Sea Devils And Die: GeroniMoffat's Doctor Who In The 2010s

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^ because there’s absolutely nobody around who could possibly maliciously recode. The Master and the Cybermen are the only entities that have existed on this floor/world for centuries. (As for “UGH why was this code not debugged and tested and is there a firewalled floor of the ship where the Cyberhospital is running upgrades in beta” – these could be cool plot points if there was room to set them up and play them out in the 45 minutes existing! But rly they are 40-yo programmer concerns, not 7-yo child concerns, so if they’re NOT set up as problems in this world, they’re not actual issues in the story that exists)

The Doctor sees Clara in his Father Dougal past companion swirlaround. He had all his memories of her permanently wiped at the end of the previous series (hence why she could land in her Flying American Diner Funbus and him not recognise her) so how does that happen?
― Mud... Jam... Failure... (aldo)

Having just rewatched Hell Bent the epilogue involves the Doctor realising, after her departure, what Clara looks like by virtue of her face having been painted onto his recovered TARDIS by Rigsy. So he does remember and it doesn't seem to really matter after all.
― nashwan,

Fucking hell, I missed that particularly impressive piece of "I couldn't care about the viewers" then.
― Thomas Gabriel Fischer does not endorse (aldo)

Who do you think he’s making the show for? It’s ambiguous* what goes through the Doctor’s mind when he sees the painting – “huh, it looks vaguely like the girl I just talked to?” Maybe not even that. The way he reacts briefly then goes into the TARDIS could mean IF he recognised her, that his mindwiping kicked in again, and the immediately-following imagery of the paint flaking away and her image dissipating means that he doesn’t even remember that he just saw a painting two seconds ago. It’s a sad, elegiac moment with inherent mystery, especially FOR the viewers.

Anyway, the split-second of her saying “Doctor!” in the Androzani flashback doesn’t lead to him leaping up and shouting “Of course – CLARA! How could I forget?! I must race across all the galaxies to see her and Lady Me one more time. Oh, that Impossible Girl, once more made possible!” He’s dying, and a bunch of images flash through his incoherent mind, taken from available footage, to communicate to the audience that he is dying rather than to him that he should go and cry in the rain at them all for a few months. He’s dying and his brain fritzes /= massive plot hole.

*so ambiguous that nashwan’s reading didn’t even occur to you, but two years later you’ll leap to rage and impugn someone for MAYBE writing something that isn’t written the way you would have written it!

S10 was ultimately just a paycheck, and maybe a chance to screw up Chibnall

Surely it was the exact opposite of a paycheck, when a) he was ultimately persuaded back from exhaustion, delaying future work on properties he will own, SO THAT THE SHOW WOULD BE IN SAFE HANDS instead of made by unknown quantities for two years, and b) he literally left a multi-million dollar contract in order to take on the Doctor Who job for a public broadcaster, in 2008.

Since Moffatt is friends with Chibnall and endorsed and lobbied for him to take over, I suspect a chance to screw up Chibnall is your own decades-long disillusionment with the show showing up as imaginary bitterness, rather than the actual motive of a professional TV producer and active supporter of Dr Who.

(NB: I know many of us have urged aldo to stop watching the show since he hates it, but I am kind of looking forward to seeing if I enjoy his furyrants in the Chibnall era the way I delighted in his tearing apart the timeline of RTD Who here in its latter years…)

With the exception of Donna, where it had some genuine emotional heft to it, has there been a single incident of memory-wiping not being a bullshit, lazy plot move?
― Matt DC

It’s usually a poor and unsatisfying plot move, but let’s not hold up Donna’s as some kind of exemplar of virtue in writing, given that Davies plays the Doctor’s sad manpain - over brainraping his friend against her explicit, repeated pleas - as the real emotional crux. She expresses her own mind, but like most middle-aged women in RTD Who, A Clever Man knows better and takes on The Tragic Burden of denying her any agency.

Doubtless they are toss. (sic), Friday, 7 July 2017 06:20 (six years ago) link

^ because there’s absolutely nobody around who could possibly maliciously recode. The Master and the Cybermen are the only entities that have existed on this floor/world for centuries.

but they know the doctor exists and stops monsters and has a time machine? my point is this was a really really dumb and flaccid way of resolving the situation. at least if he did zap himself along with his dickhead sonic wankdriver we could be "quirky alien guy's super quirky alien technology whatever" but this was just banging on a keyboard in two seconds that just happened to be where he fell. silly. given the choice between clever-clogs moffat and handy-wavey moffat i'll take the self-aware genius any day.

