I am beginning to become scared that Romney/Ryan will win. Can smart people please post here and say reassuring things to convince me that he won't?

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Killing Osama bin Laden was bold, decisive, + momentous. And Obama is crass as any politician, he's just a talented politician. Romney is really bad at being a politician. Ppl on both sides of political spectrum intuitively grasp that he's an empty suit - that's why he had to pick Ryan, to signal to the right-wing that he is really one of them and not just an opportunist.

Mordy, Saturday, 11 August 2012 23:56 (eleven years ago) link

I don't know, guys. In the past 12 hours or so I have somehow managed to convince myself that Romney-Ryan are going to win.

I think that ever since Reagan people haven eaten up a many times-over distorted version of the Horatio Alger myth. Obama is certainly savvy and yes i supposed even crass in given moments, but he will never garner the popular appeal of a Romney. Because. Populism is the reverse of what it was 100 or so years ago due to somewhere during the Reagan years the democrats and their sympathizers adopting an increasingly quietistic attitude, while somehow the right have become increasingly cynical w/r/t their media presence, increasingly not ashamed to be shrill, increasingly not embarrassed to play to the lowest common denominator

Clinton was able to take office mostly b/c he ended up running against two successive candidates who were severely charisma-impaired. clinton was ridiculously charismatic. whatever mojo obama enjoys is actually lost in the present climate. people want to look up to someone who will repeat a bootstraps mythos, "all is well with capitalism in its present form" a la romney. they don't want to hear about compromise or reality in any of its forms. hearing the keywords "prosperity" is enough. that sounds like a painfully simplistic analysis, and granted i am a painfully simplistic unnuanced guy, but i know of what i speak of. president romney is a given. the real question is survival strategies three or four years down the road

dell (del), Sunday, 12 August 2012 00:13 (eleven years ago) link

I think you're overreacting just a bit here. If people responded to rich candidates that way, we'd have had a President Steve Forbes by now. Romney is hardly a Horatio Alger story,

o. nate, Sunday, 12 August 2012 00:47 (eleven years ago) link

Romney and his people know how to couch the mythology in the right terms. and romney has the unrelenting ambition. and looks "presidential". forbes and others didn't have that going for them

dell (del), Sunday, 12 August 2012 00:51 (eleven years ago) link

of course he is far from a horatio alger story but he knows how to present his story in a way that eliminates any ignoble details

dell (del), Sunday, 12 August 2012 00:53 (eleven years ago) link

I dunno. I was pretty convinced Romney was going to lose as of yesterday, and Ryan doesn't seem to me the kind of VP pick who's going to move the needle. It's possible the economy could fall in the toilet between now and November, but it seems more likely to me that it's going to continue slowly gaining steam, housing prices will slowly tick up, etc. Things are better now that they were a year ago. I think most voters probably feel like the economy is moving in the right direction, if a bit more slowly than they'd like.

o. nate, Sunday, 12 August 2012 01:00 (eleven years ago) link

i hope so. and granted i am being somewhat trolly. but i honestly got scared today b/c i think that as horrible as ryan is there is a majority of ppl who would turn out to the polls who don't care or genuinely are into him. so i am scared and genuinely disheartened by romney's bluff or whatever it is. if he had picked a less obnoxious person then i would feel like there was hope for this country.

dell (del), Sunday, 12 August 2012 01:04 (eleven years ago) link

it's just such a "fuck you", i don't even know how to read it otherwise. :(

dell (del), Sunday, 12 August 2012 01:05 (eleven years ago) link

romney believes in nothing including giving u a fuck you

Mordy, Sunday, 12 August 2012 01:06 (eleven years ago) link

Romney basically had no choice. Ryan isn't going to boost his appeal at all, but I could see a Pawlenty or Portman actually driving it down further.

Johnny Fever, Sunday, 12 August 2012 01:07 (eleven years ago) link

of course he is far from a horatio alger story but he knows how to present his story in a way that eliminates any ignoble details

― dell (del), Saturday, August 11, 2012 8:53 PM Bookmark

Have you seen this guy? Are we talking about the same Mitt Romney? He sucks at presenting his story in a way that eliminates any ignoble details - - - hence this entire tax kerfluffle. He doesn't know how to make stories go away, he doesn't know how to shift narratives, he doesn't know how to make lemonade out of lemons, anything.

