Sea Devils And Die: GeroniMoffat's Doctor Who In The 2010s

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Rubbish pirates, yeah. Rubbish Siren as well - too perfume ad/Muse album cover - but then I don't really get the fascination with Lily Cole.

god this was the stupidest episode of the moffett era so far, i think.

Wasn't great, wasn't anywhere near as bad as the Van Gogh episode. Can't muster up much other than 'meh' really, quite slow pacing I thought. Next week's looks intruiging.

Matt DC, Sunday, 8 May 2011 20:29 (thirteen years ago) link

Why didn't you like Vincent and the Doctor?

a modest broposal (suzy), Sunday, 8 May 2011 20:32 (thirteen years ago) link

And Rory-death is getting way too kenny-from-south-park.


I couldn't believe a nurse was so bad at giving CPR instructions. "ABC, Amy – airway, breathing, circulation" w/a little explication takes as long to say as "I know you have seen it on TV a thousand times and also I know you will never give up and also also I wuv you!" Also lol at how fast she did in fact give up before he was like 'fuck, better start gasping for air I guess, she's started with the waterworks.'

rory rory are you ok?

crabbbittts (Abbbottt), Sunday, 8 May 2011 20:41 (thirteen years ago) link

rory rory are you ok?

Am lolling heavily here - pretty sure I'm not the only one who over-performed "baby, baby - are you OK?" to my classmates. We were pretty much trying to top each other in the name of melodramatic subversion.

a modest broposal (suzy), Sunday, 8 May 2011 20:53 (thirteen years ago) link

I don't think anything could be worse than the Vincent Van Gogh episode. Rubbish monster, rubbish plot, rubbish script, rubbish acting, and truly the most hideously appalling music choice in a vile attempt to stir emotion. The only emotion it stirred in me was repulsion.

emil.y, Sunday, 8 May 2011 20:54 (thirteen years ago) link

she gave it, what, a minute before she gave up and started crying? I like to think my loved ones would try a bit harder than that.

It's TV. Did you really want a 70 minute episode with 25 minutes of CPR?

Meh episode. So many cuts that they actually managed to confuse themselves enough to lose a pirate.

charlie adam's sister's pants (onimo), Sunday, 8 May 2011 21:12 (thirteen years ago) link

Actually, 25 minutes of CPR would have been preferable to 15 minutes of infernal bloody Murray Gold heavenly voice crap. But I'd rather they not have included any CPR at all if they were just going to do it so shittily.

Isn't there a risk of actually cracking ribs during proper chest compressions?

The risk is not *that* great. Also, as the instructor on my recent first aid course pointed out, would you rather be dead, or alive with a cracked rib?

trishyb, Sunday, 8 May 2011 21:16 (thirteen years ago) link

but it's always done that way - even in LOST with an actual doctor doing the reviving no-one ever got more than a couple of minutes of Jack-hammer.

charlie adam's sister's pants (onimo), Sunday, 8 May 2011 21:31 (thirteen years ago) link

would you rather be dead, or alive with a cracked rib?

Well, the real question is to ask Arthur Davill whether he wants to be on the receiving end of authentic-looking chest compressions with possibly cracked ribs, or Internet people making fun of Amy Pond.

a couple of minutes of Jack-hammer

So wrong lol.

NoShoutsNoCalls (Leee), Sunday, 8 May 2011 21:39 (thirteen years ago) link

There *was* that one episode of House M.D. where they gave a guy CPR for 3 1/2 hours (not on screen of course).

crabbbittts (Abbbottt), Sunday, 8 May 2011 21:44 (thirteen years ago) link

i just feel like during the RTD era there was a big emphasis on the universe-as-circus aspect of the show; incredible, gorgeous, huge, boundless, teeming with life, bizarre, a little scary, and with the doctor as – say – p.t. barnum dragging us from sight to sight. the moffett eps during the first 4 seasons were a welcome respite; a breather and a palate cleanser between gobs and gobs of glorious hugeness and overblown spectacle. since Moff has taken the reins, however, i'm beginning to realize that i miss the hyperbolic pinwheeling about the universe, and sometimes wish for an episode that was just a little more ... majestic

ignore the man behind the parentheses (remy bean), Sunday, 8 May 2011 21:56 (thirteen years ago) link

Basically it wasn't camp enough to be a pirate episode.