Autumn Almanac, Friday, 7 July 2017 06:43 (six years ago) link

Not sure what database these particular cybermen had to tap into. Was there communication beyond the ship?
Was the Doctor anything to them beyond unknown obstruction on floor whatever?

Also Nardole's explosions. He says something about this being a ship and using that. I don't have the show to hand so not sure of exact quote. But I assumed he was tapping into existing fuel or hydraulic lines in the ship structure. But he or then the Dr seems to be able to blow things up in the same area multiple times. Couldn't see how that worked. Surely the lines would be defunct once exploded?

Stevolende, Friday, 7 July 2017 07:25 (six years ago) link

I didn't mind the code/keyboard thing because it was *obviously a joke* surely? I mean, even Capaldi was doing comedy keyboard fingers.

Chuck_Tatum, Friday, 7 July 2017 10:25 (six years ago) link

ah okay

Autumn Almanac, Friday, 7 July 2017 10:32 (six years ago) link

Didn't hate it in the way I have previous seasons but yet again in NuWho "sod the plot, let's make it a soap opera about the companions". The show was an hour long and we got
• Romance of the Masters
• The Master version of the Scorpion and the Frog
• Are we Human... Or are we Cyber... My sign is vital, my hands are cold
• The companion escapes certain death through a maguffin introduced earlier in the series and they have their own adventures in time and space. What do you mean I did exactly the same thing last year?
• Nardole gets a happy ending with a human that loves him and a ready made family, with a tossed off redemption narrative thrown in during it.
In comparison, the plot gets:
• Cybermen are evolving so we get to reuse the NuWho costumes
• let's just blow them all up because reasons

The stuff you list up the top IS all plot.

I think we're using different values of 'plot'. As has been established, I think of plot as the bottle episode (in this case, base under siege) aspects of the story. I understand that others think the soap opera elements (which is pretty much all the season arcs boil down to imo) are the plot, or that the only story that needs told is that of the companions. I'm not saying the latter two are wrong (even though they are, clearly :-P) just that I don't agree with them.

Nardole gets a happy ending with a human that loves him and a ready made family, with a tossed off redemption narrative thrown in during it.

Nardole doesn’t get a happy ending, he gets an opportunity to fight and die. He doesn’t want a human who loves him, and he doesn’t get that: he gets a possible offer of some sexual stuff from a human in a high-pressure situation, that’s part of an expression of admiration and respect for his skill, smarts and dedication. Whether or not he can have sexual stuff is unclear, given that what was his humanoid body has been replaced at least twice.* He’s not looking for a family, and doesn’t get one. He didn’t need a redemption narrative – since his second appearance, he’s been a positive force, and was only a hapless stooge, not a villain, in his first.

*NB this really annoyed me that it never played out – Nardole is himself a cyberman, and has been for a year and a half of viewer’s time; there was no acknowledgement of this in the episode, no chance taken to contrast his and Bill’s situation, no use of the story’s building up of his character and Bill’s resistance to conversion to offer a way into softening or reprogramming the rapaciousness of the attacking Cybermen. The farm itself is a collective, and Nardole dedicating himself to it is played as a good and valuable thing: why can’t the other collective on the ship be refocussed in a more productive way?

Not sure I agree. He gets 10+ years to come up with a new plan, maybe even to find another lift. And it may be that he doesn't want the things, but he gets them. Once on the new floor, the kid cuddles up to him and says 'I'm glad you're here' and 'Hazran really likes you'(paraphrasing but fucked if I'm watching it again to find out so prepared to be proven wrong) so the happy family narrative is the one being pushed whether he likes it or not. Also, in his conversation with the Doctor about who stays he makes explicit the "but I've always been a bad guy" so the redemption narrative is front and centre; again, whether he needs it or not it's there because this is what writing conventions say happen in a hero's journey.

The Doctor sees Clara in his Father Dougal past companion swirlaround. He had all his memories of her permanently wiped at the end of the previous series (hence why she could land in her Flying American Diner Funbus and him not recognise her) so how does that happen?
― Mud... Jam... Failure... (aldo)
Having just rewatched Hell Bent the epilogue involves the Doctor realising, after her departure, what Clara looks like by virtue of her face having been painted onto his recovered TARDIS by Rigsy. So he does remember and it doesn't seem to really matter after all.
― nashwan,

Fucking hell, I missed that particularly impressive piece of "I couldn't care about the viewers" then.
― Thomas Gabriel Fischer does not endorse (aldo)

Who do you think he’s making the show for? It’s ambiguous* what goes through the Doctor’s mind when he sees the painting – “huh, it looks vaguely like the girl I just talked to?” Maybe not even that. The way he reacts briefly then goes into the TARDIS could mean IF he recognised her, that his mindwiping kicked in again, and the immediately-following imagery of the paint flaking away and her image dissipating means that he doesn’t even remember that he just saw a painting two seconds ago. It’s a sad, elegiac moment with inherent mystery, especially FOR the viewers.