Like, in my life I'm pretty well insulated from rich guys so maybe they all have this problem. The whole "lacking the 'common touch'" thing - I figured that was sorta bullshit, like, what exactly is a "common touch"? Well, whatever it is, Romney definitely doesn't have one. I honestly feel kind of bad for the guy at this point, he's so totally awkward and bad at everything that's involved in campaigning. At least Bush I sort of seemed like a genuine nerdy rich guy and Bush II like a genuine fratty jackass rich guy.

I can't figure out how he ever won elected office in Massachusetts. I did see one story that mentioned in his old campaigns he would talk about his Mormon faith in an effort to educate people about what his church is about and that they're not a creepy cult or whatever. Politics aside, I could imagine voting for that - even if it backfired, it seems like something a, you know, human being, who earnestly cares about certain things, would do. The effort to make himself a streamlined, doesn't-offend-anybody Republican has made him uneasy in his own skin.

Remember, this is the guy who won his nomination by being the presumptive fallback after everybody that any segment of the Republican electorate actually, actively liked was proven to not animate enough of that base. If he could actually excite people, he would have locked the thing up way back at the beginning.

Doctor Casino, Sunday, 12 August 2012 01:15 (eleven years ago) link



it's just so sad to me. because. as someone who was creeped out by having to say the pledge of allegiance as a kid i still feel like america is such an amazing country on so many levels. i complain about it all the time to myself and feel resentful, but it really is, and could be such an amazing inspirational place. i still feel grateful i was born here, even though i have very little respect for ongoing patriotic tropes

anway i guess the gwb years were just that demoralizing that it's tough to recover from that sense that everything is fucked forever

i dunno. maybe in 15-20 years or so things will finally turn around. or romney actually will win, and things will get dystopic so quickly for such a huge segment of the population that things will inevitably turn around.

dell (del), Sunday, 12 August 2012 01:17 (eleven years ago) link

it's tough to recover from that sense that everything is fucked forever

Don't bother. It is.

Johnny Fever, Sunday, 12 August 2012 01:18 (eleven years ago) link

will never happen, obama is a better republican than anyone the GOP has turned out in 30 years

(The Other) J.D. (J.D.), Sunday, 12 August 2012 01:25 (eleven years ago) link

I can't figure out how he ever won elected office in Massachusetts.

Having watched him for a year now (I didn't pay too much attention to the Republican nomination in '08), completely agree; it's a mystery.

Remember, this is the guy who won his nomination by being the presumptive fallback after everybody that any segment of the Republican electorate actually, actively liked was proven to not animate enough of that base.

Yes, but more than that even, by absolutely eviscerating Gingrich and Santorum under an avalanche of money the minute they got close (not that doing so was especially difficult). I can't remember who said it--Wiegel, maybe--but I agree that there'll be an accepted view come out of the nomination process this year, that Romney had it locked up the whole way, that's just not true. Going into Michigan, there was a real chance that the whole thing was about to unravel on him.

clemenza, Sunday, 12 August 2012 01:26 (eleven years ago) link

In 2002, Republican Acting Governor Jane Swift's administration was plagued by political missteps and personal scandals.[149] Many Republicans viewed her as a liability and considered her unable to win a general election.[153] Prominent party figures – as well as the White House – wanted Romney to run for governor,[151][154] and the opportunity appealed to him for its national visibility.[155] One poll taken at that time showed Republicans favoring Romney over Swift by more than 50 percentage points.[156] On March 19, 2002, Swift announced she would not seek her party's nomination, and hours later Romney declared his candidacy,[156] for which he would face no opposition in the primary.[157] In June 2002, the Massachusetts Democratic Party challenged Romney's eligibility to run for governor, noting that state law required seven years' consecutive residence and that Romney had filed his state tax returns as a Utah resident in 1999 and 2000.[158][159] In response, the Massachusetts State Ballot Law Commission unanimously ruled that he had maintained sufficient financial and personal ties to Massachusetts and was therefore an eligible candidate.[160]

