you're naive. and i know, some people will say, 'well, if it makes the media more respectful and less inflammatory, then good.' but i don't think that's the real likely impact, because most of our institutions just aren't that smart. when they react, they tend to react stupidly and out of fear, and a lot of babies get thrown out with the bathwater.

xpost: i know, dan. really, i do know that. not be all "duh" like tombot, but i mean, i've worked for newspapers for nearly 20 years. i'm pretty well versed in the consequences of what gets said and what doesn't.

gypsy mothra (gypsy mothra), Monday, 13 February 2006 16:58 (eighteen years ago) link

xpost: ethan, i do get it. the issue is a.) where that line is, and b.) who gets to set it.

gypsy mothra (gypsy mothra), Monday, 13 February 2006 16:59 (eighteen years ago) link

(xpost) Apparently the Danish media isn't!

Dan (Not To Mention The Shit-Stirrers Who Set This Whole Jont Off) Perry (Dan Pe, Monday, 13 February 2006 17:00 (eighteen years ago) link

Yeah, I don't think you need to fear for our positions on free speech: the "every right to but with you wouldn't" line isn't very dangerous, I don't think!

Whereas your frowning on certain responses here almost makes it seem like you're favor of free speech right up until someone uses their freedom of speech to be offended by something. I mean, free speech includes the right to call someone's cartoons demeaning, just as much as it includes the right to call someone's religion terroristic -- in both cases, whether you're right or wrong.

And calling the cartoon demeaning doesn't erode freedom of speech any more than calling the religion terroristic erodes freedom of religion, right?

nabisco (nabisco), Monday, 13 February 2006 17:01 (eighteen years ago) link

calling the cartoon demeaning doesn't erode freedom of speech any more than calling the religion terroristic erodes freedom of religion, right?

an individual level, of course not. what makes me nervous is when you get governments and religious institutions mobilized and calling for de facto if not legislative limits on what should be said, and making blanket statements about the need to respect religious beliefs.

gypsy mothra (gypsy mothra), Monday, 13 February 2006 17:06 (eighteen years ago) link

OK, I give on that one. I am perhaps being optimistic about the actual communities' involvement in the debate over "community standards" in 95% of cases

There is always more to come. The weather tomorrow is going to be a lot like the weather today, and so forth - I don't think this is going to be as huge as it looks from here, I don't think this is going to result in redrawing the lines back to where all caricatures have to be on samizdat - and I don't feel like I'm really seeing a serious step back from the press. As M. White points out, the embassies are the ones having to pay for extra security, Le Soir sold 40K extra copies that day.

What should have been done? The paper should have printed the cartoons. Then the editors and publisher, when confronted, should have apologized specifically for the racist portrayal of arabs and the purposeful violation of the taboo and made a retraction. Then there most likely never would have been a problem. There's nothing wrong with freedom of expression and there's nothing wrong with apologies either. It's when you offend someone and stand there saying "I have free speech! I can call you the n-word all I want!" that you are effectively ruining it for everybody else. Because that is how prior restraint gets passed as legislation - when there's blood on the streets from people's blind devotion to dogma and the government/society is stuck with the cleaning bill.

TOMBOT, Monday, 13 February 2006 17:09 (eighteen years ago) link

Then there most likely never would have been a problem

This is once again evidence of my Pollyanna nature, sorry.

TOMBOT, Monday, 13 February 2006 17:10 (eighteen years ago) link

And gypsy, you're turning the issue around here: you want to erode people's right to disapprove and be offended for fear of spooking "chickenshit" publishers? We should "cave," and take on that burden for them, and be careful what we disapprove of lest the press take fright and go silent? I dunno: seems simpler to me for the press to take its speech as seriously as everyone else, and make wise decisions it can stand firmly behind. We have every right to take them to task when they don't -- that's our freedom of speech.


Leave out the "religious institutions" bit: they call for de facto limits on what kind of contraception you should use, but we're not worried about that. So how is it new for government to make moral propositions about the press? Government will take a stray remark of Hillary Clinton's and condemn it; they'll take unflattering articles about the President and condemn them; they're constantly expressing opinions on things. That doesn't stop people from saying whatever they want.

I mean, really: you can't celebrate your freedom of speech, go out and print something, and then cry like a baby when someone -- hell, even major world leaders -- decide to say it was a lousy thing to print. Annan and the Vatican have just as much right as anyone to opine about this stuff, and to make propositions about what they think constitutes polite discourse and what steps beyond it. None of it is binding.

nabisco (nabisco), Monday, 13 February 2006 17:13 (eighteen years ago) link

ok tom, i agree with all that. that's basically what i think should have happened too.

as for the longterm effect, i don't know. i'm probably overly alarmist. it's a little hard not to be, i guess, working in the media and seeing how compromised it already is in its ability and willingness to deal with a whole bunch of things. reporters and editors are probably less sanguine about the health of free speech than your average joe, because we see how often and how easily it gets hedged -- sometimes for good reasons, but certainly not always.

gypsy mothra (gypsy mothra), Monday, 13 February 2006 17:18 (eighteen years ago) link

What's even sadder than reading this tepid bickering is the fact that apparently, the Jyllands Posten was right. There is a large, very vocal current in various countries under various regime types who frankly don't believe in free speech.