Anyway, the split-second of her saying “Doctor!” in the Androzani flashback doesn’t lead to him leaping up and shouting “Of course – CLARA! How could I forget?! I must race across all the galaxies to see her and Lady Me one more time. Oh, that Impossible Girl, once more made possible!” He’s dying, and a bunch of images flash through his incoherent mind, taken from available footage, to communicate to the audience that he is dying rather than to him that he should go and cry in the rain at them all for a few months. He’s dying and his brain fritzes /= massive plot hole.

*so ambiguous that nashwan’s reading didn’t even occur to you, but two years later you’ll leap to rage and impugn someone for MAYBE writing something that isn’t written the way you would have written it!

Leap to rage is a little strong, although nashwan's reading is just further evidence that if nothing really sticks then why should the viewer bother investing any emotional weight in the process?

I could quite easily whataboutery the flashback to him leaping up exactly saying “Of course – CLARA! How could I forget?! I must race across all the galaxies to see her and Lady Me one more time. Oh, that Impossible Girl, once more made possible!” because we haven't seen the Christmas Special yet and for all we know it may be exactly that - Franz Kafka's It's A Wonderful Clara, where he zips around time with DBrad as Clarence showing him exactly how he enriched all his companion's lives. I just wish that didn't sound as plausible as it does now I've typed it.

S10 was ultimately just a paycheck, and maybe a chance to screw up Chibnall
Surely it was the exact opposite of a paycheck, when a) he was ultimately persuaded back from exhaustion, delaying future work on properties he will own, SO THAT THE SHOW WOULD BE IN SAFE HANDS instead of made by unknown quantities for two years, and b) he literally left a multi-million dollar contract in order to take on the Doctor Who job for a public broadcaster, in 2008.

Since Moffatt is friends with Chibnall and endorsed and lobbied for him to take over, I suspect a chance to screw up Chibnall is your own decades-long disillusionment with the show showing up as imaginary bitterness, rather than the actual motive of a professional TV producer and active supporter of Dr Who.

(NB: I know many of us have urged aldo to stop watching the show since he hates it, but I am kind of looking forward to seeing if I enjoy his furyrants in the Chibnall era the way I delighted in his tearing apart the timeline of RTD Who here in its latter years…)

Screw up is a misstep on my part, I really mean an "Aha! Get out of that Chibbers!" matey-writer tactic (like DC's current Kamandi Project).

Having not watched Broadchurch, I have no idea what to expect from Chibnall. Will he even bother with season arcs and maybe just go for a more Monster of the Week style? Who knows. From memory of his Who work to date:

42 was pretty great as a broad idea, but I'm not convinced the pacing was necessarily right. Maybe would have been better with about 20 minutes of the real time element although obviously that would have spoiled the HHGttG joke.

Dinosaurs on a Spaceship should have been a fun romp and was to a degree but was bogged down/spoiled by all the "and there were lots of other fun/wacky adventures with all these great friends!" parts. Could have been great with just the core team parts (although shoehorning Silurians, but they were kind of season arc-y so him or showrunner/script ed?) and maybe the big game hunter. Speaking of which...

Hungry Earth/Cold Blood was basically just a remake of The Silurians without the poor quality dinosaur and the Quatermass bits. A bit too "FAMILY!" for my tastes but the biggest problem was the Amy's Crack/They Keep Killing Rory ending and that's down to Moffatt/series arc.

Power of Three is on the face of it great. Mystery threat, UNIT, aliums. Series arc tinkering and "Rory and Amy are going in the next ep so let's foreshadow it" are the bits I don't like so not sure they can be laid at Chibbers door.

In other words, I'm more optimistic than I have been in a long time.

Thomas Gabriel Fischer does not endorse (aldo), Friday, 7 July 2017 11:23 (six years ago) link

I should also add I have effectively given up on NuWho - I don't set out to watch it deliberately and I catch up on it as and when and if I feel like it. It's for an era and type of television watcher that isn't me and I've recognised and come to terms with that.