Matt DC, Sunday, 8 May 2011 22:15 (thirteen years ago) link

I liked this episode, and I like that it wasn't yer classic swashbuckling nonsense. The ghost-ship twist was excellent, and the revelation that the siren wasn't evil was good too (although her nightmare-inducingly nasty look didn't quite mesh with that). I didn't mind the 45 second of CPR because screen time doesn't have to equal actual time (especially when it can harm the drama/tension) – imagine if she had spend fully two minutes blowing air into his lungs.

So here's me completely uninterested, not intending to watch this year at all, three episodes in and loving the taste of this hat.

staph white pulvules like (Schlafsack), Sunday, 8 May 2011 22:51 (thirteen years ago) link

lily cole's expression at the end reminded me of the hologram alien from mission to mars

next week's sounds great on paper, but why was it moved forward from its original place in the second half of the season?

however, i'm beginning to realize that i miss the hyperbolic pinwheeling about the universe, and sometimes wish for an episode that was just a little more ... majestic

if there's a way to do this without making it about either planet earth of the entire universe being on the brink of extinction then yes, but the latter plot points can be rested for a while yet imo (altho too bad in a way that "the darkness" probably can't come back)

Let me help you with your URL problems (blueski), Sunday, 8 May 2011 23:00 (thirteen years ago) link

It's TV. Did you really want a 70 minute episode with 25 minutes of CPR?

Shouldn't be beyond a tv writer to convey passage of time and application of effort without necessarily showing it. I still kind of don't buy Amy's relationship with Rory, she seems to give up on him or ignore him or just treat him like a mate until the script calls for her to be all love-of-his-life to sort out some peril. Though when your partner has stood by you for 2000 years, it's kind of hard to measure up to that level of devotion.

This was far from the biggest problem with this episode, though, and next week's looks better.

ailsa, Sunday, 8 May 2011 23:01 (thirteen years ago) link

xp Be careful what you wish for...

a modest broposal (suzy), Sunday, 8 May 2011 23:03 (thirteen years ago) link

why was it moved forward from its original place in the second half of the season?

Budget? Maybe the shoot was in the can but post on some other episode would have blown the budget, or maybe I'm talking shit.

xxp there's also the possibility that Amy doesn't get how long one has to do CPR (she's a kissogram ffs) and the Doctor was maybe a bit knackered from all the other stuff that had just happened. I dunno.

staph white pulvules like (Schlafsack), Sunday, 8 May 2011 23:04 (thirteen years ago) link

why was it moved forward from its original place in the second half of the season?

I'm hoping because it's really good, and they want to restore confidence after that lacklustre pirates episode.

It's weird that, given how good I think Moffatt's writing is, he seems unable to detect dud-ness in other writers. This one, and the Silurian 2-parter last year, just seem as though, even on paper, he would have known there wasn't enough THERE for them to really work.

It made more sense for Russell T Davies to let other bodgy scripts in, since his own stuff was all over the shop.

You're fucking fired and you know jack shit about horses (James Morrison), Sunday, 8 May 2011 23:42 (thirteen years ago) link

Oh good, I missed a Silurian two-parter. Excellent.

staph white pulvules like (Schlafsack), Sunday, 8 May 2011 23:50 (thirteen years ago) link

next week's sounds great on paper, but why was it moved forward from its original place in the second half of the season?

it was never in the second half of this season - it was in the second half of LAST season, and had to be moved back because they ran out of budget to do it that year. Gaiman's talked of having to rewrite it to have an alive Rory in it.

