Batman carries on beginning in ... The Dark Knight

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'unmissably' maybe, but definitely not 'unambiguously'


max, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 18:59 (fifteen years ago) link

i didnt either

deeznuts, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 18:59 (fifteen years ago) link

what i really meant to say was 'stfu deeznuts'

goole, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 19:00 (fifteen years ago) link

you really dont get the idea of making a genre movie & examining that genre w/out subverting it do you

deeznuts, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 19:00 (fifteen years ago) link

if it helps ,i have repeatedly said that bush is very much in the movie

deeznuts, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 19:02 (fifteen years ago) link

Plus all this goes back to western mythology as stated above. See the end of the searchers, for instance. The anti-hero creates the possibility for the home on the range but he must be excluded from it. These ideas certainly predate bush.

ryan, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 19:03 (fifteen years ago) link

I'm not sure why the film has to be an explicit condemnation or vindication of the bush administration. I prefer the idea that tdk reflects ideas in society at large as moral conundrums to be examined and worked through. again I'll ask the question, does anyone walk out of the theater feeling upbeat about a superhero triumphing over evil? or are they left with conflicted feelings about heroism after a brutalizing confrontation with evil? and how does this not reflect the current national mood?

Edward III, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 19:07 (fifteen years ago) link

don't think the film has to take a side in these ethical dilemmas, by the way! That's the advantage of being a movie.

-- ryan

But it does ultimately take sides, that's the thing. It does this with intellectual reservations, with a clear sense of the tragic compromises involved, but with all its heart. As the Batman rides off in the final scene, there's no doubt that the film is emotionally with him 100%.

Now, there's nothing wrong with any of this. Nolan's free to make whatever kind of film he wants. But given my own beliefs, I was a bit troubled by The Dark Knight -- especially in light of its MASSIVE popularity and the broad public reluctance to admit its obvious political subtext. I don't think, as deez suggests, Nolan should have made an "anti-Batman" movie, but he could have very easily made a different kind of Batman movie.

For what it's worth, while I was restless/bored during most of the last hour, and while I came out of the theater with very mixed feelings, a lot of it was cool as hell and I'm looking forward to seeing it again.

These ideas certainly predate bush.


Yes, but to make THIS movie in THIS moment is to at least flirt with endorsing Bush admin. war-on-terror policies. While movies aren't necessarily political arguments, they don't occur in a vacuum, either.

Goole OTM.

contenderizer, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 19:07 (fifteen years ago) link

That's well said contenderizer, but I can't agree about the film's intentions. And also Edward III otm.

ryan, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 19:11 (fifteen years ago) link

the people of gotham and what they believe about gotham are the hidden part of all this. wayne set out not to be a vigilante but to 'become a symbol.' a symbol that simultaneously meant fear to criminals but hope and, what, retribution? to a fearful populace. this doesn't really work, so he needs dent to be the one to make people believe. i think that's really interesting and it kind of gets lost -- underlying the whole force/legitemacy theme is the idea that ordinary people's beliefs in their own safety are the key element to that safety. it's got a very broken-windows mentality, i don't know what i think about that. step one in saving a city: get the people to stop being afraid. step one in stopping the fear: save the city. every character seems to be on the edge of figuring out that they're stuck on a loop, but there's always another bomb going off.

there are other movies about the morality of vigiliantism but none have so many characters calling out 'what will the people think now?'

xps no i'm not otm, really, bush being 'in' the movie isn't an endorsement one way or another. of COURSE a high-tech vigilante movie from this year has a wiretapping reference, and of COURSE someone objects

goole, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 19:12 (fifteen years ago) link

"while I came out of the theater with very mixed feelings, a lot of it was cool as hell and I'm looking forward to seeing it again."

"there are other movies about the morality of vigiliantism but none have so many characters calling out 'what will the people think now?'"

"does anyone walk out of the theater feeling upbeat about a superhero triumphing over evil? or are they left with conflicted feelings about heroism after a brutalizing confrontation with evil? and how does this not reflect the current national mood?"

why are we arguing again? (that was really beautifully said btw edward)

deeznuts, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 19:21 (fifteen years ago) link


Fair enough, goole, and the wiretapping reference really was the thing that pushed it over the edge for me. But there's more to it than just that.