Thomas Gabriel Fischer does not endorse (aldo), Friday, 7 July 2017 11:28 (six years ago) link

Going back a way now but it’s worthy to keep going, to keep fighting to protect and help others, rather than laying down and dying. Which is their only other option

Their only option sure, but not Moffat's. Minutes later we see the pilot pilotting the tardis. Bill is with her. But Bill doesn't shout "Great, let's go and save Nardole and those innocent kids!" because...what? Bill in character absolutely would have gone back for them (even if timescale considerations made that difficult/impossible) but it doesn't even occur to her because hey, we're in wrap up mode, and Nardole's had his ending, and now Bill needs to have hers, and urgh.

JimD, Friday, 7 July 2017 13:39 (six years ago) link

I do not watch this show for the same reasons any of you guys do, is what I have surmised from the past 48 hours or so.

El Tomboto, Friday, 7 July 2017 15:31 (six years ago) link


a butt groove but for feet (DJP), Friday, 7 July 2017 15:33 (six years ago) link

Hated the finale, alternately ponderous and drippy and without bringing any of the characters to a particularly satisfying end but the very last scene was amazing.

Matt DC, Friday, 7 July 2017 15:56 (six years ago) link

Exclusive News: It’s Almost Time. #DoctorWho

— Doctor Who Official (@bbcdoctorwho) July 14, 2017

Brakhage, Friday, 14 July 2017 17:34 (six years ago) link

a lot of people had better wind up being really pissed off on Sunday. I'll be really pissed off if one of them is me

El Tomboto, Friday, 14 July 2017 17:52 (six years ago) link

The next Doctor is... ADAM CAMPBELL!

this iphone speaks many languages (DJP), Friday, 14 July 2017 17:57 (six years ago) link

This is a few weeks earlier in the year compared to when they announced Capaldi whose name didn't really feature at the top of rumour mills and betting markets much at all until just a few days before the announcement iirc(?) so if looking to be spoilered it'll probably be whoever's more recently jumped up or about to jump up the odds list. Must say I didn't expect to see Jodie Whittaker as third fave on Oddschecker and that's quite a gap between her and Tom Rosenthal...

nashwan, Friday, 14 July 2017 18:21 (six years ago) link

I suspect Jodie Whittaker is up there as people scrabble for people who Chibnall has worked with in the past. Have just looked at Oddschecker - pretty much anyone who's ever been on TV ever seems to be on there.

ailsa, Friday, 14 July 2017 18:51 (six years ago) link

i am nostalgic for the OMG HES OOOGLY reaction tbh

Yoni Loves Chocha (VegemiteGrrl), Friday, 14 July 2017 18:58 (six years ago) link

I tried very hard to "like" VG's post before remembering this isn't Facebook.

this iphone speaks many languages (DJP), Friday, 14 July 2017 19:03 (six years ago) link

fleabag still the leading contender?

akm, Friday, 14 July 2017 19:11 (six years ago) link

awful lot of tennant references in that ad

akm, Friday, 14 July 2017 19:12 (six years ago) link

wouldn't it be funny if eccleston came back

akm, Friday, 14 July 2017 19:13 (six years ago) link

I just read an article the other day that broke down the length of time between the announcement of a Doctor's retirement and the announcement of his replacement, and it looks like this iteration might wind up just being a few days shy of breaking the record.

Dippin' Sauce on my Nice New Slacks (Old Lunch), Friday, 14 July 2017 19:34 (six years ago) link

I have no idea why I hardly ever post itt, as I've been watching in some semblance of real time since Tennant's days. But this was a good season with a great companion, and also a good Doctor and Moffat has been a good showrunner who will be missed and I am not looking forward to Chibnall like even a little bit but I remain hopeful.

Dippin' Sauce on my Nice New Slacks (Old Lunch), Friday, 14 July 2017 19:37 (six years ago) link

we're watching Broadchurch Season 3 and I am incredibly stoked for Chibnall actually

El Tomboto, Friday, 14 July 2017 19:54 (six years ago) link

I would not be prepared for a Jodie Whittaker Doctor though. That might be too "for the dads" even for this dad

El Tomboto, Friday, 14 July 2017 19:55 (six years ago) link

The denouement of Broadchurch season 1 is almost certainly somewhere among my top ten worst endings ever. God, it still makes me IA just thinking about it. My gf seems to still enjoy watching it on her own, though. But, yeah, between that and Chibnall's Who and Torchwood eps, I'm not psyched.