I did love the ending where they're now pirates in space.

with dude "driving the ship" by sitting there holding a COMPLETELY IMMOBILE steering column!

sorry yeah i think the Gatiss one was pushed to the second half because it was actually this pirate one that was moved forward, my mistake (it's one per week minimum ppl).

he seems unable to detect dud-ness in other writers

no less than RTD i think. the other problem is that no other writer is really challenging him the way he did with RTD for best episodes. think the best non-Moffat episode since he took over is actually Simon Nye's (Amy's Choice) but will be surprised if he does another.

in DW Confidential Moffat is pretty blasé about it being a formulaic episode ("If we're gonna do pirates of course we have to have..." proceeds to list all the cliches as if this were way more than important than the story being interesting and coherent enough)

Let me help you with your URL problems (blueski), Monday, 9 May 2011 00:10 (thirteen years ago) link

Yeah--my favourite non-Moffats of last series were Simon Nye's and 'The Lodger', both of which were also good in that they weren't formulaic "turn-up-on-spaceship/in-history, find-the-monster, beat-the-monster, leave" stories

You're fucking fired and you know jack shit about horses (James Morrison), Monday, 9 May 2011 00:23 (thirteen years ago) link

^^ on the Venusian hyper-credits

no less than RTD i think.

Chinball's was the only truly dire one last year I think. And even then the first half was 1000x better than his RTD-overseen episodes (42! Cypberwoman!). Eps like this pirate one and the WWII Daleks seem to come from Moffatt going "let's just let a big silly romp through now and again for the littlies" - they stand out as stupider than they otherwise would because he throws so much complicated forward-plotting and grown-up concern into most* of his own eps.

*The Beast Below excepting from the rule here

ugh cyberwoman was bloody awful

staph white pulvules like (Schlafsack), Monday, 9 May 2011 00:34 (thirteen years ago) link

Could they just do one damn episode where they go to small country town and prevent the library from being closed down by doing a fundraiser or finding buried treasure? This shit is good, but so exhausting.

the girl from spirea x (f. hazel), Monday, 9 May 2011 02:43 (thirteen years ago) link

with dude "driving the ship" by sitting there holding a COMPLETELY IMMOBILE steering column!

everything is touch sensitive in the future, duh.

ledge, Monday, 9 May 2011 08:21 (thirteen years ago) link

he flies it with his MIND

VegemiteGrrl, Monday, 9 May 2011 17:12 (thirteen years ago) link

love it

Mordy, Tuesday, 10 May 2011 11:32 (thirteen years ago) link

Ha ha ha ha! Brilliant.

I am leader of the sheeple (captain rosie), Tuesday, 10 May 2011 13:37 (thirteen years ago) link

Finally got around to watching this last night and I don't see what all the fuss is about. A perfectly serviceable filler episode and miles better than Fear Her, Love & Monsters or any of Rusty's HOOT!!!11!!!! scenarios. Something reflective being the conduit isn't any more outlandish than somebody using the fat of the people of Britain to incubate baby Adipose, and the crew being marked for death/treatment isn't any odder than feeding children chips cooked in a certain oil to make their brains work faster.

You know what stood out for me? Two ideas - a deserted hospital ship which tries to treat humans but not knowing what they are gets it wrong by making assumptions about what their physiology is supposed to be, and creates a 'base under siege' while trying to make them well; and a deserted spaceship where the crew have died and the servants of the main crew are using a gate through space and time to teleport people onto the spaceship in the hope it makes it work properly and creates a 'stalk and slash' while trying to get the right person.

Or The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances and The Girl In The Fireplace, as they were called the last time.

4, 5, 6, The monkey's got a hockey stick (aldo), Tuesday, 10 May 2011 18:29 (thirteen years ago) link

Wow, Blue Peter was kind of spoilery. She's had to wait a long time too, this was a Rusty competition iirc.

