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I never knew this til recently but apparently Robert Towne was the screenwriter for the first one...which explains why the dialogue is actually pretty slick. Not that MI was Chinatown obv but I think its a pretty great movie on the whole.

Actually looking at IMDB now it appears he was involved in all three. Still the second one was pretty awful.

deej.. (deej..), Monday, 8 May 2006 07:52 (eighteen years ago) link

This page is the top Google result for "a wee bit of tit".

Alba (Alba), Monday, 8 May 2006 08:54 (eighteen years ago) link

kudos to rjg.

the Enrique who acts like some kind of good taste gestapo (Enrique), Monday, 8 May 2006 08:57 (eighteen years ago) link


RJG (RJG), Monday, 8 May 2006 09:06 (eighteen years ago) link

no GIS :(

the Enrique who acts like some kind of good taste gestapo (Enrique), Monday, 8 May 2006 09:08 (eighteen years ago) link

my praise is i thought it was as good as it could be

this is of course baring in mind

A) it stared and was produced tom cruise

B) it was the third part in a franchise where ultimately very little can change between films (bar the love interests of course)

C)i haven't seen 24 which from my limited knowledge of this seemed to bare a passing resemblence too

secondhandnews (secondhandnews), Monday, 8 May 2006 10:06 (eighteen years ago) link

Much better than expected. Should have finished ten minutes earlier though. As a slam bang action film it did nearly everything well without anything being TOO stand-out (Vatican sequence clearly excellent though). Could of been fantastic if Cruise was not the lead.

Of course much redundancy if you have seen the first two series of both 24 and Alias, and was kind of like True Lies without the misjudged gags (so in that way a lot better). Also, it might be a lot like TV series, BUT IS A FILM with plus and minuses of that.

Pete (Pete), Monday, 8 May 2006 10:22 (eighteen years ago) link

re. vatican -- i haven't seen this yet but is this some kind of da vinci thing?

the Enrique who acts like some kind of good taste gestapo (Enrique), Monday, 8 May 2006 10:24 (eighteen years ago) link

nah no psuedo religious undertones just a party there but with catholic security to make things more "serious"

secondhandnews (secondhandnews), Monday, 8 May 2006 10:34 (eighteen years ago) link

The idea of casting Angelica Huston and Sigourney Weaver as villainesses has got me too excited for words.

Alfred, Lord Sotosyn (Alfred Soto), Monday, 8 May 2006 12:30 (eighteen years ago) link

It grossed about $10 M less than the last MI on opening weekend, which has resulted in columns like this one proclaiming THE KING IS DEAD!


Dr Morbius (Dr Morbius), Monday, 8 May 2006 13:02 (eighteen years ago) link

how long is it going to take them to pull this from the Uptown?

gabbneb (gabbneb), Monday, 8 May 2006 13:04 (eighteen years ago) link


David R. (popshots75`), Monday, 8 May 2006 13:05 (eighteen years ago) link

Gabbneb, you're probably going to have to wait 'til X-men.

Stephen X (Stephen X), Monday, 8 May 2006 13:57 (eighteen years ago) link

no Poseidon, then? I'd rather see MI3. :(

gabbneb (gabbneb), Monday, 8 May 2006 14:09 (eighteen years ago) link

"he may sell dirty bombs to Middle Eastern regimes and torture an American female agent, but at least he doesn’t drag William Shawn along to watch."

how do i get literary referece?

the Enrique who acts like some kind of good taste gestapo (Enrique), Tuesday, 9 May 2006 14:15 (eighteen years ago) link

i don't quite get why people like anthony lane

gear (gear), Tuesday, 9 May 2006 17:23 (eighteen years ago) link

because he's not david denby?

p@reene (Pareene), Tuesday, 9 May 2006 17:28 (eighteen years ago) link

Whether Cruise is equally dependable is a matter of controversy, and “M:i:III,” alert to the debate, sneaks in a knowing exchange. Ethan is discussing traffic flow, and the guy beside him waits until he drifts away, then gives a hammy snore. Not so a couple of women, listening in. “I’d marry him,” one says. The other adds, “Me, too.”

Raymond Cummings (Raymond Cummings), Wednesday, 10 May 2006 14:41 (eighteen years ago) link

i don't understand why this movie is getting bad reviews (tom cruise?). its actually quite good. its not perfect, but its entertaining, and most of the action scenes are handled fairly well, script is pretty good, acting is good all around. Its like 100 times better than MI:2(worst movie ever?), and if there are any better action movies this summer, we will all be a lucky movie-going public. Although I expect the Pirates of the Caribbean sequal to be better.