Romney again ran as a political outsider.[149] He played down his party affiliation,[152] saying he was "not a partisan Republican" but rather a "moderate" with "progressive" views.[161] He touted his private sector experience as qualifying him for addressing the state's fiscal problems[157] and stressed his ability to obtain federal funds for the state, giving his Olympics record as evidence.[141][144][162] He proposed to reorganize the state government while eliminating waste, fraud, and mismanagement.[152][163] The campaign was the first to use microtargeting techniques, in which fine-grained groups of voters were reached with narrowly tailored messaging.[164]

To overcome the image that had damaged him in the 1994 Senate race – that of a wealthy corporate buyout specialist out of touch with the needs of regular people – a series of "work days" were staged throughout the campaign, in which Romney performed blue-collar jobs such as herding cows and baling hay, unloading a fishing boat, and hauling garbage.[163][165][166] Television ads highlighting the effort, as well as one portraying his family in gushing terms and showing him shirtless,[165] received a poor public response and contributed to his being behind his Democratic opponent, Massachusetts State Treasurer Shannon O'Brien, in polls as late as mid-October.[163][166] He rebounded with ads that accused O'Brien of being a failed watchdog for state pension fund losses in the stock market and that associated her husband, a former lobbyist, with the Enron scandal.[152][166] During the election he contributed over $6 million – a state record at the time – to the nearly $10 million raised for his campaign overall.[167][168] Romney was elected governor on November 5, 2002, with 50 percent of the vote to O'Brien's 45 percent.[

scott seward, Sunday, 12 August 2012 01:30 (eleven years ago) link

so you know he had to sling a lot of mud and spend a LOT of money to win by 5%.

scott seward, Sunday, 12 August 2012 01:31 (eleven years ago) link

Dr. Casino, yeah i know. In fact both Bushes were more sympathetic in their own ways when compared to Romney, even as blechh as they both were

and yeah i know romney was the guy that ended up looking better than herman cain or michelle bachmann or newt or whatever. even the staunchest of republican poltico talking heads dislike him. plus he's not a "real" christian which i'm sure doesn't help with so much of the christian far right (to say nothing of nominating a roman catholic running mate)

but, i feel like it's expecting the audience at home to research olympic athletes' statistics before settling in and betting on them or supporting them. people don't give a shit. they just want to have their prejudices confirmed.

i hate to be a cheeseball and quote charles bukowski, BUT, "A whole goddamned nation of assholes driving automobiles, eating, having babies, doing everything in the worst way possible, like voting for the presidential candidate who reminded them most of themselves" is not so far off?? people will vote based on personal projection, confirming their prejudices and fears. given that, and given the political climate in 2012 i'm thinking that there is definitely a majority who will happily vote for romney and can easily dismiss obama as being an egghead or whatever. forty years ago, the position the media occupied would have made a difference, but now people just take in whatever they want to hear.

dell (del), Sunday, 12 August 2012 01:32 (eleven years ago) link

will never happen, obama is a better republican than anyone the GOP has turned out in 30 years

haha, prob most convincing post on this thread except possibly ned's

dell (del), Sunday, 12 August 2012 01:33 (eleven years ago) link

a series of "work days" were staged throughout the campaign, in which Romney performed blue-collar jobs such as herding cows and baling hay, unloading a fishing boat, and hauling garbage.[163][165][166] Television ads highlighting the effort, as well as one portraying his family in gushing terms and showing him shirtless,[165] received a poor public response and contributed to his being behind his Democratic opponent,

omg this sounds so terrible. Obama should just run clips of these ads.

Doctor Casino, Sunday, 12 August 2012 01:47 (eleven years ago) link

@ dell - - I definitely hear where you're coming from there but I think you're undervaluing the way in which people's emotional, irrational instincts will lead them to dislike Romney because he also reminds them in tons of ways of people they personally hate. It's like Lumberg is running for President - nobody likes the dude in the suit who fires you and tries to make awkward chuckley jokes about it, they just don't. Especially in the current economic/emotional climate.

Doctor Casino, Sunday, 12 August 2012 01:48 (eleven years ago) link

yeah, i hope so. i just feel alarmed based on conversations with people i've had who think that if obama is re-elected will take away what little they have because he is so socialist. but somehow romney will propel them upwards at least a couple of tax brackets because initiative

dell (del), Sunday, 12 August 2012 01:57 (eleven years ago) link

They're always going to think that. They'll either internalize their eventual failure and blame themselves and become bitter or weave conspiracy theories and blame others and become bitter. If that's the kind of pleasure they get out of existence, it won't be changed except by extreme circumstances and/or death.