4, 5, 6, The monkey's got a hockey stick (aldo), Tuesday, 10 May 2011 19:14 (thirteen years ago) link

I don't watch Blue Peter but it strikes me that the competition was so long ago, the winner might no longer be a viewer.

The reflection thing is probably carrying over elsewhere in the series. Also, I loved Fangy Lily Cole.

that's when i reach for my ︻╦╤─* (suzy), Tuesday, 10 May 2011 19:39 (thirteen years ago) link

Everything felt very forced and cold and herky-jerky, like a party where everyone is pretending to have fun. And the story didnt make any sense.

Finally watched this earlier and, ^^^yeah, spot on. It may have had everything from Moffat's pirate check-list, but the writer failed to do anything interesting or creative with them. But it was the fact that the whole thing had the increasingly manic forced jollity of a desperately floundering children's entertainer that killed it. Unfun.

Hippocratic Oaf (DavidM), Tuesday, 10 May 2011 19:43 (thirteen years ago) link

Liked some things about it, disliked others. As some have said it had more in the way of actual ideas than most monster of the week episodes, even if a couple of them smelled a bit recycled. All perfectly watchable, and actually quite a nice let up after the brain-frying opening story. Bonneville was miscast though, I think. Good actor, not really at all convincing as a ruthless pirate.

Inevitable stupid samba mix (chap), Tuesday, 10 May 2011 23:23 (thirteen years ago) link

something reflective being the conduit

Except that a) the first time she appears, it's from non-still, and therefore non-"perfectly"-reflective water; and b) the Doctor reacts to the reflection revelation by creating HUNDREDS MORE reflective surfaces than already existed. Smart work, there.

"I like to wear tops that show my cleavage and show off my ladies," (sic), Wednesday, 11 May 2011 02:55 (thirteen years ago) link

As much as I don't really want to defend this episode, I'm assuming that the smashed mirrors/windows were supposed to be too small for her to fit through. Although that crown wasn't exactly huge, either.

You're fucking fired and you know jack shit about horses (James Morrison), Wednesday, 11 May 2011 09:11 (thirteen years ago) link

As much as I don't really want to defend this episode

I'm sorry for your loss :(

"I like to wear tops that show my cleavage and show off my ladies," (sic), Wednesday, 11 May 2011 14:43 (thirteen years ago) link

Is the astronaut in the first episode a version of The Watcher? Harbinger of regeneration etc.

Fizzles the Chimp (GamalielRatsey), Wednesday, 11 May 2011 22:57 (thirteen years ago) link

this looks like The Bed Sitting Room

koogs, Saturday, 14 May 2011 17:39 (thirteen years ago) link

This looks like NOOOOOOo

4, 5, 6, The monkey's got a hockey stick (aldo), Saturday, 14 May 2011 17:40 (thirteen years ago) link


koogs, Saturday, 14 May 2011 18:07 (thirteen years ago) link

I actually quite liked this.

4, 5, 6, The monkey's got a hockey stick (aldo), Saturday, 14 May 2011 18:21 (thirteen years ago) link

A bit hectic, but good.

Hippocratic Oaf (DavidM), Saturday, 14 May 2011 18:22 (thirteen years ago) link

Disappointed they didn't use a 'classic' series console room.

Hippocratic Oaf (DavidM), Saturday, 14 May 2011 18:24 (thirteen years ago) link

I liked it a lot - took a wee while to get going, but then (once Karen-off-of-Corrie was revealed as Tardis) it was proper good fun and tension and madness and jokes. Plus I get to chalk up another Rory death. Poor chap.

ailsa, Saturday, 14 May 2011 18:38 (thirteen years ago) link

Also hokey River reference for What Can It All Mean arc stuff.

ailsa, Saturday, 14 May 2011 18:40 (thirteen years ago) link

I totally loved this.

that's when i reach for my ︻╦╤─* (suzy), Saturday, 14 May 2011 18:58 (thirteen years ago) link

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