I, too, was intrigued/mystified by the movie's focus on "the people" as this not-so-mysterious herd being manipulated by symbolic contrivances. The Batman has always been concerned with what he represents, both to criminals and (to a lesser extent) to the public at large, but this film pushed that angle almost to the breaking point. It was very hard for me to accept the public need for Dent the way Batman and Gordon did. Especially since, in the end, the mob has been crippled by both Batman and the Joker.

contenderizer, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 19:23 (fifteen years ago) link

I'm about to see this in IMAX in about 40 minutes. So I'm sure ill change my mind about all of this!

It's also worth noting that Nolan probably has at least the idea of a sequel in mind, so who knows where this is going as far as intention goes.

ryan, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 19:27 (fifteen years ago) link

"Fair enough, goole, and the wiretapping reference really was the thing that pushed it over the edge for me. But there's more to it than just that."

the wirtetapping basically reference goes:

batman: hey look i can spy on the whole fuckin city!
lucius: fucked up. dont do that, asshole. youre not good enough.
batman: i know im not! but YOU are.
lucius: ok whatever fine.

[batman apprehends joker using this system]
[freeman blows it the fuck up]

in other words, the film has extraordinarily mixed feelings about its own superhero using this power - in fact, its superhero doesnt even trust himself with it. and in the end, its destroyed by the one man he does trust.

how can this really be read as 'pro-wiretapping', esp when its done by a faceless monolithic entity like the NSA? if anything id read it as very much anti-wiretapping (keep in mind this wasnt just wiretapping but that batman/freeman could actually SEE YOU AT ALL TIMES - spooky shit!)

deeznuts, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 19:28 (fifteen years ago) link


ryan, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 19:30 (fifteen years ago) link

like i said, the debate w/in the movie is more like an excuse for this hero using this technology at this particular time, while taking the time to point out that like, in the real world, this shit doesnt fly. somewhat ambiguously, yes, but who wants a superhero movie with a an actual political agenda?? xp lol

deeznuts, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 19:31 (fifteen years ago) link

who wants a superhero movie with a an actual political agenda??

Warner Bros sure hopes you do come March.

Ned Raggett, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 19:32 (fifteen years ago) link

The film's argument is basically this: Domestic wiretapping ("spying on six-million people", in Lucius' words) is a terrible thing. But, as evil as it seems, it may be an absolute necessity. Given the circumstances, aren't we lucky that only the best-of-the-best good guys are doing it?

the movie is more like an excuse for this hero using this technology at this particular time, while taking the time to point out that like, in the real world, this shit doesnt fly.
I think that's exactly how Bush/Cheney would justify their actions. They'd say that under normal circumstances, it should NEVER be considered, much less permitted. But we weren't operating under normal circumstances...

contenderizer, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 19:34 (fifteen years ago) link

It was very hard for me to accept the public need for Dent the way Batman and Gordon did. Especially since, in the end, the mob has been crippled by both Batman and the Joker.

exactly! they need someone on their side who can actually appear in public, has a real name and face, that they can vote for, etc. it seemed reasonable to me.

Jordan, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 19:35 (fifteen years ago) link

going to see this tomorrow night (finally!) - STAY TUNED

Shakey Mo Collier, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 19:36 (fifteen years ago) link

it may be an absolute

bnw, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 19:37 (fifteen years ago) link

ha i hope you havent been reading this thread, ive been ignoring avoiding spoiler type shit for awhile

deeznuts, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 19:37 (fifteen years ago) link

thanks... in a way this discussion has come back around to what the pinefox and I were debating upstream. mainly about how bringing your moral viewpoint to the movies can blind you to what a movie's really trying to convey.

whether you're pro or anti-bush, if you watch tdk with an eye towards how the movie is supporting or violating your political beliefs, you're not going to get the full impact. this discussion gets a lot more interesting when we admit that there isn't a simple answer to the question of whose side this movie is on.

also, imagine christopher nolan walking into a room full of hollywood bigwigs and pitching his $180M-before-marketing-costs blockbuster as "the batman is dubya".