Ned Raggett, Sunday, 12 August 2012 02:01 (eleven years ago) link

America is a lousy country, but it had some promise 40+ years ago.

Pangborn to be Wilde (Dr Morbius), Sunday, 12 August 2012 03:11 (eleven years ago) link

Nostalgic for the Nixon years eh?

"Pffft" --buddha (silby), Sunday, 12 August 2012 03:22 (eleven years ago) link

ned thanks i think someone was trying to tell me similar off-board and what you're saying rings true

dr morbius i hear you but give it 15 years or so and i think things will come back into swing. some stuff dies hard. people like you who are a little older than me, i don't know how you deal with it. really heartbreaking. i mean, yeah things have always been shit, but not quite this much?

dell (del), Sunday, 12 August 2012 03:29 (eleven years ago) link

1964 and 1965 had their hopeful moments, tho I don't remember those years. August 9, 1974 too.

Pangborn to be Wilde (Dr Morbius), Sunday, 12 August 2012 03:32 (eleven years ago) link

i almost wish i didn't know you weren't oliver stone

da croupier, Sunday, 12 August 2012 03:33 (eleven years ago) link

my pharmacopeia can't compete with his.

Pangborn to be Wilde (Dr Morbius), Sunday, 12 August 2012 03:41 (eleven years ago) link

how long until SNL starts up again? is hader going to play ryan?

seriously, THIS GUY (daria-g), Sunday, 12 August 2012 03:51 (eleven years ago) link

A Salon subheadline:

A Romney win just got scarier -- he'd have a mandate and a partner determined to repeal the New Deal

You've got to be fucking shitting me. How much of the New Deal have Bubba, W, and Bam not dismantled?

Pangborn to be Wilde (Dr Morbius), Sunday, 12 August 2012 03:54 (eleven years ago) link

I miss the part where they sent ppl to just take photos of everything, in case we needed them for something

"Pffft" --buddha (silby), Sunday, 12 August 2012 04:04 (eleven years ago) link

this very morning i checked 538 to reassure myself! nate was freakishly accurate in 08.

NASCAR, surfing, raising chickens, owning land (zachlyon), Sunday, 12 August 2012 08:02 (eleven years ago) link

a series of "work days" were staged throughout the campaign, in which Romney performed blue-collar jobs such as herding cows and baling hay, unloading a fishing boat, and hauling garbage.[163][165][166] Television ads highlighting the effort, as well as one portraying his family in gushing terms and showing him shirtless,[165] received a poor public response and contributed to his being behind his Democratic opponent,

omg this sounds so terrible. Obama should just run clips of these ads.

― Doctor Casino, Sunday, 12 August 2012 02:47 (8 hours ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink

run a clip of romney hauling some huge garbage bags down the street w/a caption WHERE DOES MITT KEEP HIS MONEY?

, Blogger (schlump), Sunday, 12 August 2012 10:20 (eleven years ago) link

yeah, i hope so. i just feel alarmed based on conversations with people i've had who think that if obama is re-elected will take away what little they have because he is so socialist. but somehow romney will propel them upwards at least a couple of tax brackets because initiative

yeah this is the underlying thing, no matter what the candidates' names are, no matter what they say, no matter what wolf blitzer and john king and rush limbaugh and amy goodman and steven colbert focus on - it doesn't matter. people revert to this primal judgment that republicans will loosen up the rules and help u make $ and that democrats will increase your taxes.

TracerHandVEVO (Tracer Hand), Sunday, 12 August 2012 10:22 (eleven years ago) link

it is just frustrating when those bromides are ingrained enough that they can be leant upon even while being demonstrably untrue, cf ryan being understood as a 'deficit hawk' on account of his bluster. from harper's this month:

From Harper's August 2012:

-- Percentage increase in average annual federal spending during the Obama Administration: 2.4

-- Rank of that rate of increase among the lowest under any president since Truman: 1

, Blogger (schlump), Sunday, 12 August 2012 11:01 (eleven years ago) link

del, how old are you?