If you want to see a really good Spy Film, watch Munich. Its gotta be the best one ever. Action packed, edge of your seat kinda stuff.

brontosaur (brontosaur), Wednesday, 10 May 2006 18:22 (eighteen years ago) link

this movie is great!

lots of very entertaining set pieces, well-written, suprisingly well-directed, well-acted

and it has my crush from kiss kiss bang bang in it!

s1ocki (slutsky), Wednesday, 10 May 2006 18:25 (eighteen years ago) link

best line: "the rabbit's foot isn't in paris, five"

just for the delivery

gear (gear), Wednesday, 10 May 2006 18:30 (eighteen years ago) link

haha yeah

s1ocki (slutsky), Wednesday, 10 May 2006 18:49 (eighteen years ago) link

you know as unfashionable as it might sound i really liked tom cruise in this movie

s1ocki (slutsky), Wednesday, 10 May 2006 18:50 (eighteen years ago) link

i think no matter what the film was like it was gonna get bad reviews since the public turned on cruise (see also gwbush)

-+-+-+++- (ooo), Wednesday, 10 May 2006 18:56 (eighteen years ago) link

tom cruise can be fine, but only in the context of a movie. once he steps into the real world he's creepy.

latebloomer (latebloomer), Wednesday, 10 May 2006 19:04 (eighteen years ago) link

hahaha unlike most actors i'm sure

s1ocki (slutsky), Wednesday, 10 May 2006 19:08 (eighteen years ago) link

"but at least he doesn’t drag William Shawn along to watch."

haha - at first I read this as Wallace Shawn, which is even funnier. kinda.

Shakey Mo Collier (Shakey Mo Collier), Wednesday, 10 May 2006 19:10 (eighteen years ago) link

wallace shawn is william shawn's kid!

-+-+-+++- (ooo), Wednesday, 10 May 2006 19:11 (eighteen years ago) link

i love how they played the (unseen) theft of the rabbit's foot

s1ocki (slutsky), Wednesday, 10 May 2006 19:22 (eighteen years ago) link

haha yeah, true. and that slide down the windows of the building was pretty great.

gear (gear), Wednesday, 10 May 2006 20:01 (eighteen years ago) link

well, I think the unseen theft of the rabbit's foot was actually pretty damn lame. but because I shouldn't complain about what isn't there, I will say it was an interesting choice, and despite not seeing that theft, the tension remained high throughout the whole sequence. its still a cop out though. People went to see an action movie, stuff gets stolen, stuff gets blown up. We should see it all if its integral to the plot.

I do think this is the first movie where I was genuinely amused by the "action-movie-one-liners" in a way that didn't seem as if I was appreciating them for ironic or camp value. they were just funny and cheesy and great. not so great that I can remember any of them right now though.

brontosaur (brontosaur), Wednesday, 10 May 2006 20:16 (eighteen years ago) link

like when ving rhames asked tom, "ever fuck your sister?"

gear (gear), Wednesday, 10 May 2006 20:22 (eighteen years ago) link

the rabbit foot=pure 100% unapologetic MacGuffin

latebloomer (latebloomer), Wednesday, 10 May 2006 20:22 (eighteen years ago) link

the first time i ever heard the term "macguffin" was in an episode of g.i. joe in which they were pursuing a device called...the macguffin device

gear (gear), Wednesday, 10 May 2006 20:25 (eighteen years ago) link

what exactly were they "copping out" of by not showing the rabbit's foot theft? i thought it was a great way to avoid a very ordinary part of a heist sequence and it made for a great surprise. the swinging/parachuting stuff was what that scene was all about!

s1ocki (slutsky), Wednesday, 10 May 2006 20:25 (eighteen years ago) link

A 1986 episode of G.I. Joe, Once Upon a Joe, features a MacGuffin Device which "alters the fabric of reality" by projecting as solid hallucinations the imagination of the user.

gear (gear), Wednesday, 10 May 2006 20:27 (eighteen years ago) link

i liked it because during the whole planning sequence everyone was asking TC, "how are you going to do it?" and he never really answered, he didn't know, etc, and we never see it. i thought it was a good joke.

gear (gear), Wednesday, 10 May 2006 20:28 (eighteen years ago) link

yeah i like when movies play with my expectations in regards to that sort of thing.

s1ocki (slutsky), Wednesday, 10 May 2006 20:30 (eighteen years ago) link

I've tried to avoid the press on Cruise, but I can't help absorbing it enough to see this movie as the ultimate expression of his personality, with a wife looking like Katie Holmes (that totally threw me out of the movie). Philip Seymour Hoffman is good. Love the way he takes that drink at the Vatican.