It's when you offend someone and stand there saying "I have free speech! I can call you the n-word all I want!" that you are effectively ruining it for everybody else.

You are essentially saying that you can have your car in any color, provided that it's black. It calls to mind Twain's famous quote: "It is by the goodness of God that we have in this country three unspeakably precious things: freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and the prudence never to practice either."

M. White (Miguelito), Monday, 13 February 2006 17:22 (eighteen years ago) link

Wait, that was a confused way of presenting that. What I'm saying is that our government constantly makes its own particular moral propositions, from "We're a country that believes in XXXX" on out. Dan Quayle took offense to the plot implications of sitcom. Everyone criticizes violent content in some form of entertainment or other. It's completely normal for political figures to make suggestions about societal norms -- about the limits of politeness, decency, and countless other "should"-type statements. I don't know how much I like the way this role usually gets handled, but as a role it seems perfectly legitimate. And plenty of politicians have made moral propositions that called on our conscience in really productive ways.

In that context, I don't think these responses should be looked at as in any way coming close to stepping on the press. It's world leaders making moral suggestions. We can disagree on how useful those suggestions are, but I don't think it's particularly frightening or outside their role to make them; I don't think they're even really pointed at the press so much as pointed toward platitudes. ("Children, children, let's try to respect one another's differences.")


Jesus how many times can we run round this tiny point? M White, NO, it's like saying "you can have your car in any color, but if you paint the word 'nigger' on the side panel then you're a total asshole and I'm going to tell you so."

nabisco (nabisco), Monday, 13 February 2006 17:25 (eighteen years ago) link

they call for de facto limits on what kind of contraception you should use, but we're not worried about that.

we're not worried about that in america because we have both laws and social norms protecting us from its enforcement. there are plenty of countries where that still has a very real effect. and the social norms are as important as the laws. maybe more -- the supreme court's griswold decision was as much a concession to evolving social norms as it was a matter of constitutional interpretation (which is why some hardcore conservatives hate it). as social norms about what is or isn't acceptable change, interpretation of laws tends to follow. and in any case, if social norms change enough, the laws don't need to change in order to affect behavior.

and no i don't think we're going to reach a point where you can't ever say anything bad about organized religion. but i do think there are people who would like to get to that point, and so there have to also be people fighting against the small encroachments, because all these things happen in small steps.

gypsy mothra (gypsy mothra), Monday, 13 February 2006 17:28 (eighteen years ago) link

Nabisco, you not only have a right but a duty, imho, to say that a provocative racist is an asshole. I don't equate the newspaper cartoons with that. I equate it with a inept gesture to test the limits on Danish free expression born from a genuine fear that freedom of speech was being limited by self-censorship due to fear that radical Muslim immigrants in Denmark might target the speaker with violence. Violence, not protests, not ridicule, not scorn. Is it a reasonable fear? Htf would I know, I haven't been to Denmark in ages but I think to say their motives we're simply ignorant and racist is simplistic and one sided. And don't call me Jesus.

M. White (Miguelito), Monday, 13 February 2006 17:36 (eighteen years ago) link

I'm v wary of this 'duty' talk. Wasn't it a sense of 'duty' for the cartoonist/editors to do what they did? Wasn't it a sense of 'duty' for both the peaceful and aggressive protesters to do what they did in return?

Sororah T Massacre (blueski), Monday, 13 February 2006 17:40 (eighteen years ago) link

I equate it with a inept gesture to test the limits on Danish free expression born from a genuine fear that freedom of speech was being limited by self-censorship due to fear that radical Muslim immigrants in Denmark might target the speaker with violence.

the key word here is "might."

hstencil (hstencil), Monday, 13 February 2006 17:41 (eighteen years ago) link

The issue here is how you're fighting it. You can't stop world leaders from making moral propositions. You can't stop fellow citizens from calling things out as demeaning. "Free speech is important" doesn't seem like an adequate rejoinder to either of those things, because people will make the same distinction we are: "We don't have a problem with free speech -- we just think this particular speech-act was a crap one." I think what becomes important is not that we talk a whole lot about rights and freedoms, but that we talk about the actual proposition being made -- e.g., what it might look like to have an approach to religion that's critical but not offensive, and what precisely would make it trip over that line. This would involve people exercising their freedom of speech in ways that are actually productive.