Romney and his people know how to couch the mythology in the right terms

haha no they don't! And there's no evidence they know how. I probably hang out with more Florida Republicans than most people on this thread and they all to a man think Romney sucks and is going to lose.

a regina spektor is haunting europe (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Sunday, 12 August 2012 12:06 (eleven years ago) link

Romney picking Ryan is in some ways a, yes, conservative (in the literal sense) act of desperation. Romney, Inc. knew it needed an infusion of energy, and in picking Ryan it may have gotten it. However, the only energy it really drives up is in the press and in the radical small government wing of the Republican party. But many (all?) of Ryan's big ideas are national campaign kryptonite and Romney is not adept enough a campaigner to defend those ideas. Now, Ryan couches his crazy ideas in a safe, seemingly reasonable package, which often fools the average voters (as do shiny objects and free donuts) but now that he's been given the role of attack dog he's just going to come off a big dick. In fact, I look forward to the Biden/Ryan debate, where the former's experience will give him an upper hand, and where Ryan's assholery will give him license to hammer that the Palin pick did not. Attack dog vs. attack dog, but alpha dog is not muzzled. (I look forward to the Obama/Romney debates, too, but for different reasons).

It is kind of interesting that Ryan sort of fills the Cheney mold - the idea man as VP - but like I mentioned on another thread, I get a real sense of strategic preservation from the guy. Which may be better than Romney's cowardly self-preservation, which totally hinders him as a campaigner, but maybe Ryan will evolve on the trail.

Josh in Chicago, Sunday, 12 August 2012 14:01 (eleven years ago) link

entire premise of this thread is lol

the choogler and the chosen one (Shakey Mo Collier), Sunday, 12 August 2012 14:54 (eleven years ago) link

Alfred OTM Romney and his campaign are hapless oafs, it's pretty clear at this point

the choogler and the chosen one (Shakey Mo Collier), Sunday, 12 August 2012 14:54 (eleven years ago) link

alfred i am 39

dell (del), Sunday, 12 August 2012 16:06 (eleven years ago) link

Dude you're just younger than me by two years!

Ned Raggett, Sunday, 12 August 2012 16:22 (eleven years ago) link

facebork posts last year from rabidly catholic pseudofriends: 'it doesn't matter what people are do with birth control, the bishops are right, we must always heed the teaching authority of the church'

facebork posts this year: 'the bishops were wrong about paul ryan's budget, it is their reflexive left-wing bias, it is immoral to impose massive debt on the next gen'

j., Sunday, 12 August 2012 17:04 (eleven years ago) link

thr Catholic 'rabids' tend to ignore papal complaints about the justifiability of recent US wars too. They are the real "cafeteria Catholics."

Pangborn to be Wilde (Dr Morbius), Sunday, 12 August 2012 17:08 (eleven years ago) link

I can't remember who said it--Wiegel, maybe--but I agree that there'll be an accepted view come out of the nomination process this year, that Romney had it locked up the whole way, that's just not true. Going into Michigan, there was a real chance that the whole thing was about to unravel on him.

Romney did have it locked up the whole way, and anyone who think the people who run the GOP would have let somebody like Santorum be the nominee is nuts IMO

Guayaquil (eephus!), Sunday, 12 August 2012 17:13 (eleven years ago) link

true, the "voting" was all pantomime, the mechanism was set for Willard

Pangborn to be Wilde (Dr Morbius), Sunday, 12 August 2012 17:19 (eleven years ago) link

Romney had everything in his favor the whole way, and I agree that things became really unwinnable for Santorum way before the latter bowed out, but I feel like "locked" should be reserved for a serious no-competition deal, like Gore vs. Bradley, or even W's 2000 campaign, where there were a lot of sideshow contenders keeping things going but the "mechanism" never once faltering. It was possible for Romney to lose, IMO.

Doctor Casino, Sunday, 12 August 2012 17:21 (eleven years ago) link

they would've changed the rules if it came to that.