Edward III, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 19:40 (fifteen years ago) link

"...may be an absolute necessity..." Sounds goofy, but what I meant is that even if the necessity IS absolute, we're denied total certainty. I'm a relativist trying to talk about absolutes, so of course things get a little muddy.

they need someone on their side who can actually appear in public, has a real name and face, that they can vote for, etc. it seemed reasonable to me.

-- Jordan

Me too, for the first couple hours. But I was talking about the film's final act, where Batman and Gordon continue to insist on the public need for Dent as a symbol, when the mob has been all but crushed, and Dent will never again apear in public or on a ballot. That's what mystified me, to the point where it all came to seem a bit silly.

contenderizer, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 19:45 (fifteen years ago) link

"The film's argument is basically this: Domestic wiretapping ("spying on six-million people", in Lucius' words) is a terrible thing. But, as evil as it seems, it may be an absolute necessity. Given the circumstances, aren't we lucky that only the best-of-the-best good guys are doing it?"

the best of the best good guys? as in SUPERHEROES? yes, we are very lucky to have superheroes like batman/dick cheney walking amongst us.

deeznuts, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 19:47 (fifteen years ago) link

really? I imagine that although dent went down in flames (hur hur) the promise that someone could relieve batman + gordon from living the life they were leading (the dark vigilante and his covert enabler) was still an ideal worth pursuing for them (and us).

xpost to contenderizer

Edward III, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 19:50 (fifteen years ago) link

it's still probably better to have dent as a martyr than as another symbol that the joker won (by turning good citizens into murderers and criminals), but i see what you mean.


Jordan, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 19:51 (fifteen years ago) link

whether you're pro or anti-bush, if you watch tdk with an eye towards how the movie is supporting or violating your political beliefs, you're not going to get the full impact. this discussion gets a lot more interesting when we admit that there isn't a simple answer to the question of whose side this movie is on.

also, imagine christopher nolan walking into a room full of hollywood bigwigs and pitching his $180M-before-marketing-costs blockbuster as "the batman is dubya".

-- Edward III

Does it get more interesting, though? Insisting that this is simply a grey area film for gray area times doesn't really set my imagination on fire.

For what it's worth, I didn't watch with "an eye towards how the movie is supporting or violating" my political beliefs. I just watched it, and I felt that The Dark Knight went out of its way to articulate a political point of view. The film's politics did rub me the wrong way, but I don't think they're something that I simply conjured up without any outside help. I mean, no one seems to be seriously arguing that this is an anti-dubya film.

(And no, I don't imagine Nolan pitched it as "Batman=Dubya". But then, I doubt he had to pitch it at all.)

contenderizer, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 19:59 (fifteen years ago) link

it seems more like an admittance that there are politics to comic book heroes, & that nolan went a bit out of his way to engage with them to make the movie seem more close to the bone to his audience - you really seem stubborn about the idea that the movie justifying (more or less) its heroes actions is in any way equivalent with justifying bush's. it's playing off the national consciousness, & obviously doing it pretty well: it's not justifying wars or wiretapping or anything else, really, except its own main character.

deeznuts, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 20:04 (fifteen years ago) link

this is probably the part where i stress again that that main character is a man who dresses up like a bat

deeznuts, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 20:06 (fifteen years ago) link

And Aslan is just a really big lion.

contenderizer, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 20:10 (fifteen years ago) link

i think the point is, the movie says that lawbreaking by the powerful is sometimes ok because the people doing it are fundamentally good, use wisdom, and the results are heroic, even if people are concerned about the details. it more or less has to say this, because it's an action movie about a superhero -- it's not just genre but drama itself that militates against obvious policy positions even as it demands "engagement with" hot-button topics of the day.

i think david addington believes that kind of thing about himself, the trouble is, he's not a man who dresses up like a bat, as far as we've been able to find out.

goole, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 20:17 (fifteen years ago) link

you never know

latebloomer, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 20:19 (fifteen years ago) link

I think it says it is never ok, and those that do so are necessarily excluded from a lawful society because they undermine it. Batman's methods are not sustainable because he does not hold himself to any law.the aporia is common:law as such is ultimately sustained and protected by something outside the law.

ryan, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 20:24 (fifteen years ago) link

Or, more pessimistically, that law and justice are illusions we subscribe to without recognizing their contingency.

ryan, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 20:27 (fifteen years ago) link

the movie says that lawbreaking by the powerful is sometimes ok because the people doing it are fundamentally good, use wisdom, and the results are heroic, even if people are concerned about the details

i think the movie shows this kind of lawbreaking, speculates it may be heroic, but more than anything says: man, these questions are really troubling and hard to parse.