M I'm not saying these images are the equivalent of straight racism. I'm using straight racism as an example, because it's something everyone can recognize as a thing you have a right to say but would nevertheless be a think we'd like you not to say, because it would be stupid and jerky and hateful. Evidently we've spent the whole latter half of this thread arguing whether there can be a difference between the two things, or something.

nabisco (nabisco), Monday, 13 February 2006 17:41 (eighteen years ago) link

In that context, I don't think these responses should be looked at as in any way coming close to stepping on the press. It's world leaders making moral suggestions.

i get what you're saying, but surely you'd acknowledge a difference between, say, a group of muslim immigrants in copenhagen expressing a desire to be respected and accepted and an official vatican statement calling for "respect" for religions? it has to do with power relationships. it's like when ari fleischer made some comment after sept. 11 about people needing to watch what they said. the press flipped out about it, and of course he said they were just being silly, that's not what he meant, blah blah blah, but... yeah, government authorities are constantly trying to control the dialogue, to whatever extent the law allows and even beyond. but that doesn't mean it's a good thing.

but getting to the power relationships, i think that's one of the confusions in this issue. on the one hand, you have a small, relatively powerless, and clearly discriminated-against community (muslim immigrants in europe), against the largest newspaper in the country -- a newspaper with outspoken anti-immigrant views. in that case, it's easy -- and morally necessary, imo -- to sympathize with the minority group, because we have plenty of history to tell us what can happen to minority groups facing discrimination. but on the other hand, you have much larger, internationally powerful interests (middle eastern governments, the international radical islamist movement) using the same case to advance their own divisive, definitely anti-liberal agendas.

i think part of the difference in the responses on this thread have been which one of those cases people are looking at. and of course, they both have to be considered, which is why it's been so hard to get to a coherent moral position (and not just on this thread -- opinions about this thing are all over the map in both liberal and conservative quarters). is this a local issue or a global one? is it even one issue at all, or is it several issues, each requiring a separate response?

gypsy mothra (gypsy mothra), Monday, 13 February 2006 17:42 (eighteen years ago) link

Stevem, I don't think you can have free speech without, at least, positing some kind of duty to speak out about injustice and untruth. The resultant social consensus on what is OK and not OK to say is where the social as opposed to legal limits on speech are established but that is and should be challenged and re-negotiated in afree society continuously.

M. White (Miguelito), Monday, 13 February 2006 17:50 (eighteen years ago) link

What if I can't talk about religion or a religion without being 'offensive'? What if my take on the truth is that they are as Engels said of tradition, 'a huge retarding force', limiting human progress, and still responsible for many of the worst crimes and wars in human history and that gradually we should move away from revealed religion?

M. White (Miguelito), Monday, 13 February 2006 18:01 (eighteen years ago) link

Gypsy, I talked a bit about that power dynamic upthread. But check it out: I actually don't think this is an area where that makes much difference. Fliecher's "watch what you say" had a recognizably creepy thrust -- but do presidential platitudes have it? Does "let's all be good children and play nice" really mean that much here, beyond the leadership aspects of it, the way some people will always follow the president's or the Pope's moral lead? That's not actually a sinister thing: that's just guidance and persuasion, even if we disagree with the content. It's still a suggestion within the realms of public opinion, and I can't fault them for occupying that role. (And it still reads, on the political side, like an expedient platitude; hard to imagine the Justice Department rounding up a Disrespecting Religion czar, and going after the press like one of our periodic porn crackdowns.)

Anyway I'll stop repeating now. But just in summary, I can't quite see clear to strip this function away from world and religious leaders -- it seems to me natural that they'll make general suggestions on good behavior, and I don't know that that inherently erodes our rights to the alternative. It can shift social norms in ways that don't suit us, yes. But I think it actually cedes too much to their power to jump right to defending freedom of speech itself, instead of starting with attacking the proposition being made. (I.e., when is it useful to be critical of religion? How can it be done in a way that's rigorous but not "personal?" What substantive criticisms do we really want to print?)

MWhite - nothing in your last post strikes me as necessarily "offensive," depending on how you elaborate from there. These are the other moral suggestions that have to be made and negotiated -- what constitutes "respect," what puts particular acts on either side of the line, etc. And yes, sadly, the Vatican will have a louder voice in that argument than we will, but that's kinda just the way it goes.

nabisco (nabisco), Monday, 13 February 2006 18:04 (eighteen years ago) link

(I.e., when is it useful to be critical of religion? How can it be done in a way that's rigorous but not "personal?" What substantive criticisms do we really want to print?)

i think those are the right questions for individuals to ask themselves. i'm less comfortable with them being asked by relgious or governmental institutions. not that i think those institutions don't have the right to offer opinions -- of course they do -- but i'm going to weigh their opinions differently from those of other parties. sure, i expect the vatican and fundamentalist imams to offer "moral guidance." i even expect them to try to enforce it when they have the opportunity. i would prefer to not give them the opportunity.

gypsy mothra (gypsy mothra), Monday, 13 February 2006 18:12 (eighteen years ago) link

M. White, the solution is simple; THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK.

Dan (Simple Truths) Perry (Dan Perry), Monday, 13 February 2006 18:39 (eighteen years ago) link

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