Pangborn to be Wilde (Dr Morbius), Sunday, 12 August 2012 17:29 (eleven years ago) link

Ryan is a pretty bad choice for winning 2012, I would have pushed for Sen. Marco Rubio from Florida. That said, the Republican establishment has been grooming Ryan for the national stage since at least 2000, and I think the establishment is hedging 2012 by elevating Ryan to the national stage for a 2016 run. There are a lot of things that will probably go wrong that are largely out of a second Obama administration's control (peak oil, euro breakup, Japanese debt crisis, etc), so I can see the strategy.

I kinda like Ryan, as he was one of the few national figures that was willing to endorse the political kryptonite of entitlement cuts in the early part of last decade. We will get entitlement cuts regardless, there simply isn't a large enough tax base to support current growth in Medicare and Social Security. Millionares can and should be taxed more, but there simply aren't enough of them to cover the demographic shift and health-care cost driven middle class entitlement growth (you can do the math too, using IRS statistics). To date no Democratic proposal I've seen really addresses this, so the Democratic plan is probably crisis austerity after Treasury interest rates bounce back to long term norms. As my hot-button issues are things that will really matter mid-century like greenhouse emissions and foreign policy arrogance, I'll vote for the lesser of evils (Obama) again.

The Painter of Blight™ (Sanpaku), Sunday, 12 August 2012 17:45 (eleven years ago) link

I kinda like Ryan

fuck you, seriously

i fucking hate this country so much

just, fuck you.

dell (del), Sunday, 12 August 2012 17:48 (eleven years ago) link


ella fingerblast hurls forever (suzy), Wednesday, 7 November 2012 07:22 (eleven years ago) link

nah it should be converted to a temple for republican schadenfreude

CGI fridays (Edward III), Wednesday, 7 November 2012 08:06 (eleven years ago) link

LDS temple?

ella fingerblast hurls forever (suzy), Wednesday, 7 November 2012 08:19 (eleven years ago) link

Feeling cautiously optimistic about this.

All hail President Optoisolator (jjjusten), Wednesday, 7 November 2012 08:31 (eleven years ago) link


Raymond Cummings, Wednesday, 7 November 2012 11:35 (eleven years ago) link

This will surprise me.

Bobby Ken Doll (Eric H.), Wednesday, 7 November 2012 12:18 (eleven years ago) link

I'm still scared, guys. Mitt + chloroform-soaked rag + Obama mask. Think about it.

Come Into My Layer (Old Lunch), Wednesday, 7 November 2012 13:01 (eleven years ago) link

I am beginning to become scared that Ryan/Rubio will win. Can smart people please post here and say reassuring things to convince me that he won't?

pplains, Wednesday, 7 November 2012 15:05 (eleven years ago) link

Dude, of course they could win. If you're already thinking they WILL win you've already given up. Relax.

Bobby Ken Doll (Eric H.), Wednesday, 7 November 2012 15:06 (eleven years ago) link

71.6% Hillary wins acc to Nate: http://fivethirtyeight.blogs.nytimes.com/

sug ones (omar little), Wednesday, 7 November 2012 15:08 (eleven years ago) link

pretty good night for the senate

- went from joe lieberman to chris murphy in CT (moderate gain for good guys)
- went from richard lugar to joe donnelly in IN (big gain for good guys)
- went from olympia snowe to angus king in ME (probably a moderate gain for good guys)
- went from president scott brown to elizabeth warren in MA (big gain for good guys)
- went from ben nelson to deb fischer in NE (not so good but fuck ben nelson)

looks like the ND seat is still up in the air and i don't know much about the other intra-party seat changes

all mods con (k3vin k.), Wednesday, 7 November 2012 15:52 (eleven years ago) link

lol wrong thred

all mods con (k3vin k.), Wednesday, 7 November 2012 15:52 (eleven years ago) link

ben nelson was the final vote for Obamacare

beef richards (Mr. Que), Wednesday, 7 November 2012 15:52 (eleven years ago) link

seven years pass...

Way to finally start catchin up to where yr fucken dad was fifty years ago, there, Mitt.

Fun-Loving and Furry-Curious! (Old Lunch), Monday, 8 June 2020 03:53 (four years ago) link

no shock that so many Republican Congressmen were fratboys, since they routinely enjoy debasing themselves for others' approval

I am a free. I am not man. A number. (Neanderthal), Monday, 8 June 2020 03:55 (four years ago) link

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