Batman & friends seem pretty fucking conflicted.

sean gramophone, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 20:33 (fifteen years ago) link

i've been mulling over a bunch of half-thought-through arguments for years that the essential political disagreements in modernity are between boredeom and excitement, and boredom is always the moral choice but a clear loser in the realm of popular argument. decent transit is godawfully boring, so the excitement of the "open road" gets us what we have today. education is boring as fuck, so let's spice up our solution set with vouchers based on the idea of "competition," that'll light a fire under it!

gaining information and working toward security are intensely boring affairs, too -- putting together an accurate picture of the economic patterns of waziristan and a cop walking the same beat for years are less exciting and infintely more useful than stringing a dude up by his nuts or a SWAT team taking the door of some shithole, but dude that's like homework.

so in the end there are very tight limits to what an action movie or really any drama at all can say about what we should do in the world, because the real status quo and any good change to it are just wholly undramatic.

lol this is what my insomnia is made of

goole, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 20:35 (fifteen years ago) link

Yeah. And it's worth agreeing with whoever said above that this is all part of the Batman mythos. Were this Superman we were talking about the context would be way different. Now there's a hero for Bush's self conception!

ryan, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 20:36 (fifteen years ago) link

Speaking of the mythology...

Batman's methods are not sustainable because he does not hold himself to any law.
That's always been the Batman's situation: his greatest strength and his curse. He protects society by doing what the socially-bound cannot or will not, and in doing so accepts his own exclusion from society. His outcast "darkness" then becomes a badge not only of vigilante justice, but of the price he secretly and willingly pays in the name of the greater good. This is intrinsic to the character, and always has been. The Batman is a very dark and compromised hero, but he's a hero nonetheless -- one ideally suited to dark and compromised situations.

Connecting this basic character material to real-world situations that seem to echo the Bush administration is where things get tricky. And I do not for a second accept that the film condemns the Batman's tactics and/or overall course of action.

contenderizer, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 20:38 (fifteen years ago) link

See I was thinking that if bush = Batman then we should chase bush out of office!

ryan, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 20:41 (fifteen years ago) link

so in the end there are very tight limits to what an action movie or really any drama at all can say about what we should do in the world, because the real status quo and any good change to it are just wholly undramatic.

-- goole

OTM. But that's why, in drawing parallels between the imaginary world in which they operate and the real world in which they're presented, action movies have to be somewhat careful, lest they send messages they don't intend.

contenderizer, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 20:42 (fifteen years ago) link

Connecting this basic character material to real-world situations that seem to echo the Bush administration is where things get tricky. And I do not for a second accept that the film condemns the Batman's tactics and/or overall course of action.

-- contenderizer

what effort really has to be made to connect them? the connections are going to be there anyway - gotham is already giving batman way more power than any one man should have, right? why is it ok for him to have that power?

the movie bothers to ask that question, it answers as it should, (BECAUSE HES A FUCKING SUPERHERO) & now its catching flack from you for it!

deeznuts, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 20:49 (fifteen years ago) link

also, remember the way the wannabe non-batman-batman vigilantes were treated by this movie? (not well)

deeznuts, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 20:55 (fifteen years ago) link

I don't think that Batman is a natural, obvious parallel to the Bush admin. The metaphor I'm talking about isn't built into the character's basic mythology. Filmmakers had to drag in terrorism, torture, domestic surveillance and the nobility of lying to create the subtext.

gotham is already giving batman way more power than any one man should have, right? why is it ok for him to have that power?
That's a different discussion. It's an interesting point, but it's not what I've been talking about here, and I don't think it's one of the film's primary themes. Batman isn't really given any power at all -- he simply does what he wants, operating outside the law. Gordon and the citizens of the city may condone or even celebrate this, but Batman is more free than he is powerful.

contenderizer, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 21:07 (fifteen years ago) link

The metaphor I'm talking about isn't built into the character's basic mythology. Filmmakers had to drag in terrorism, torture, domestic surveillance and the nobility of lying to create the subtext.