Pete Scholtes (Pete Scholtes), Wednesday, 10 May 2006 21:01 (eighteen years ago) link

x- post

Its a cop out because they didn't show the theft. if its the ordinary part of a heist sequence.. well make it EXTRAordinary. the screenwriter's couldn't think of an interesting way to do it, so they decided that the interesting way to do it would be to not show it. I say thats a cop out.

Not a totally unsastifying cop out because the movie moves from good scene (rooftop swinging and shootout), slight lull in action while team waits in van, to good scene (parachuting stuff) that seems more exciting because of previous lull. But it was a missed opportunity that I as a audience member might have liked to see. Of course, I seem to be in the minority on that point.

brontosaur (brontosaur), Wednesday, 10 May 2006 21:08 (eighteen years ago) link

random thoughts:

i liked the shorthand of not showing the heist. it was great at keeping the tension up as the audience is waiting around w/ the IMF crew, not knowing exactly what's going on inside. I thought that it was one of the moments of economy in flick, since we didn't need to seen more heisty stuff(the Vatican took care of that), and as i mentioned, the tension was kept just by helplessly waiting outside.

some of the things that pissed me off was usual Action Movie Stupidity(i.e. a defib that took 30 secs to charge, the team apparently not having the ability to close a huey door, using a defib on your head i accept, using 3-phase 220V power lines, less so, etc)

The chopper chase thru a field of windmills was a great setpiece.

you can tell when tom is Acting becuase he tries very, VERY hard to turn on the "intense."

i was happy that the asian chick didn't have to be Stock Asian Chick.

billy crudup looks weird w/ short hair.

they did the Collateral thing of occasionally switching to green-tinged DV whenever something Dramatic or Actiony was about to happen. Lots of off-center, semi-shakey extreme close-ups, too.

Anybody get a "Escape from NY" vibe of the hero w/ ticking bomb in his head that can only be deactivated with two paddles injecting a charge?

kingfish doesn't live here anymore (kingfish 2.0), Wednesday, 10 May 2006 21:18 (eighteen years ago) link

Movie-wifey looks like Liv Tyler, not Katie Holmes.

I liked it a lot, but it felt endless at times because everything was telegraphed so far ahead, and some of the action pieces could have been shorter. I wish action directors would chop a few minutes off of each setpiece, you really wouldn't notice it, but the movies would be paced so much better.

The team was awesome, Seymour Hoffman was awesome, Cruise was about as good as he always is.

milo z (mlp), Thursday, 11 May 2006 02:51 (eighteen years ago) link

After seeing the James Bond trailer beforehand, I'm not sold on Daniel Craig as 007. He just doesn't seem suave enough, even in a thuggy Dark Bond way.

MI:3 gadgets >>>> anything Bond has worked with recently.

milo z (mlp), Thursday, 11 May 2006 02:53 (eighteen years ago) link

I would also like an entire movie about the adventures of Felicity, ass-kicking secret agent.

milo z (mlp), Thursday, 11 May 2006 03:11 (eighteen years ago) link

i've had enough of suave bond. time for a blonde shitkicker.

gear (gear), Thursday, 11 May 2006 03:35 (eighteen years ago) link

brontosaur you're insane. it's not a cop-out. jj abrams wasn't afraid to show tom cruise actually stealing the rabbit's foot. it would not have been a controversial or difficult scene. not showing it was a CHOICE that helped build tension and made the scene funny and memorable.

you can tell when tom is Acting becuase he tries very, VERY hard to turn on the "intense."

he's good at it though! it's funny, the crazier and more publically-reviled the guy has gotten the more i've been enjoying his performances.

s1ocki (slutsky), Thursday, 11 May 2006 14:25 (eighteen years ago) link

This thread of late reminds me of Ocean's Twelve, which I need to buy soon.

Raymond Cummings (Raymond Cummings), Thursday, 11 May 2006 14:49 (eighteen years ago) link

for god's sake why

s1ocki (slutsky), Thursday, 11 May 2006 14:50 (eighteen years ago) link

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