Dippin' Sauce on my Nice New Slacks (Old Lunch), Friday, 14 July 2017 19:58 (six years ago) link

which Torchwood eps did he do?

this iphone speaks many languages (DJP), Friday, 14 July 2017 19:59 (six years ago) link

'Cyberwoman' for a start...

Dippin' Sauce on my Nice New Slacks (Old Lunch), Friday, 14 July 2017 20:04 (six years ago) link

"Day One" (2006)
"Cyberwoman" (2006)
"Countrycide" (2006)
"End of Days" (2007)
"Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang" (2008)
"Adrift" (2008)
"Fragments" (2008)
"Exit Wounds" (2008)

Dippin' Sauce on my Nice New Slacks (Old Lunch), Friday, 14 July 2017 20:04 (six years ago) link

"Cyberwoman" was terrible but "Countrycide" was the best episode of the first season and "Fragments" and "Exit Wounds" are two of the best episodes of the entire show,

this iphone speaks many languages (DJP), Friday, 14 July 2017 20:07 (six years ago) link

I will have to review what some of those episodes even are. Didn't realize I hadn't seen any Torchwood for the better part of a decade.

Dippin' Sauce on my Nice New Slacks (Old Lunch), Friday, 14 July 2017 20:10 (six years ago) link

Countrycide is the one with the village of cannibals
Fragments is the one where the whole team is about to die and we learn how everyone but Gwen came to Torchwood
Exit Wounds is the season finale with that fantastic final scene between Tosh and Owen

this iphone speaks many languages (DJP), Friday, 14 July 2017 20:12 (six years ago) link

still haven't watched any torchwood beyond the first three episodes, I really should get on that.

akm, Friday, 14 July 2017 22:50 (six years ago) link

Yeah, excepting Countryside then Chibbers might be the best Torchwood writer (noting he didn't do They Keep Killing Susie or the PJ Hammond ones or Jack in the train carriage in the Indian Uprising).

Thomas Gabriel Fischer does not endorse (aldo), Friday, 14 July 2017 23:40 (six years ago) link

announcing the next doctor after the wimbledon men's final

men's final


blink truther (Autumn Almanac), Friday, 14 July 2017 23:56 (six years ago) link

Countrycide was at least good for still being the only episode of nuWho/spinoffs where the answer to the mystery wasn't 'aliens'.

Mince Pramthwart (James Morrison), Saturday, 15 July 2017 00:04 (six years ago) link

Just for fun (*) I'm going to remove this bookmark and unsubscribe from a few news feeds and just see whether there's any way I can stay unspoiled on this until Christmas.

(*) It won't be fun, it'll be annoying.

JimD, Saturday, 15 July 2017 09:14 (six years ago) link

Hang on, when I typed Countrycide last night I meant Cyberwoman.

Thomas Gabriel Fischer does not endorse (aldo), Saturday, 15 July 2017 10:10 (six years ago) link

after the men's final, so it could be on Monday as well?

StanM, Saturday, 15 July 2017 13:02 (six years ago) link

Unlikely, because they'll close the roof on centre court and get the final finished tomorrow.

ailsa, Saturday, 15 July 2017 13:05 (six years ago) link

oh, right - I forgot about the roof

StanM, Saturday, 15 July 2017 13:09 (six years ago) link

Interesting choice for the new Doctor

— Jesse Hawken (@jessehawken) July 15, 2017

Ned Raggett, Saturday, 15 July 2017 13:10 (six years ago) link

that would be fine

akm, Saturday, 15 July 2017 17:47 (six years ago) link

For those like me who just got lost temporarily that's Pierce Brosnan

El Tomboto, Saturday, 15 July 2017 18:38 (six years ago) link

But let us salute his audition scene in full.

Ned Raggett, Saturday, 15 July 2017 18:55 (six years ago) link

who is the worst person they could cast? (as in worst person who is halfway plausible, not like Nigel Farage or someone) (I think someone might have mentioned James Corden as an answer to this question upthread?)

soref, Sunday, 16 July 2017 13:51 (six years ago) link

Ricky Gervais?

Dippin' Sauce on my Nice New Slacks (Old Lunch), Sunday, 16 July 2017 13:54 (six years ago) link

Vinnie Jones?

Dippin' Sauce on my Nice New Slacks (Old Lunch), Sunday, 16 July 2017 13:56 (six years ago) link

tom allen

blink truther (Autumn Almanac), Sunday, 16 July 2017 13:58 (six years ago) link

him out of cold feet

Never changed username before (cardamon), Sunday, 16 July 2017 14:08 (six years ago) link

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