To the extent that it matters, the filmmakers don't have to go far -- all of that stuff exists in Batman's history in the comics to some degree or another. Most recently, he created a satellite surveillance system called Brother Eye to keep track of all other powered beings on Earth, because he stopped trusting them after discovering that the JLA had previously subjected him to a mindwipe. Unfortunately, Brother Eye was compromised by his enemies, causing many deaths.

He's also brushed up against torture many, many times in recent years, going so far as to put a loaded gun to a criminal's head with his finger on the trigger, only to be stopped by Wonder Woman from going through with it.

Pancakes Hackman, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 23:10 (fifteen years ago) link

For what it's worth a lot of forgettable dialogue in the beginning addresses these issues.

And authoritarianism is brought up when Rachel mentions Caesar.

ryan, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 23:21 (fifteen years ago) link

Pancakes: Yeah, I know that Batman has dealt with all/most of these issues before -- their presence in this context doesn't start with the film. But in bringing up Batman's "mythos", I was focusing more on the basic essence of the character than all the permutations he's been run through in this or that DC title (his history). But I can't deny that a taste for brutality and for snooping where the law might not allow are a big part of what distinguishes the Batman from most other DCU superheroes. Even the characterization of the Joker -- as the embodiment of a malignant nihilism that naturally opposes civilization-enabling order and faith -- has roots in the comics. Still, I think it would be easy to make a Batman film that doesn't function as a direct apologia (in roxy's words) for Bush/Cheney war-on-terror policies. And I'm not convinced that it's mere coincidence that The Dark Knight fills this role so well.

contenderizer, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 23:56 (fifteen years ago) link

just for the sake of clarity: you do think that Nolan intended the film as an apologia for Bush?

Interesting things I noticed this time through:

-vigilante to Batman: "what's the difference between you and me?"
-the aforementioned bit about Caesar suggesting that Nolan knows full well that terrorism is often used as an excuse for authoritarianism, and that even good intentions can have that effect.
-that batman doesnt seem to recognize that the joker is the logical consequence of his own actions. stepping outside the law to protect it forces one to confront the utter chaos and nihilism that the law normally shields us from. it's strongly suggested in the film that batman "makes" the joker appear.

ryan, Wednesday, 30 July 2008 00:10 (fifteen years ago) link

in other words, the joker is like what happens when batman upsets the natural order of cops vs criminals...and like some metaphysical entity made flesh he has to face the nihilism that his own vigilanteism implies.

ryan, Wednesday, 30 July 2008 00:12 (fifteen years ago) link

just for the sake of clarity: you do think that Nolan intended the film as an apologia for Bush?
I don't know. I do think that the strong parallels between Batman actions and the Bush admin's war on terror aren't entirely accidental. But I'm not sure what Nolan & Co. intended, or that I'm reading the film correctly.

...batman doesnt seem to recognize that the joker is the logical consequence of his own actions. stepping outside the law to protect it forces one to confront the utter chaos and nihilism that the law normally shields us from. it's strongly suggested in the film that batman "makes" the joker appear.
OTM. It's only in this sense that the film might seem to find fault with the Batman's course of action. And, of course, this too works as part of the metaphor, echoing the familiar assertions that the United States sponsored Al-Qaeda's rise to power and perhaps even invited the 9/11 attacks.

While it's fair to say that Batman similarly "made the Joker appear", it isn't because he did anything wrong. He simply refused to accept the corrupt compromise between crime and justice that allowed the city to function smoothly. His only fault is the hubris that led him to think he might make Gotham/the world a better place. And while the film does suggest that we unbalance the status quo at our peril, it also argues that once the forces of chaos have been unleashed, we have no choice but to fight them on their own terms.

the joker is like what happens when batman upsets the natural order of cops vs criminals...and like some metaphysical entity made flesh he has to face the nihilism that his own vigilanteism implies.
This is a strong counter-argument to what I've been saying, and I can't deny that it's also present in the film.

contenderizer, Wednesday, 30 July 2008 00:36 (fifteen years ago) link

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